job opportunties
此文为连载(共3弹),今天来看第三弹,我们从pay/salary/economy/job opportunties 的角度,来观察以下题目(后附一句话思路): 1. Are IT-related jobs valued more by society? (薪资待遇会比较好,至少是受重视的一个体现) 2. Do you think people should pay for higher education? Why? (高等教育是投资,之后可以找到待遇还不错的工作,应该为之付费的) 3. What do you think of people who work in international companies? (待遇高肯定是跨国公司一个特点) 4. What advantages can tourism bring to a city? (旅游肯定是对经济发展有利的) 5.Which do you prefer, living in a city or only visiting it as a tourist? (住在城市,肯定会有更好的经济机会) 好了,我们来细致地做出这些题目的逻辑链:例题 1:
Are IT-related jobs valued more by society? very well-paid/ high-paying/most coveted jobs here in China (work for some of the largest corporations: Ali/Baidu…)> an experienced programer can easily make up to 20,0000 dollars a year 注释:coveted jobs 令人垂涎的工作例题 2:
Do you think people should pay for higher education? Why? with a college education, more likely to find a better paying job > it pays off > the money is a good investment / is worth it 注释:pay off 产生回报,产生好的结果例题 3:
What do you think of people who work in international companies? earn high salaries > international companies tend to be big corporations, pay their employees well > also provide great perks (free canteen, gym…) 注释:perks 补贴例题 4:
What advantages can tourism bring to a city? contribute to local economy > tourists visit a city, spend money on food, lodging, do shopping, tend to splurge > good for local business; facilities and services are built to accommodate both tourists and businesses that serve them > fuel the development of the city例题 5:
Which do you prefer, living in a city or only visiting it as a tourist? a lot benefit when you live in the city > better economic opportunities / more likely to find high paying jobs 注意:以上所有思路只是这一题的某一个层次,完整回答一个P3的题目,最好是有2个及以上的层次和角度,今天我们仅仅从钱的角度分析(每个题都是可以是多角度多层次)。本文作者

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