Part 2
Describe a person who you follow on social media
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/P2-1.mp3"][/audio] You should say Who he/she is How you knew him/her What he/she posts on social media And explain why follow him/her on social media I would like to talk about Li Ziqi, a Chinese influencer on Weibo, which is China’s equivalent of twitter and she also has millions of followers on TikTok and Youtube. People loved watching her videos so much during covid-19 quarantine that she was dubbed “Quarantine Queen” by the New York Times. Li Ziqi posts these extremely slow moving, long set of videos where she performs culinary magic and farm to table hood that people can only aspire to. She grows all of her food while wearing simple, perfect clothes. She barely says a word in these videos, so language isn’t a barrier, it’s all very visual, like, that just translates well. But there's also this escape factor, too. Like she's not just popular because she doesn't talk. She's also showing this insanely perfect country living lifestyle. And that touched on a pretty global nerve, which is this universal urban malaise. This kind of frustration with living in a world of not only burnout and kind of profit seeking driven machines, but also in recent years, a Coronavirus that is, you know, constraining everyone in their homes. It's sort of perfect in this time of quarantining, right? — that we would gravitate to somebody outside in nature. Nature is healing, right, and Li Ziqi... she is in that nature. And for people who’ve gone to large cities to work from villages. They're part of a rat race. They're hustling every day and they're utterly exhausted. And for some of these people, this idea of leaving the urban sprawl, the rat race, is very appealing. I think that's a global phenomenon, really. And this is perhaps why Li Ziqi’s videos are popular globally as well.注释:
influencer 网红 equivalent 同等物 culinary 烹饪的 aspire to 想要做到(成为) touch on sb’s nerve 触及到某人的神经 malaise 疾病 burnout 精疲力竭的 profit seeking 向钱看的 gravitate to 被吸引 urban sprawl 城市扩张(贬义) dub 给取小名,昵称Part 3
1. Why are children attracted to new things (such as electronics)?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/P3-1-1.mp3"][/audio] Children are naturally curious about things that they don’t know about, they just have this urge to figure out what’s going on, it’s really part of their learning process. Electronics are sophisticated gadgets on which children can spend hours on end exploring games and apps, that just gives them so much fun. And children also like sharing this experience with friends, like when they get a PS5, they’ll definitely brag about it.2. Why do some grown-ups hate to throw out old things (such as clothes)?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/P3-2-1.mp3"][/audio] I think most adults are nostalgic, they hold on to their memories tight, like they are emotionally-attached to old things around the house, because these things remind them of what they had in the past. Maybe it’s a pair of old, skinny jeans that don’t fit anymore, but it’s nice to know that they used to be thin and beautiful, maybe someday they’d be able to lose all that weight, and they would be able to rock those jeans again and feel young again.3. Is the way people buy new things affected? How?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/P3-3-1.mp3"][/audio] Well, there’s this trend that I have noticed, it’s that people nowadays buy way more than they need, than they can afford, like we are in the trap of consumerism. We are led to believe that the more we buy, the happier we’ll be, like having a Louise Vuitton bag can instantly make you a better person, even if you pay for it by credit card. And there’s just so much advertising on social media and online shopping makes it super easy for people to spend their money. And people, especially young people are easily swayed, and that’s why a lot of millennials don’t have any savings, they just spend their money on clothes and avocado toasts.4. What do you think influences people when buying new things?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/P3-4-1.mp3"][/audio] I think prices are always a big factor, like during major sales, people really go on shopping sprees and buy a whole lot of new stuff. When you see the items that you added to your wishlist go on sale, like 50% or 60% off, it can feel like a sin not to buy them right away. Fashion trends also play an important role in shaping people’s shopping behavior, this is especially true for people who are fashion-conscious, to keep up with fashion trends, that means constantly shelling out for new clothes.注释:
urge 冲动 nostalgic 怀旧的 hold on to sth tight 紧紧抓住(某物) rock 把(衣服)穿的很好看 the trap of consumerism 消费主义的陷阱 go on a shopping spree 大买特买 shape sb’s behavior 影响某人的行为 shell out for 为某物花大价钱本文作者
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