本次话题来自最新口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!带你了解老外地道口语表达~

Spending time with others
1.Do you like talking with people?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/1.mp3"][/audio]
I enjoy talking with people that are close to me, I feel like they are the people who really get me, I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts with them and confiding in them. It’s always nice to have someone to talk to when I need it. But I don’t talk that much to strangers, actually I avoid talking to strangers as much as I can. Sometimes my Uber driver tries to get in conversation with me, it always makes me feel awkward.
2.How do you like spending time with your friends?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/2.mp3"][/audio]
When me and friends hang out together, we often get food together , we talk a lot over food, cracking jokes and stuff. We enjoy each other’s company. Sometimes we eat out, sometimes I invite them over and I cook for them. Other times, we meet up at gym classes, and that’s the only way to get my lazy ass moving.
3.Would you prefer to study alone or with others?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/3.mp3"][/audio]
I think I prefer to study all by myself, when I study, I want zero distraction, when I study with others, I always end up chatting with them instead of focusing on my schoolwork, I just don’t have that much self control. Besides, in group study, there are always people who come unprepared, asking a bunch of basic questions and some of us just have to spend a lot of time explaining things to them, then it just turns into a tutoring session. It wastes everybody’s time.
4.Do you remember a time when you need to cooperate with others?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/4.mp3"][/audio]
When I was in college, one of our profs gave us this assignment where we needed to do a group presentation. We were supposed to work together, like everybody had a specific job to do… it didn’t go well. There were 5 of us, me and another guy ended up doing most of work, looking up information, and doing the speech. The other 3 just didn’t show up at all, they were freeloaders! In the end, the prof gave all of us the same score, it was a very frustrating experience.
get sb 懂某人
confide in 吐露心声
freeloader 揩油者