市面上流传的GRE阅读机经真题有三百多篇,同时又存在多种版本的答案和解析,有些疑难题目让考生不知道听谁的,还有些版本的解析像是用谷歌翻译把同题目和选项翻译了一下。厚朴GRE认为,GRE阅读的解析,可以讲得再清楚一点。 GRE不光有技巧,不光有快速解题法,GRE更加考察大家的逻辑硬实力,文字理解实打实的深度。良好的GRE备考应当在课堂上向老师学习快速解题法,取同取反逻辑的同时,课下扎扎实实的读懂每一句话。读懂,是一切技巧使用的前提。皮之不存,毛将焉附? 有感于此,我们尝试用比较长的时间,原创一个解析,力求做到超详细,大白话,包你懂。之前为大家推送了Passage1-101的解析,今天继续为大家推出Passage 102(短文章)解析,这篇阅读一共有1段,共2道题,厚朴GRE版超详细「包你懂」系列对此篇文章进行了清楚地解析。

Passage 102

A divide between aesthetic and technical considerations has played a crucial role in mapmaking and cartographic scholarship. Since nineteenth century cartographers, for instance, understood themselves as technicians who did not care about visual effects, while others saw themselves as landscape painters. That dichotomy structured the discipline of the history of cartography. Until the 1980s, in what Blakemore and Harley called “the Old is Beautiful Paradigm,” scholars largely focused on maps made before 1800, marveling at their beauty and sometimes regretting the decline of the pre-technical age. Early mapmaking was considered art while modern cartography was located within the realm of engineering utility. Alpers, however, has argued that this boundary would have puzzled mapmakers in the seventeenth century, because they considered themselves to be visual engineers.


第一句: A divide between aesthetic and technical considerations has played a crucial role in mapmaking and cartographic scholarship. 白话版讲解: 在对地图绘制史进行研究的时候,审美方面的考量和技术方面的考量两者之间的分歧一直是一个研究焦点。 第二句: Since nineteenth century cartographers, for instance, understood themselves as technicians who did not care about visual effects, while others saw themselves as landscape painters. 白话版讲解: 例如,19世纪之后的地图绘制者中,有些人认为自己属于技术人员,因此对于地图的视觉效果并不在意。而另外一部分人则认为自己是绘制风景的画家。 第三句: That dichotomy structured the discipline of the history of cartography. 白话版讲解: 这种不同贯穿了整个地图绘制史。 第四句: Until the 1980s, in what Blakemore and Harley called “the Old is Beautiful Paradigm,” scholars largely focused on maps made before 1800, marveling at their beauty and sometimes regretting the decline of the pre-technical age. 白话版讲解: 直到 20 世纪 80 年代,受到 Blakemore 和 Harley 两人”传统即美“理论的影响,学者才开始大量注意到 19 世纪以前绘制而成的地图。学者们惊叹于那个时期地图的美,偶尔也会对于”科技为王“之前时期的衰落感到遗憾。 第五句: Early mapmaking was considered art while modern cartography was located within the realm of engineering utility. 白话版讲解: 在早期(即 19 世纪以前),绘制地图被看做是一项艺术;而现代地图绘制学则被人认为更多属于技术领域。 第六句: Alpers, however, has argued that this boundary would have puzzled mapmakers in the seventeenth century, because they considered themselves to be visual engineers. 白话版讲解: 而 Alpers 则认为这样的划分会让 17 世纪以前的地图绘制者感到困惑,因为他们认为自己是同时具备了两方面(技术和审美)的能力。


1.According to the passage, Alpers would say that the assumptions underlying the “paradigm” were   A. inconsistent with the way some mapmakers prior to 1800 understand their own work. B. dependent on a seventeenth-century conception of mapmaking visual engineering. C. unconcerned with the difference between the aesthetic and technical questions of mapmaking. D. insensitive to divisions among cartographers working in the period after 1800. E. supported by the demonstrable technical superiority of mapmaking made after 1800.


这道题问的是,根据文章内容,Alpers 对于原文第四句里面提到的 paradigm 的前提假设,会有什么样的看法? 这道题应该选 A 选项。原文第四句里面提到的 paradigm 认为过去的地图绘制更强调审美方面的特质,也对这个时期的衰落而感到遗憾,所以这个观点认为绘制地图更多是一种艺术,而不是一种技术。而根据 Alpers 的观点,17 世纪以前的地图绘制者并不会把审美和技术两者分开,所以第四句提到的 paradigm 的观点和更早的地图绘制者的看法应该是不一致的。   A. 这个观点和 18 世纪之前的地图绘制者对自己的认知不一致。 B. 这个观点和 17 世纪地图绘制者认为自己同时具备了两方面(技术和审美)的能力这一观点有关。 C. 这个观点对地图绘制者有关审美和技术方面的分歧不在意,没有关系。 D. 这个观点对 18 世纪之后的地图绘制工作者之间的区别没什么关系。 E. 这个观点得到了 18 世纪之后地图绘制者精湛技术的验证。 2.It can be inferred from the passage that, beginning in the 1980s, historians of cartography   A. placed greater emphasis on the beauty of maps made after 1800. B. expanded their range of study to include more material created after 1800. C. grew more sensitive to the way mapmakers prior to 1800 conceived of their work. D. came to see the visual details of maps as aesthetic objects rather than practical cartographic aids. E. reduced the attention they paid to the technical aspects of mapmaking.


这道题问的是,根据文章内容可以分析出,从20世纪80年代开始,研究地图绘制学的历史学家怎么样? 这道题应该选 B。原文第四句提到,在 20 世纪 80年代以前(until the 1980s),学者主要是对 1800 之前的地图进行了研究。句中的 until 除了提示时间对比关系,也提示了一种改变,即 20 世纪 80 年代之前和 20 世纪 80 年代之后是相反的。所以这里的 until 暗示了在这个时间之后,学者们的研究对象发生了改变,对 1800 之后的地图也开始有所研究。   A. 将重点放在了研究 1800 之后的地图的美上面。 B. 讲他们的研究范围扩大到了 1800 之后的地图上。 C. 对于 1800 年之前的地图绘制者是如何看待自己作品的,对于他们的观点更加敏感。 D. 开始更多地把地图在细节方面呈现的视觉效果看成是种艺术,而不是为人们提供导航方面帮助的实用工具。 E. 不那么关注地图绘制技术方面的东西。


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