学生回忆: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In modem times, parents learn more from their children than children learn from their parents. 文末调取TD为你精心准备的托福独立题目高分示范。 TD托福原创出版物《托福写作120(第2版)》命中6.26托福线下考试独立写作!恭喜刷到原题的同学们~ Ps:这也是TD1对1写作课程入班测试的原题!恭喜我们的各位同学!
Antarctica在古时候的温度是比现在高11度 阅读中举了三个例子来证明: 1. 那里发现花粉,说明比较暖 2. 二氧化碳浓度高,火山发生比较频繁 3. 某种植物的存在,说明降雨量很大 听力反驳: 1. 花粉可能是通过海洋上的水飘过来的 2. 暂缺(欢迎留言补充) 3. 植物的这种含量的不同,是根据不同的植物情况,与温度无关2022年6月26日托福口语真题
学生回忆: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To be successful in business, a person should be outgoing and friendly. 文末调取TD为你精心准备的托福独立题目高分示范。T2
About school announcing kayaks and canoes newly bought would be for students' use.T3
About imaginary audience in adolescenceT4
About two ways for desert birds to cool 1. change feathers status to make skin expose to air and wind 2. deliver blood to tissues and skins where no feather covers, using blood to absorb heat2022年6月26日托福听力真题
About a boy discussing with study-abroad admin on how to become an ambassador of Global Students.L1
About Literature analysis on a US Poet.L2
About Astronomy: Mars.2022年6月26日托福阅读真题
学生回忆: Day Length and Flowering Plants TD托福冲分集训命中6.26托福线下考试阅读一篇!恭喜刷到原题的同学们~
The European Freshwater Fish CrisisR3
Spectroscopy and the Substance of Stars 信息来源于考生回忆与网络整理,答案和顺序可能不准确。 欢迎同学们留言指正和补充!2022年6月26日托福口语写作真题答案领取