独立写作的评分标准:考生如何展开论点、组织文章结构,并运用语言表达自己的观点。 其中,展开论点就是用各种支持内容(包括事例、细节、理由等)来支持文章的观点。要得高分,就得按照评分指导的原则写作文——“很好地展开论点、运用恰当清晰的解释、例证和细节”。托福独立写作主体段落是文章论述的重点,从结构上来看,主体段的写作应该做到八个字:有头有尾,有理有据


Topic sentence+ Supporting information +Conclusion
主旨句 Topic sentence: broad enough to cover 支持内容 Supporting: structured reasons & examples 段落总结 Conclusion: omissible
上篇文章我们重点围绕了主旨句的写作方式,今天我们来开始聊汉堡中最重要的主料——段落主旨句的支持内容。 在进行段落的展开的时候,我们需要始终保持一个原则:所有的展开展开信息都是为了证明我们的段落主旨,所以在段落展开的过程中需要尽量避免一些跟话题和主旨没有关系的信息。接下来我们会从5种方式来进行段落展开:

1. 下定义

在主旨表达完了以后,我们可以尝试对主旨句中的关键名词来进行下定义(是什么);但是要注意,我们的下定义,并不是全方位的进行解释,而是有针对性的,要与与我们的主旨句和话题的态度来产生联系,比如下面这个话题。 ?话题: Older teenagers(between 16 and 19)should be allowed to work at paid part-time job or not. ?主旨句: By doing part-time jobs, teenagers are able to improve their communication skills. ?下定义: Communication skills are very important skills that we can use to better express ourselves when giving information to other people by using signals such as speech, body movements, or online messages. 在这个话题中,我们尝试着对分论点中的communication skills来定义成通过语言、肢体语言等等来表达更好表达我们自己,一是想突出交流能力的确重要,二是可以引出我们后面可能会展开的信息,去描述清楚在兼职活动中我们是如何通过跟不同人用不同的交流形式来提升我们的交流能力。


道理论证最常用的是因果展开,也是人类逻辑中最基础的关系之一。所谓因果,就是原因-结果,我们在上一篇文章中提到过,在表达主旨的时候可以尽量多表达一些结论/结果性的信息,所以接下来我们衔接主旨做的最直接的论证方式就是可以给出结果对应的原因why。 ?话题: Children aged between 7 and 11 spend too much time watching television or playing video games, and this is causing problems. ?TS1: Spending too much time watching TV or playing video games is bad for children’s study and health. ?因果论证: Children usually lack self discipline, they tend to neglect their studies especially when they are addicted to video games, which will result in poor academic performance. ?TS2: In addition, it will aggravate the social problems, such as the youth crime. ?因果论证: It is common that some TV programs and video games contain some pornographic and violent contents, which should not be shown to young children. If they are exposed to such information a lot, they will have the tendency of violence. 在第一个分论点当中,我们通过给出“孩子缺乏自制力——会对游戏上瘾”这个经常出现的情况,来解释说明还说明孩子游戏为什么会影响学习;第二个分论点中,我们给出了“很多电影包含不良信息”这个事实,来说明这些会影响孩子在生活中的行为。这两个因果论证都存在一个特征,就是多会使用一些普遍存在的现象或者客观存在的真理来解释我们的一些主旨观点,这其实就是我们常说的“摆事实,讲道理”中的讲道理。

3. 细节论证

细节论证是一种非常重要的充实我们主体段落的一种手段,相对于举例论证来说,它可以表达更多的细节,呈现更多事实依据。 ?TS: Getting involved in more activities can be conducive to the all-round development of students. ?因果论证: It is self-evident that different activities can equip participants with various skills and abilities. ?细节论证: To illustrate, 1) students attending musical classes can learn how to appreciate the classical works of famous musicians and thus improve their aesthetic capability. 2) Similarly, participating in team sports will help students cultivate a sense of cooperation as well as enhance their leadership. 细节论证本质上其实就是对我们前面的主旨/因果论证中的关键信息来进行拆解,我们这里是想强调参加不同的活动可以培养不同的技能,从而能够带来全面发展,所以后面就可以直接并列表达出来参加哪些不同的活动可以分别什么不同的能力,这就能够突出我们获得的能力的广泛;相较于举例论证多数情况下只能表达单一的场景,我们的细节论证可以表达更多并列的支持点

4. 举例论证

如果说道理论证就是讲道理,那么举例就是在摆事实。在论证观点的时候,我们经常用事实现象,具体的故事,甚至假定的情节等证明某个观点。 例子的使用很灵活,我们首先将例子分为泛例和特定例子。泛例是相对特定例子而言的。特定例子是指在议论文中有特定的、具体明确指示对象的事例。 泛例是指在议论文中没有特定的指示对象,却能指示一类现象的事例。在一篇议论文中,特定例子因其典型性强、易于分析而被广泛使用,但泛例也有着不可替代的作用。


?话题: Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smart phone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development. ?主旨句: In addition, video games can help children to learn strategic thinking, which is are also necessary for their growth. ?举例论证: For example, when I am playing FIFA 2016, I have to manage my team members according to their physical strength so that I could beat other teams. //For those who run quickly, it would be a good idea for them to play forward; /for those who are tall and strong, they would be better playing middle field. Because of this team management strategy, I have achieved many titles in the game. //Learning from this, I would allocate my time in finishing homework according to my energy level. /When I am energetic, I might choose the most difficult homework; if I am tired, I might choose some easy-to-do tasks, which would not cost me much time.


?主旨句: Young people are the main driving force behind the boost in the economy. ?因果论证: In today’s business world where products are becoming increasingly identical to each other, it is creativity rather than experience that is the key to product differentiation and then profit maximization. ?举例论证: Considering that creativity and imagination only peak at a young age, it is not surprising that millionaires in the world are younger and younger. The founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin used a garage as their first office when they were 25-year old; Steve Jobs started his apple empire at his parent’s garage when he was only 21 years old. Other examples include the founder of Amazon, Hewlett-Package, Disney, YouTube, etc. These young entrepreneurs are all the best illustration that young people are changing the world. 任何举例的形式都是合适的,我们既可以在第一个例子里面表达更多的细节和场景,让读者能够更加有画面感;也可以简化更多平行的例子来表达更多并列的信息[这种方式与我们的细节论证很相似],只要能够起到证明观点的作用就行。

5. 对比

对比论证是我们考虑使用的一种备选论证方式,当我们前期想到的细节和具体例子都很有限的时候,就可以在段落中论述意思相反的两种情况,这种方式在二选一话题中会更加有效。 ?话题: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises. ?主旨句: Moreover, exercises help people utilize their leisure time more constructively. ?对比论证: People gain motor skills and other relevant traits like strength, flexibility and coordination. //On the other hand, some books and programs on television end up making the viewers imitate bad habits which they see from the actors or read in the books. Since these groups of people lack time to release their stress, the chances of them developing bad habits is very high compared to those who engage in sports, games and exercises.


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