In college, students can learn more professional knowledge, which helps them to have a deeper understanding of the major subject, and form the basis of their further learning, so they are better able to make achievements in the related field and contribute to the society.2.积累人脉,提供机会和支持
Students can accumulate valuable people resources. For example, the alumni. They may recommend you to some great companies, share information about the current needs of the job market, and tips on how to write resume, make appealing self-introduction, and dress more appropriately.3.锻炼合作能力,提高解决问题的效率
One important thing students can learn at a college is how to work with others. Students are often involved in group projects where they can meet people from various backgrounds with different personalities. So they have opportunities to learn how to deal with conflicts and communicate effectively, so problems can be solved effectively.4.培养研究能力,提高自己的竞争力
Students get to develop research skills. When doing research, they need to collect and analyze data, write reports and papers, and compile materials, which helps them pay attention to details and cultivate their independent learning ability. Also, the research experience can boost up their resume. 段子有了,可以怎么用呢?我们来看一道题: Some people believe that a person needs a college education in order to have a successful career, others believe that a college education is not necessary for success. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why. 这道题我们选择应该接受大学教育。理由从上面挑出两个最容易和就职扯上关系的:一是学到专业知识,二是能够积累人脉。所以这样作答: I really believe students need college education in order to have a successful career. First, In college, students can learn more professional knowledge, which helps them to have a deeper understanding of the major subject, and form the basis of their further learning, so they are better able to make achievements in the related field and contribute to the society. Second, students can accumulate valuable people resources. For example, the alumni. They may recommend you to some great companies, share information about the current needs of the job market, and tips on how to write resume, make appealing self-introduction, and dress more appropriately. 再来几道练习,帮助大家巩固知识的迁移能力。 (1):Do you agree or disagree that college students should do an internship before graduation? 同样的,在实习中,你肯定会遇到未来能帮助到自己的人,积累人脉;并且在实习过程中,你需要和不同的人打交道,因此可以说锻炼到与人合作的能力。基本上可以照搬,就不做示范了。 (2):Some people believe that higher education is for all students. Other people believe that higher education is only suitable for certain students. Which opinion do you think is better and why? 这道题特殊一点,因为含有only这种极端词,并且短时间让我们想出对于哪些学生才是更适合的比较难,不如直接从正方入手。即说出两点大学教育带来的普遍好处,比如学到知识、锻炼能力,强调这些都是可以从长远带来益处的即可。示范如下: I believe that higher education is for all students. In college, students can learn more professional knowledge, which helps them to have a deeper understanding of the major subject, and form the basis of their further learning, so they are better able to make achievements in the related field and contribute to the society. Another important thing that students can learn at a college is how to work with others. Students are often involved in group projects where they can meet people from various backgrounds with different personalities. So they have opportunities to learn how to deal with conflicts and communicate effectively, so problems can be solved effectively. (3) :Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students go to college only to find a job after graduation. 这道题和上一题类似。因为含有only这种极端词,选择不同意肯定是更好论证。因为只需要一段承认其合理性,另一段找到一个理由去反驳即可。比如,首先,可以指出在大学里学生除了能学到专业知识和技能,还更能锻炼到不同的能力,领导能力、沟通技能,这是使人一生受用的。另外,如果学生只是想要就业,大可不必上花这么多费用大学,直接上技校就好了。那么给大家示范如下: I disagree that students go to college only to find a job after graduation. In college, students can learn professional knowledge, which helps them to have a deeper understanding of the major subject, and form the basis of their further learning, so they are better able to make achievements in the related field and contribute to the society. Besides, they can also learn how to work with others. For example, they are often involved in group projects where they can meet people from various backgrounds with different personalities. So they have opportunities to learn how to deal with conflicts and communicate effectively. However, if finding a job is the only purpose, they can either go to some vocational school and save some money.托福口语教育类题目:学习方式
