Part 1 Mobile phone
What was your first mobile phone?
[audio mp3=""][/audio] I bought my first mobile phone with the money I made from a part time job when I was in college. It was a Sony Ericsson which I don’t think makes phones anymore, I don’t know if the company still exists. It wasn’t a smart phone, it didn’t do much, except that it could play MP3 files, which was a big deal for a phone back then. It was actually a big selling point at the time.Do you often use your mobile phone for texting or calls?
[audio mp3=""][/audio] Most of the time, I use my phone for texting. I’m just not a fan of calling people on the phone, in fact, I always avoid calling people and I don’t like people calling me either. I’m more used to communicating with people via messages. Besides, these days, I feel like I get a ton of cold calls and robocalls that try to sell me goods or services. I just won’t pick up a call unless it’s from somebody I know I want to talk to.Will you buy a new one in the future?
[audio mp3=""][/audio] Definitely. You know how it is with today’s smart phones, when you get a new phone, it’s super fast, the battery lasts for a, um, reasonable period of time. Then after a year or so, it slows down, and the battery ages, and you need a new phone. And Apple does this really smart thing, you can buy the newest iPhone with 24 monthly payments, no interest charged at all. People don’t feel like they have to spend big bucks when buying a new iPhone when in fact it costs nearly 2000 dollars. So I find myself keep buying a new iPhone every two years.How has your mobile phone changed your life?
[audio mp3=""][/audio] Sure it has. First of all, my mobile phone allows me to stay in contact with people I care about. I’m able to talk to them anytime, anywhere. And most of the time, I communicate with the people I work with on my phone and I keep track of my work using phone apps like Evernote, so my phone is an indispensable part of my work life. Last but not least, my phone also has changed the way I entertain myself, whenever I feel stressed out from work, I’d take a few minutes off and watch cute kitten videos on TikTok and get relaxed.注释:
cold calls / robocall call 营销电话本文作者