


主格:I我,you你,he他,it它,she她,they他们, we我们 宾格:me我, you你, him他, her她, it它,them他们, us我们  


my我的, his他的, your你(们)的,its它的 ,their他们的, hers她的 ours我们的 值得注意的是,我们在雅思写作中通篇不能使用的是第二人称,一是不符合议论文 的写作要求,二是第二人称指的是正在阅读文章的考官,会有些offensive。


this这, that那, these这些, those 那些 我们经常会在大作文中使用this,指代上文提到过的事件。   ?:Secondly, books are superior to online articles because they cover topics in much detail. This is because textbooks are significantly longer than online articles, so they are more useful to students.


?1. 帮助作者避免单调地重复同一个名词,可以用来替换之前已经提到过一次或几次的名词。因此,代词帮助作者减少无谓的字数,表达在满足多样性的前提下,应该做到惜字如金,言简意赅。   ?:Eric had a hat. Eric put the hat on. 使用代词后:Eric had a hat. He put it on. he替代Eric,避免重复上句提到的Eric   ?2. 自然地增强了代词所在部分与前文之间的关系,两句话之间并不需要刻意使用逻辑连接词也可以使句子富有连贯性。   ?:Eric had found a hat. The hat was a large one. The hat was far too large to fit on Eric’s head. But Eric liked the hat. “The hat is Eric’s hat,” Eric said.   使用代词后:Eric had found a hat. It was a large one. It was far too large to fit on his head. But he liked the hat. “It is mine,” he said.   一个不使用任何代词的段落会让读者感到疲惫,因为它过于冗长,特别是由于长的 名词短语被反复使用。



1. 所指代词的单复数

保证名词和代词在数量上是一致的,比如我们想用代词替换Audrey这个女生,就只能用she/her去替换,不能用they/them表复数的代词。 我们在写作中经常容易指代错误的是当出现了a number of/ a variety of等冠词开头的词组时,不注意就会用表单数的代词进行替换,比如 The boy planted a number of flowering shrubs. He poured water on it and pulled out all the bad plants. 第二句话中的it指代的是a number of flowering shrubs 很多灌木,因此应该用them指代。

2. 合适的地方使用代词

文章中如果频繁的使用代词,或者在所指词出现前使用代词,会导致读者无法追踪其所指,比如下面这段话: He had the best morning they‘d had in a long time. He was careful to walk a little way apart from them so that they, which were starting to get bored with it by lunchtime, wouldn‘t fall back on his favorite hobby of hitting him. They ate in it, and when he had a tantrum because it didn‘t have enough ice cream on top, he bought him another one and he was allowed to finish it. 段落中出现的代词并不能清楚的说明所指对象,导致文章的不连贯性,读者不能easy to follow。 代词与指代名词距离较远的情况下,尤其是中间隔了其它名词的情况,同样会导致读者一头雾水,比如下面这段内容: To begin with, printed materials such as books and articles are more reliable than websites. This is because websites can be edited by anyone in the world, regardless of whether or not they are qualified academics. As a result of this, even they in popular online encyclopedias often contain incorrect and biased information. As a result of this, even they in popular online encyclopedias often contain incorrect and biased information. 这句话中的代词they指代的是第一句中提到的articles,但由于距离较远,中间还夹带了其它的名词比如websites, academics,可能会给考官造成混淆,不知其所指。






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