具体的问法包括:怎样完成作业,是演讲好还是写论文好;应该怎样评分,按照课堂表现给分还是写一篇期末论文;是老师全程讲解还是学生也进行一部分的发言比较好;是喜欢做大量的作业,还是喜欢在学习上有更多的自主权? 既然这些都是学校教育的一部分,那么肯定具备一些内在的好处,我们可以直接使用前面第一类题目提到过的内容,比如锻炼合作能力,提高解决问题的效率,因为学校环境的固有特点就是可以和其他人交流与互动。可以认识人,那么就可以自然想到能帮助积累重要人脉资源。比如这道题: Teachers nowadays prefer to give students group assignments instead of individual assignments. Do you think it’s a good idea? 选择group assignment 很容易回答。首先,你需要和不同的人打交道,因此可以说锻炼到与人合作的能力。第二点,可以说能帮助积累重要的人脉资源。基本照搬。 此外,选择哪种方式的目的是为了获得更好的学习效果,因此我们还可以考虑至少一下两个因素:获取知识的途径(信息呈现的方式)是否多样,以及是否能直接获得反馈。 比如这道题: There are two ways to finish your final project. Some students prefer to do a presentation. Others prefer to write a paper. Which do you prefer and why? 注意到两种形式的主要区别在于一:信息呈现方式的多样性---presentation可以使用多样化视觉效果,但paper只是单纯的文字形式,没有能够直接进行答疑的机会。第二个区别在于是否需要和其他人合作,那么很自然可以想到锻炼合作能力,提高解决问题的效率这一点。答题示范如下: I prefer to do a presentation for the following reasons. First, doing presentation provides opportunities to interact with the audiences, so it will help them better understand the major subject. When students write papers, they can only convey the ideas through a single form--words. However, with presentations, it’s possible for listeners to ask questions. Second, students can learn how to work with others. For example, in a group, different students have different personalities, and opinions vary as well. So they have opportunities to learn how to deal with conflicts and communicate effectively, so problems can be solved effectively. 又比如: Some people believe that teachers should communicate with students in class. Others believe that teachers should communicate with students by sending emails. Which way do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 这道题我们选择communicate with students in class. 好处一是在课堂上可以直接获得老师的反馈,问题能及时得到解答。二是考虑到邮件能传递到内容有限,加上老师繁忙,不太可能对每个学生的问题一一进行详尽回复,因此直接和老师交流能帮助获得更多信息。示范如下: I think it’s better if the teachers can communicate with students in class. First, this allows students to get immediate feedback from the teacher. Sometimes one questions leads to another, and it takes more than one round of explanation. But with emails, it’s possible that the teacher fail to check it in time. And by the time the students receive a reply, it may be days later. As a result, problems can’t be solved efficiently. Second, communicating in class helps students to learn more knowledge. This is because teachers are usually busy with teaching, preparing for classes, and grading assignments, it’s not likely that they have the time to write a detailed an reply for each email received.文末练习
下面是练习,大家可以根据上面的构思引导,自己写出作答。 (1)You will need to accomplish an assignment. Which do you prefer? Act out a scene from a play (with a partner) or explain your review of a novel. (2)Many people think that students learn course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effectively by doing other activities, like completing projects, which one do you think is more effective? (3)Some students like to take notes in class, others prefer to mainly listen to the teachers Which one do you prefer? Explain why. (4)Some students prefer to be grade by their performance in class discussions while other students prefer to be graded only be their written work like papers. Which would you prefer and why? (5)Some students prefer to review their notes regularly; while others prefer to review their notes just before test. Which do you prefer and explain why?本文作者

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托福独立口语作为口语考试的第一关,发挥不好很容易影响后面的答题状态。怎样在平常做到充分练习应对场上的15秒?积累+练习!通过上文的展示,同学们应该明白了怎样举一反三,根据题目类型和条件进行快速构思。接下来更重要的是按照方法,配合相应的题目进行强化。 这里为同学们准备了五道托福独立口语真题答题指导和示范。该资料中包含了对于题目本身的分析、思路讲解和答题示范。真题难得,解析更难得,有需要的同学可以发送暗号【学习方式类】联系马甲获取哦!
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