在5.21这个浪漫的日子里,雅思考试为烤鸭们献上了一份贺礼—地图题,这个八百年也不会出现一次的小作文题型,很多同学直呼:真的栓q,直接报下场吧~ 地图题大家普遍的痛点在: 路痴级选手,根本摸不清方向 信息量太大,该从哪写起呢 只会上下左右,表达好单调 本篇文章会为同学们带来地图题详细攻略,让大家即使在考试中遇到了地图题,也能度过美好的时光~ 下面的内容我们还是分成语言积累、思路分析和范文讲解这三部分来学习地图的写法!


对于语言基础并不扎实的小白鸭同学来说,掌握方位词/表存在的描述是写地图的重中之重,因为在评分标准中lexical resource要求我们的用词和句法要有多样性,因此很多同学会从天南海北搜罗“史上最全/最强/最高级折线图表达”,then, 早鸟同学会紧锣密鼓的开始背诵,懒癌晚期的同学会任它们在收藏夹中自生自灭。 但实际上,脑子输入越多,在正式写文章的时候越容易混乱,会纠结到底选择哪个表达最合适呢,严重些还可能会用错。因此,在积累句式表达的时候,一定要遵循一个原则:less is more 每一类的表达积累2-3个即可。


地图题中常用的方位词有:in the east/ west/ south/ north of the village ; in the eastern/ western/ southern northern part of village ...; 如果是在角落,可以用:in the southwestern corner of ... ; 在河流的上/下游:at the lower/ upper reaches of the river; 沿着河岸:alongside the riverbank; 在河流的南端:at the southern end of the river.


build construct establish set up appear emerge pave


pull down knock down convert replace disappear vanish


掌握好常用的词汇表达后,我们要进阶到分析阶段啦。 地图题和其它数据型图表一样,强调比较,并且需要描述地图中给出的所有信息。


1. 观察地图,明确需要覆盖的信息 找到地图中最明显的变化特征,用来写overview的部分;此外还需要注意观察地图中的小细节变化,不要有遗漏。(有些地图的标题中也会涉及到变化,不要只看图中内容,也要留心下标题哦) 2. 确定文章时态 过去的时间用过去时,如果给出的是现在的样貌用现在时,给出将来可能的变化用将来时。 3. 找到对比的点 信息明确后,开始对其进行整合处理,分析哪些作为重点的对比对象,比如扩大/缩小/新建/拆除等。关于地图中没有变化的事物,也可以给出描述。 4. 划分段落 不能把所有信息全都放置到一个段落中,会显得逻辑混乱,段落结构不清晰。那么如何分段呢?方式还是比较灵活的。
按地图顺序:第一张图写一段,第二张图写一段,并给出变化; 按方向:找准方向的基点,比如按东西南北进行描述,先从东写到西,第二段从南写到北;或者由内到外、由外到内;顺时针逆时针都?️ 按事物主次:明显变化放到一段,再把次要事物放到一段。


思路分析之后,让我们一起看下范文是如何将这些要点组成有逻辑的文章吧! The maps below show a science park in 2008 and the same park today. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. The maps detail alterations to a science park dating back to 2008. intro:对题干内容进行改写,in 2008 and the same park today=> dating back to 2008;确定好文章时态,描述第一张图用过去时,第二张用一般现在时。 Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the park has expanded to include more areas for research, education and improved accessibility. overview:找到最明显的特征,多了research/university hub和其它设施的改进。 Considering initially the northern end of the park, in 2008 there was considerable untouched natural land that has now been replaced with a research and development center (the reception area was also removed in favor of a university hub, while the adjacent offices remain the same). South of these new facilities, the car park has reduced in size, the business units are unchanged, and, most significantly, the cyber security building has been enlarged, overtaking previously undeveloped land. In the southern section of the park, the circular IT centre has been transformed into an innovation centre and there is a new train station on the southernmost tracks with walkways branching off to various facilities. Finally, there are additional biking routes along an eastern road and running through the centre of the park past the car park and new buildings as well as a bus stop on the eastern side of campus. body paragraph: 确定好分段,先描述上半部分的变化和不变,再描述下半部分。最后别忘了注意两个图表中间的文字说明,把交通道路的改善添加到第二个主体段中。





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