各位AP小伙伴们好呀~2022年5月12日进行的AP世界历史:现代考试已经结束,本场考试为线下纸笔考试,CB官网已更新了北美地区考试所用到的FRQ真题。TD也邀请教研组老师针对这套「北美卷」,做出了对应的题目点评与考点分析。 2022AP世界历史北美FRQ真题,滑至文末即可领取。






这道题出自历史学家Michal Biran的secondary source文章,SAQ 第1题往往是整个SAQ里面最难的一道,相较前两年的考试这道题的阅读难度不高,作者的观点十分清晰。三道题中第二小题有点难,第一问和第三问较为简单考点难点 这道题考查的是第二单元蒙古帝国及其影响,作者指出蒙古的扩张被认为是欧亚大陆变化的最后一个篇章,但同时更被认为是新时期的第一个篇章。作者的核心观点在最后一句,蒙古时代是“旧世界”更加融合的时期,但蒙古人并不仅限于被动的媒介作用,更是积极推动跨文化交流的枢纽。 第一小题考查的是能够支持作者“蒙古和促进旧世界融合”的观点的经济发展例子 第二小问考查的是能够挑战作者“蒙古作为新时期的第一个篇章”的观点的例子 第三小问考查的是蒙古扩张导致的跨文化交流和交换 答题方向 a) One economic development that would support Biran’s argument regarding the Mongols and the “integration of the old world” was the development of the Silk Road under Mongol rule and Pax Mongolica. The Mongols helped establishing banking houses and caravansaries to facilitate trade and exchange. b) One piece of evidence that would challenge Biran’s argument regarding the Mongol and “the first chapter of a new era” was that the Mongol Empire eventually fragmented soon after expansion and their ruling in Ilkhanate and the Yuan Dynasty were short-lived and unpopular. c) One intercultural transfer resulted from the Mongol conquests was the spread of Chinese art patterns such as the cloud and phoenix motifs to Ilkhanate.





这道题实质在考我们第六单元中关于帝国主义及经济殖民的内容。这道题的关键是同学们是否能够注意到1856年这个年份和地图的作者英国皇家海军,此时的大背景是中国经过鸦片战争逐渐沦为列强的经济殖民地,列强开始了对中国的攫取。说到底这道题其实还是在考时间。 这道题考查的是同学们所熟悉的中国历史内容,应该是众多考生得分的一道题,前两问相对简单,第三问稍微有些难度。 第一问问的是1750-1900年经济发展导致的地图中的情形 第二问问的是1750-1900年政治发展导致的地图中的情形 第三问问的是为何英国皇家海军制作了这张地图


a) One economic development led to the situation was the trade dispute between the British and the Qing Dynasty. British had high demand for Chinese silk and porcelain, yet Chinese were not much interested in British products. Instead, the British came up with the plan to sell highly addictive product— opium to China under Chinese opposition. b) One political development that led to the situation was in 1839, Chinese official forced British trade representative Charles Elliott to hand over smuggled opium for destruction and eventually led to the start of the opium war. c) One reason why the survey of the Canton factories was carried out by the British Royal Navy was due to the Opium war from 1839-1842, largely carried out by the British Royal Navy and signing of the Treaty of Nanking enabled the British to have more trading privilege in China. Perhaps the survey was aimed to help the British merchants to establish more trading posts and warehouses in Canton and it also showed British power over trading posts in Canton.


SAQ 3和4考查的都是热门的考点,CB这两道题出的非常nice,考查第四单元哥伦布大交换及第九单元绿色革命,两道题相对都比较容易,同学们更熟悉哪个内容就选择回答哪道题就好






a) Compass/lateen sail/astrolabe//mapmaking/ knowledge of wind pattern b) Potatoes and corn to Europe resulted to population increase in Europe and Asia. Animals such as horses brought over to America helped Native American to hunt for buffalo c) transfer of disease/environmental degradation







a) Irrigation projects/pesticides/hybrids b)agriculture yields increased and led to population growth in India and Mexico c)Concern over erosion/ deforestation/ biodiversity



Evaluate the extent to which European imperialism affected economies in Africa and/or Asia in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 这道题目考查的又是老生常谈的帝国主义对殖民地的经济影响,只不过今年我们看到CB将非洲和亚洲合并在一起考查,前三个材料来自亚洲,包括印尼及印度;后四个材料来自非洲,包括刚果、津巴布韦、坦桑尼亚。对于考点掌握扎实的同学来说,这道题可谓是送分题,但是对印度及非洲不太熟悉的考生来说,反而是增加了难度,这也是CB罕见的将亚洲和非洲两个不同的洲放在一起考,以往常常是拆开分别去考,凸显此次考试CB更加注重全球联系的趋势。但总体来说文章的阅读难度也有所降低,对国际学生非常友好。




