今天,我们来聊一聊托福口语终极大boss - Task 4。作为口语最后一道题压轴出现,Task 4无疑对于很多同学来说是很难的。


难点1 - lecture 没听懂,部分信息没跟上 对于听力成绩在22分或以下的同学。没有了阅读内容的提前铺垫,无法提前预判听力的信息,并且还要边听边做笔记,很考验同学们的听记平衡能力。有些同学会抱怨:听就没时间做笔记,做笔记就听不懂了。 难点2 - lecture 听懂了,笔记不知道该记什么,笔记内容零散,不利于说的时候组织语言。甚至说的时候,看不懂自己的笔记了。 难点3 - lecture 听懂了,笔记清晰,但是组织语言能力弱,想说的东西说不出来,说出来的内容语法错误频出,逻辑混乱。 那些听力很好的同学就一定能答好Task 4吗?真的不一定。听懂了,笔记记了一大堆,想说的内容很多很多,但是真正说的时候就变成了“ 啊吧 啊吧 啊吧” (听力25+的同学汪地一声就哭了) 如果你有以上三个问题,那么继续看下去吧。


想攻克这三个问题其实很简单,根据下面三个步骤去做,然后不断地练习,熟练就可以。 Step 1:理清楚 Task 4 整体框架,主动定位重要信息,减少听力负担 Step 2:只记重点,分层记录,规范笔记格式,看着笔记能够顺利输出 Step 3:合理利用准备时间,提前梳理易错之处,保证流利度 举个例子:我们先听下这篇听力?

Step 1:理清楚 Task 4 整体框架,主动定位重要信息

So, of course, many large mammals that live in the ocean like dolphins and whales survive by eating fish. Now these mammals often work together to hunt the fish, and they have an interesting strategy for catching them. The hunters herd the fish chasing the fish together and forcing them into a tight group. With the fish tightly bunched together, it's more difficult for them to escape. So let's talk about how marine mammals herd fish. 第一段是听力的导入部分,用于引出主旨。 先铺垫主题,介绍 herd fish 的概念就是追逐小鱼让他们抱团在一起,以及目的- 使得小鱼更容易被抓。最后引出本文的主题:海洋哺乳动物如何 herd fish. 注意这里引出主题的关键词:so let’s talk about 这部分我们只需要记录陌生名词的解释,以及主题

Step 2:只记重点,分层记录

在笔记上我只需要记录: bunched x escape how 此部分答题时用1-2个句子概括。 接下去: One way marine mammals herd fish is to use a natural feature of the environment as a barrier, a barrier the fish can't pass by. They do this by swimming toward a group of fish and driving them in the direction of the barrier. So that eventually they're gathered up against the barrier and have nowhere to go. For example, some dolphins do this. A group of dolphins will line up and swim toward the shore. The fish that are between the rogue dolphins and the shore get pushed into a smaller and smaller area, making it easier for the dolphins to catch them. 第二段和第三段是主体部分,是并列关系。首先听到 one way,表示开始介绍第一种方式。 接下去的内容是中心句One way marine mammals herd fish is to use a natural feature of the environment as a barrier, a barrier the fish can't pass by. 对于中心句的解释:They do this by swimming toward a group of fish and driving them in the direction of the barrier. So that eventually they're gathered up against the barrier and have nowhere to go. 以及例子:for example.... 在笔记上我只需要记录:中心句和例子 1. Natural feature as a barrier eg dop line up swim toward fish into small easy to catch 此部分答题时用4-5个句子概括。 继续: Other marine mammals herb in deeper waters far from shore. So instead of using a barrier that physically prevents the fish from escaping, the mammals herd the fish into a tight group byproducing temporary conditions, temporary changes in the environment that confuse or frighten the fish and cause them to huddle together. For example, some whales do this in a remarkable way. They died down beneath a group of fish and then swim upward in a circle while blowing air bubbles, which creates a wall of air bubbles surrounding the fish. The fish become confused by the wall of bubbles and trapped inside it. 第三段的开始一般有表示下一个,第二个这样的引导词,比如这里的 other,和上一段一样,这一段也是 中心句+解释+例子的形式 同样,在笔记上我只需要记录:中心句和例子。解释内容认真听,不需要记录。 2. Produce temp change in env eg. Whale dive swim up in a circle blow bubble create wall confuse trap 此部分答题时用4-5个句子概括。 最终,完整的笔记是三段式,第二段和第三段分别标注,1 和2 bunched x escape how 1. Natural feature as a barrier eg dop line up swim toward fish into small easy to catch   2. Prod temp change in env eg. Whale dive swim up in a circle blow bubble create wall confuse trap 根据上面的笔记,每一行对应一句话,这时要注意

Step 3:合理利用准备时间,提前梳理易错之处,保证流利度

同学们经常会在中心句的地方卡住,因为笔记只记录了句子的一部分。这时候我们需要总结平时经常卡壳的地方,在准备时间补充一些句子成分,确保顺利输出。 比如:第一个中心句我记录的是: Natural feature as a barrier 这里缺少了主语和谓语,于是在准备时间,我们加上主语animal 和谓语 use animal use + Natural feature as a barrier 这样看着笔记,就可以很顺畅地说出中心句:Firstly some animal use the natural feature as a barrier.   最后给大家一个 sample response 最为参考: Marine mammals herd fish to make them bunched together and hard to escape. The professor talks about two ways to do that. Firstly some animal use the natural feature as a barrier. For example, some dolphins may line up and swim in a group toward the shore. As they come closer and closer to the shore, the fish between dolphins and the shore will be pushed into a smaller area. So it very easy for the dolphins to catch their prey. Another way to herd fish is that some marine animals can produce temporary changes in the environment. Like whales. They dive down beneath a group of fish and swim up in a circle. While they swim up, they blow the water to create a bubble wall around the fish. The fish can be confused and trapped in the bubble wall.   最后我们来用一张图总结下 Task 4的做题要点:

TD福利 & 领取方式

在了解了口语Task4问题和提高方法之后,我们仍需要足够的练习来熟练应用。想要了解更多,可以参考《三步搞定托福口语T4》这份资料。该资料中包含了4篇口语task4真题的题目笔记以及范例回答, 可以用来巩固练习。 有需要的同学可以发送暗号【T4方法】联系马甲获取哦!


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