主题:社区新移民咨询 题型:填空 1. permission 2. 25,000 3. resident 4. senior 5. permanent 6. insurance 7. address 8. bank 9. tax 10. 18663878392SECTION 2
主题:天堂岛旅游 题型:选择+地图 选择: 11. C. red track 12. B. nocturnal walk 13. C. changing room locker 14. B. fishing 15. B. banana boating 16. A. canoeing 地图: 17. Restaurant: D 18. Gift office: C 19. Children center: H 20. Bicycle hire: ESECTION 3
主题:澳大利亚风力发电 题型:填空 21. pump water 22. research 23. noisy 24. birds 25. 50% 26. plane 27. Europe 28. government 29. lower 30. timberSECTION 4
主题:帮助写作的网站介绍 题型:单选+多选+填空 单选: 31. A. advice from one of her colleagues 32. C. other writers 33. B. a former student’s exam paper 34. B. her students’ journals 多选: 35-36. B. length for a given writing E. persuasive writing argument 填空: 37. answer 38. scores 39. academic report 40. code2022年4月9日雅思阅读考情回顾
Passage 1
主题:澳大利亚考拉 题型:选择+判断+选择Passage 2
主题:可可历史 题型:匹配+判断+填空Passage 3
Task 1
英国学生上学人数(柱状图),政府补贴(折线图),家庭背景(饼图)Task 2
In the past, people ate local food in season. Nowadays, people buy a variety of food from all over the world and any season. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 信息来源于考生回忆与网络整理,答案和顺序可能不准确。 欢迎留言指正和补充!雅思备考资料
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