DBQ其实答题思路很多,并没有标准答案,言之有理即可,以下分析供同学参考: ?Doc. 1 Content: Dutch sugar factory hard to get workers due to local peasants had to also work for the cultivation system. Both under the Dutch colonial government in Jakarta, often resulting to multiple demands for labor. HIPPO: Purpose: The author was a manager of government-run sugar factory reporting to the Dutch colonial government, the purpose was aimed for the government to change the current system Group: + local forced to work for colonial government project ?Doc. 2 Content: Reports for British Parliament, Indian changed from exporting textiles to importing British textile from 1810-1830 HIPPO: Historical Situation: Seven Years War, British took more control over India after 1763, mercantilism policy asking colony to provide more raw material and served as a market for colonial power, price was often set by the colonial power, industrialisation Intended Audience: British Parliament, data might be exaggerated to reflect British East India Company’s achievement Outside Evidence: Opium trade between India/China/British Sphere of influence Group: + Imbalanced trade ?Doc. 3 Content: Indian journalist criticizing Indian cotton industry workers not willing to give up their “hereditary trades” and change to other occupations HIPPO: Historical Situation: India Caste System/ no social mobility/rise of nationalism POV: Indian Intellectual Outside Evidence: 1857 Sepoy Rebellion Group: - Maintained traditional occupation + Increased trade under British rule ?Doc. 4 Content: Ruler of Zimbabwe willing to offer rights of raw material in his country in exchange of European technologies such as rifles and economic resources for defense HIPPO: Historical Situation: Great Zimbabwe gold material for trade Outside Evidence: Imperialist Cecil Rhodes proposed to built a railroad in Africa to connect all English colonies from North to South for export African raw material Nuance: entire tribe might not be interested and later rebelled (connect to Doc. 6) Group: + Exchange products for the ruler’s own benefit ?Doc. 5 Content: Congolese refuge reported to Belgian government the harsh condition that Congolese were facing. They often had to pay large amount of rubber and their pay often went to the village chief instead. HIPPO: Historical Situation: Congo and King Leopold II’s rule and mutilation/ Congo’s rubber and ivory sources POV: Congolese refugee might exaggerate the condition they were facing Nuance: African local chief’s power Group: + Colonial extract raw material - Chief remained powerful in dividing economic resources ?Doc. 6 Content: Member of the Ndebele ethnic group of Zimbabwe memoir of working for British mines and farms and were able to gain some economic opportunities. However, the British added heavy taxes and demanded them to pay rent even living on it’s own land. HIPPO: POV: As the event had passed for almost 50 years, it is likely the information was not accurate and given the fact that the information was recorded by anti colonial activist, it is likely that the description of the event was exaggerated Nuance: African local chief’s power over commoners Group: + heavy taxes/unequal treatment ?Doc. 7 Content: Tanzanian suffered harsh treatment by the Germans, often had to work on cotton plantations to produce raw material shipping back to Germany and pay heavy tax, eventually led to rebellion HIPPO: Historical situation: Imperialism demand for raw material and market Berlin Conference in 1884 divided almost all of Africa Memoir not published many years later Group: + heavy taxes/ raw material 看完所有材料,我们可以将材料分为+/-两面,按照目前的分组,+的部分远多于-的部分,因此论点会重点提出帝主义对亚非经济的影响,包括heavy tax/unequal treatment/exploit of raw material, 而-的部分则可以写印度人保持了传统的occupation及local chief仍然有很大的power,并可能成为欧洲殖民者的代理人,另外就是有些非洲当地的elite如坦桑尼亚的统治者能够利用欧洲人换来更多的武器去defend自己的土地。 这道题的背景就非常好写了,industrial revolution和imperialism的rationale都可以提到。


题目分析 In the period before circa 1500, states in the Americas used a variety of institutions, policies, and practices to consolidate and expand their scope and reach. Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which ONE pre-Columbian state in the Americas was successful in consolidating and centralizing its authority during this period.




Inca: Human Sacrifice, Inca Road, Quipu, Mit’a system, bureaucracy, divided empire into 4 provinces and each had a governor Aztec: Human Sacrifice, Tribute system, Tenochititlan, warfare and capture enemy for sacrifice Cahokia: Mound builder, rigid class system Context: Different states used different method to consolidate power (e.g. Civil Service Exam/Devshirme system/Monumental art)   Complexity: Connect to different historical period, after the Spanish took control, mit’a system remained however, more changed Comparison different American empires



In the period circa 1450–1750, the global increase in trans-regional contacts led to both expansion and contraction of existing religions as well as the development of new religious practices. Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which military conflict or conquest was the main cause of religious change in this period.




传播:Spread of Islam and Hinduism through Indian Ocean Trade/ Spread of Christianity and Islam to China through trade/ Spread of Christianity to America through military conflict/ Sunni Shi’a conflict/sufi 融合:Vodun combined Christianity and animism through African forced migration to America/ Virgin of Guadalupe/ Sikhism created through cross culture communication between Hinduism and Islam 反抗: European conquest forced Native American to practice it’s religion in secret/ Pueblo Revolt 总结以上内容,不难找到解题思路。这道题我们可以采用让步的方式,肯定military conflict是主要的原因,但是还有贸易的原因,贸易的例子很多,丝绸之路、印度洋贸易传播宗教,而main argument我们可以举西班牙人conquer美洲之后的传教造成了基督教的传播及syncretism,还造成了Native American偷偷practice自己的宗教;然后我们还可以对比不同的殖民对于宗教的传播力度不同,比如西班牙人对于传播天主教十分热忱,而相应英国在美洲殖民地的传教热情则略逊于西班牙。



In the late twentieth century, the spread of free-market economic ideas led to numerous changes around the world. Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which the spread of free-market ideas led to economic change during this period.


这道题看似难度较大,很多同学看到题目的时候可能会疑惑,不知到底题目在考什么,其实考查的是第九单元的内容。今年的LEQ题目很有意思,第一道和第三道分别考查头尾两个单元的内容,而第二道考查的则是重点第四单元的内容,大家在考试中遇到20世纪后半期的period,其实可以试试用common sense解题,比如这道题我们完全可以推翻他的说法,认为科技的发展更加促进经济的变化;也可以顺着他的思路说。这道题延续了2019年和2021年考卷中最后一道LEQ题目关于period 4中的经济变化的考查,值得重视。


Spread of Free-market idea: Ronald Reagan (US) Margaret Thatcher (Britain) Deng Xiaoping (China) Augusto Pinochet (Chile) Post-War Japan EU Technology: knowledge economy/internet/e-commerce/air travel/petroleum/green revolution/medical innovation Context: End of Cold War/economic growth/technology development



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