

本次话题来自最新口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!带你了解老外地道口语表达~

Part 1 Talents

1. Do you have a talent or something you aregood at?


I’m pretty good atcooking, it’s my thing. Kitchen is where I think Iperform culinary magic. I guess you can say it’s my talent. Ijust have so many signature dishes that I can’t even begin toname. Cooking good food has always been one of my passions. I loveexperimenting with new recipes, and I always try giving a little my personalspin and it’s usually a success. I think I’m a natural for it.

2. Was it mastered recently or when you wereyoung?


I learned to cook at a really young age,like when I was 7/8 years old. I was kinda a prep cook/sous chef for my dad,the chief chef, you know my dad is even a better cook. He made it a point toteach me how to cook. My parents were busy with work, they didn’t have much time to cook. So when theywere not home, I wouldn’t starve and Icould feed myself better food than instant noodles. I just realized theimportance of being able to cook when I was a kid.

3. Do you think your talent can be usefulfor your future work?


When I was in high school, I actuallyseriously thought about opening a restaurant as my career. Then I went tocollege and my education got me into a very different line of work. Now I workin an office building instead of a restaurant kitchen. And I don’t think there’s much of apossibility for me to get into the restaurant business in the future. But in anunexpected way, cooking acts as a stress reliever for me on the weekend, helpsme take my mind off of work.

4. Do you think people in your family havethe same talent?


Oh yeah, my dad and his 4 sisters are allamazing cooks, my dad often reminisces how well my grandparents cooked, how itis a shame that he didn’t learn somerecipes from them. So I guess it really runs in my family. Every time wheneverybody comes together for a family reunion on like The Lunar New Year,everybody cooks something, everybody is in the kitchen, it kinda feels like acooking show. And I just know I’m in for a treat.


sb’s thing 某人感兴趣的东西

culinary 烹饪的

signature dish 拿手菜

a spin 一种特色/一种(带有倾向性的)描述等

natural 天才(n)

prep cook 配菜

sous chef 副厨师

make it a point to do sth 特意做某事

stress reliever 舒缓压力的东西

reminisce 回忆(v)

run in sb’s family 家族遗传

be in for a treat 有(口)福了

Part 1 Boring things

1. What kinds of things would make you feelbored?


For me, not having anything to do, idling,makes me feel bored, like right now, I’m in lockdown, I’m constrained in my home, and I have somuch unstructured time, I’m just running outof ideas to spend it. I’ve been having areally bad case of cabin fever. But even when I’m surrounded bypeople, I could still feel bored, especially when like I’m forced tosocialize with people that I’m not interestedin. We may be talking to each other, but the conversation is really as dull asdishwater.

2. What would you do if you feel bored?


I’d sometimes playcomputer games to kill time, I play this massive online role playing gamecalled World of Warcraft where you basically level up your character, completequests or participate in raids and dungeons, hours can easily go by when I’m gaming. When I don’t feel like gaming, I’d binge podcasts or Netflix or browsesocial media mindlessly. And I’m like well awarethat these things I do are not exactly healthy, I often end up feeling even morebored, but when I’m bored, I justdon’t feel motivated to do anything thatrequires effort.

3. What was the most boring thing you didwhen you were young?


It was probably a wedding my parents tookme to when I was like 7/8, it was held in a hotel. At first I was excited causethere was candy and cake. Later, it got really boring, the adults were alldrinking wine and congratulating the newlyweds, as a kid, I didn’t know what I was doing there, nobodypaid attention to me. I pestered my parents to take me home the whole time, Ithink I even threw a tantrum.

4. Do you think school is boring?


No, not at all. I actually love what Ilearn in school, I try to engage with my teachers during classes, I payattention, apply myself in school because I want to be able to achievesomething with my education. No, school is never boring for me. Besides, when Igo to school, I get to see my friends, we play sports, tease each other, wecreate lots of happy memories together, school life is awesome.


idle 没事做(v)

lockdown 封控(n)

unstructured time 空闲的时间

cabin fever 被关久了想要出去见人的感觉

as dull as dishwater 特别无聊

level up (游戏中)升级(v)

quest (网游)任务

raids and dungeons (网游)团队副本和地下城

binge 狂看/狂追(剧等)

newlywed 新婚夫妇

pester 闹(v)

throw a tantrum 发脾气

tease 捉弄(v)

apply oneself 用功




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