


1. University of Oxford

https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/courses/course-listing/medicine Entrance requirements: A*AA (excluding Critical Thinking, Thinking Skills and General Studies) Subject requirements: Chemistry with either Maths, Further Maths, Biology or Physics Admissions test(s) BMAT Written work: None Admissions statistics: -Interviewed: 25% -Successful: 9% -Intake: 159 牛津大学Medicine专业分为两类:三年制和六年制。最低入学要求为A*AA,科目必须包含化学以及数学、高等数学、生物和物理中的一科,此外还必须提交BMAT的考试成绩。

2.University of Cambridge

https://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/courses/medicine Course Duration: Six years - MB, BChir Colleges: Standard Course available at all Colleges except Hughes Hall 2021 Entry Applications per place: 8 Number accepted: 309 A Level: A*A*A A Levels in Chemistry and one of Biology, Physics, Mathematics. Work experience: To develop understanding of what a career in Medicine involves and your suitability for your intended profession, you’re strongly advised (though not required) to undertake some relevant work experience, either paid or voluntary, in a health or social care organisation. Admission assessment: All Standard Course (A100) applicants (including applicants to mature Colleges) are required to take the Biomedical Admission Test (BMAT) at an authorised assessment centre (usually your school or college), for which you will need to be registered in advance. 剑桥大学的Medicine时长为六年,A-Level的最低要求是A*A*A,其中化学是必须的,剩余科目必须从生物、物理,数学中选择一门。工作经验:虽然非必须,但是强烈建议申请人有健康或社会保障组织相关的经历,无论是义工类还是带薪类。此外,需要参加BMAT考试。 3. Imperial College London https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/ug/courses/school-of-medicine/medicine/#entry-requirements Minimum entry standards Our minimum entry standard for 2023 entry is AAA overall, to include: -A in Biology -A in Chemistry -A in a third subject General Studies and Critical Thinking are not accepted. Typical offer range: As a guide, here are the typical offers made to at least 80% of A-level applicants for 2021 entry: Three A-level offer: A*AA (A* in Biology or Chemistry) BMAT cut-off scores are calculated each year, as a result of ranked candidate BMAT scores versus number of expected interview sessions. As a result, the absolute BMAT cut-off changes each year. All candidates were required to score the minimum threshold in each Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 as well as achieve or exceed the set threshold sum of scores of Sections 1 and 2. 帝国理工学院Medicine专业时长为六年,尽管最低录取要求为AAA,其中生物和化学是必修科目,但是实际情况是八成以上拿到录取的人中,生物和化学的成绩为A*。此外,同样需要BMAT考试。 不难看出,英国本科对于医学专业要求很高,不但需要强大的学科成绩,还要通过额外的考试甚至面试才能有机会录取,且大部分学校采取的是六年制的时长,充分体现了学医的难度。


美国本科阶段能申请医学专业吗?答案可能会令不少同学失望,因为在美国,绝大部分医学院和法学院,都仅针对硕士及以上学位提供,即便少数大学开放给本科生,也只针对有身份的学生。曾经有位持有加拿大籍的学生咨询过申请美国医科专业本硕连读的情况,我们就此情况特意给一些学校发邮件确认,具体如下: Boston University School of Medicine Arts & Sciences Accelerated Program (CAS) Seven-Year Liberal Arts/Medical Education Program (Early Decision not available) 邮件回复: Yes, you are! (I'm a high school student with Canada citizenship. Am I eligible to apply for the Seven-Year Liberal Arts/Medical Education Program?) Here is some general information about the Accelerated Medical Program and the Pre-Medicine program, both of which are available through the College of Arts and Sciences. Please note that medical school in the United States is a graduate level program. A student must first complete a bachelor's degree before applying to medical school in the US. If you have already completed a bachelor's degree and are looking to apply to the Boston University Graduate School of Medicine, please get in touch with that school directly to learn how to apply. 波士顿大学的项目接受,但不提供ED选项。

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

邮件回复: Yes you can apply to our PPSP as a Canadian/International Applicant! https://case.edu/medicine/education/md-programs/pre-professional-scholars-programs Each year, 15 to 20 exceptionally well-qualified high school seniors who plan to pursue careers in medicine are offered places in the Pre-Professional The Pre-Professional Scholars Program in Medicine requires eight years: four years of successful undergraduate study leading to the bachelor’s degree followed by four years in the University Program of the School of Medicine. Pre-Professional Scholars in Medicine are free to choose from among all of the degree and major programs offered in the university, but must complete the courses in biochemistry, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics/statistics, and behavioral sciences listed in the Conditions of Admission letter they received when accepted to the program. 凯斯西楚大学的PPSP没有身份限制,但是每年仅录取十几个申请人,且读完需要八年时间。

Tufts University School of Medicine

https://medicine.tufts.edu/admissions-aid/admissions-program/special-options/early-assurance We receive between forty and fifty applications for this program each year. Of the applicants who meet the minimum eligibility requirements, a majority are invited to interview. Of those who are interviewed, approximately fifty percent are admitted to the Early Assurance Program. The Prehealth Advisor at participating schools will email application instructions to potential applicants during their sophomore year. 邮件回复: International students is not eligible to apply, for the Early Assurance Program. 塔夫茨大学的的医学专业(Early Assurance Program)每年招收四五十人,需要在大二时内部申请,必须有美国身份才有资格。 不难看出,美国本科阶段,确实有极个别学校开设提前招收或是本硕连读的医科专业,但是不同学校开设的项目和招生要求都不相同,相同的是招收人数都非常有限,竞争激烈程度可想而知。 那么想在美国读医科的同学们,究竟可以申请什么专业呢?在小编看来,生物、药学、公共健康、食品科学、营养学等专业都是可以考虑的方向,这些专业都会和生物、化学有很大的关联性,可为日后申硕打下坚实的基础。最后要说的是,如果想在美国读医科,最好还是要拿到身份,否则即便顺利拿到学位,就业的难度也非常大。医学看似风光,但从医的道路铺满了荆棘,务必要有一颗持之以恒的心。




2023英国本科医学申请解读-考试时间/课程选择/申请要求划重点式攻略 剑桥雅思11 阅读test4解析:医学话题文章「Research using twins」 留学生如何在美国读医学专业?美国知名医学院的申请难度如何?发展前景怎么样? 留学生在国内如何缴纳社保/医保?国内社保卡Waive学校保险,需要提供哪些材料?|留学买保险指南 英国本科排名前10院校热门专业大盘点!申请要求是什么,就业前景怎样?一站式了解名校热门专业