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GRE阅读机经 Passage 82

TEB Attorney: TEB Corporation has been accused of not doing enough to discourage its executives from defrauding the government. This accusation is obviously false, since TEB, following its own written policy, rewards those who report the wrongdoing of others and promptly fires proven wrongdoers.



TEB Corporation has been accused of not doing enough to discourage its executives from defrauding the government. 白话版讲解: TEB 公司被指控,认为公司没有尽全力,防止其高层参与欺诈政府的行为。


This accusation is obviously false, since TEB, following its own written policy, rewards those who report the wrongdoing of others and promptly fires proven wrongdoers. 白话版讲解: 这个指责明显是站不住脚的,因为 TEB 公司遵守自己制定的政策,会奖励那些揭发其他人不法行为的人,并且会立即解雇那些有不法行为的人。


1.Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the attorney’s argument in defense of TEB?

A. “Wrongdoing” is defined in TEB corporate policies as “any activity by a TEB employee that defrauds TEB.” B. TEB has instituted what it calls “customer friendly” policies of responding to every complaint customer make. C. The government is not TEB’ s sole client, nor even its major client. D. Defrauding the government would have to involve more than one employee of any company that did so. E. Those who have accused TEB of not doing enough to discourage its executives from defrauding the government have themselves been government employees. (答案) ▼ A 这道题问的是,以下哪个选项可以削弱原文的结论? 原文的论证过程是,因为 TEB 公司会奖励揭发不法行为的人,并且会解雇有违法行为的人,所以 TEB 有尽力防止其高层进行违法行为。这道题应该选 A。 如果“违法行为”的被 TEB 定义为“任何欺骗 TEB 公司的行为”,那么对政府进行的欺诈行为在 TEB 的政策里就不是 wrongdoings,那么就算 TEB 有奖励揭露不法行为的员工,并且会对参与不法行为的员工进行惩罚,也不能阻止员工参与欺骗政府的不法行为。这样就削弱了原文的论证过程。 A. TEB 公司定义的“不法行为”是指的是其员工对 TEB 进行的欺诈行为。 B. TEB 公司制定了“顾客友好”政策,来应对顾客的投诉。 C. 政府不是 TEB 公司唯一的客户,也不是其主要客户。 D. 任何一个公司如果想要欺骗政府,那么这样的行为会不止一个员工参与其中。 E. 那些控告 TEB 公司没有阻止其高层参与欺骗政府行为的人,他们自己本身就是政府职员。


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