对于语言基础并不扎实的小白鸭同学来说,掌握数据不同走向、倍数、分数等表达是写好表格的重中之重,因为在评分标准中lexical resource要求我们的用词和句法要有多样性,因此很多同学会从天南海北搜罗“史上最全/最强/最高级折线图表达”,then, 早鸟同学会紧锣密鼓的开始背诵,懒癌晚期的同学会任它们在收藏夹中自生自灭。 但实际上,脑子输入越多,在正式写文章的时候越容易混乱,会纠结到底选择哪个表达最合适呢,严重些还可能会用错。因此,在积累句式表达的时候,一定要遵循一个原则:less is more每一类的表达积累2-3个即可。![](https://testdaily-static.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/f/2024-09-29/2024092921205906c682f952.jpg)
同折线图表达,具体可参考:快速入门task 1折线图,看这一篇就够了!|| 雅思干货描述倍数
过去十年,核能所占的比例已经由之前的5%增长到现在的10%。 Over the past decade, the percentage of riceincreased by 20% to 40%. 用double Over the past decade, rice doubled its percentage from 20% to 40%. 农业用水由1900年的500km3 增长至现在2000km3. Water used in agriculture is 4 times as much as that in 1900(500km3). Water usage in agriculture is 4 times more than that in 1900 (500km3). Agriculture quadrupledits usage from 500km3 in 1900 to 2000km3 at present. Agriculture use has increased fourfold over the past century.描述分数
他们中约有三分之一抵达美国的人是难民。 About one-third of them arrived in the U.S. are refugees. (谓语动词的单复数取决于名词) 近一半的非裔美国成年人有某种心脏或血管疾病,包括高血压。 Nearly a half African American adults have some sort of heart or vasculardisease, including hypertension. 约四分之三的新增病例出现在中国以外地区。 About three-fourths of all new infections are being reported in countries other than China. 在表格题的写作中,对数据进行描述如果全部使用题目中给出的数字或者百分比会略显单调,如果在做数据的对比时出现了倍数或者分数关系,可以尝试进行替换,体现出词汇、句式表的灵活性。分析图表
掌握好常用的句式词汇表达后,我们要进阶到图表分析阶段啦。 表格题的数据看似杂乱无章,让人无从下手,实际上,我们只要找好数据分类的标准,就可以化繁为简。 分类标准:1. 按纵轴分类 2. 按横轴分类 具体按照哪一轴要根据图表中给出的数据来判断,如果横轴中的数据对比关系明显,并包含一些特殊数据(如最大值,最小值,等值,倍数关系等),我们就可以按照横轴进行描述,纵轴同理。 来看下面这道题![](https://testdaily-static.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/f/2024-09-29/20240929212059bfa60d5ffe.jpg)
思路分析之后,让我们一起看下范文是如何将这些数据组织成有逻辑的文章吧! The table illustrates the proportions ofpeople across different age categories who rode bicycles in one particular townin 2012. introduction:对题干进行改写 percentage->proportion; age group->different age categories Overall, the table clearly shows that ahigher proportion of females cycled in the given period compared to malesacross all ages. This group (0-9 yrs.) had the largest proportion of cyclists,and age was a clear predictor for decreased cycling activity for both males andfemales, with the exception of the oldest age group (60+), which bucked thistrend. overview: 1、在所有年龄段中,女性骑自行车的比例高于男; 2、0-9岁群体的骑车者比例最大; 3、年龄是男性和女性骑车活动减少的明显因素,最年长的年龄组(60岁以上)除外,它与这一趋势相反。 Turning to the figures, just over half ofall young girls and boys aged 0-9 years rode bikes in the town, with 52.5% and51.2% respectively, amounting to the smallest gender gap of any age group. Incontrast, 43.6% of 10-19 year old girls chose to ride bikes, while only 25.1%of boys did the same. This pattern continued with the 20-39 age group, with18.2% of young women cycling compared to 10.8% of young men. body paragraph 1(直接按年龄顺序进行描述): 1、0-9岁的女孩和男孩有一半以上骑自行车,并给出数据。并且是所有年龄组中最小的性别差距,体现出对比逻辑; 2、10-19岁和20-39岁的年龄组数据模式相似,骑自行车的女孩比男孩多。 The gender differences were lesssignificant in middle aged cyclists (40-59), with 13.7% (female) and 9.3%(male). Finally, the over 60s reversed this trend with more cyclists than theprevious two age groups, with 19.8% and 14.6% respectively for females andmales. body paragraph 2: 1、中年骑车者(40-59岁)的性别差异不太明显,给出数据。 2、60岁以上的人扭转了这一趋势,骑自行车的人多于前两个年龄组,并给出数据。 以上就是表格你需要掌握的重点内容,想要获取更多表格重点题目的思路讲解和示范的同学可以联系马甲发送暗号「表格」即可!本文作者
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