Passage1-102的解析,今天继续为大家推出Passage 103(中文章)解析,这篇阅读一共有1段,共3道题,厚朴GRE版超详细「包你懂」系列对此篇文章进行了清楚地解析。
Passage 103
Most mammals reach sexual maturity when their growth rates are in decline, whereas humans experience a growth spurt during adolescence. Whether apes experience an adolescent growth spurt is still undecided. In the 1950s, data on captive chimpanzees collected by James Gavan appeared devoid of evidence of an adolescent growth spurt in these apes. In a recent reanalysis of Gavan’s data, however, zoologist Elizabeth Watts has found that as chimpanzees reach sexual maturity, the growth rate of their limbs accelerates. Most biologists, however, are skeptical that this is a humanlike adolescent growth spurt. While the human adolescent growth spurt is physically obvious and affects virtually the entire body, the chimpanzee’s increased growth rate is detectable only through sophisticated mathematical analysis. Moreover, according to scientist Holly Smith, the growth rate increase in chimpanzees begins when 86% of full skeletal growth has been attained, whereas human adolescence generally commences when 77 percent of full skeletal growth has occurred.
Most mammals reach sexual maturity when their growth rates are in decline, whereas humans experience a growth spurt during adolescence.
Whether apes experience an adolescent growth spurt is still undecided.
In the 1950s, data on captive chimpanzees collected by James Gavan appeared devoid of evidence of an adolescent growth spurt in these apes.
在 20 世纪 50 年代的时候, James Gavan 在被人类圈养的大猩猩身上收集到的数据表明,大猩猩并没有青春猛涨期。
In a recent reanalysis of Gavan’s data, however, zoologist Elizabeth Watts has found that as chimpanzees reach sexual maturity, the growth rate of their limbs accelerates.
然而动物学家 Elizabeth Watts 最近重新分析了 Gavan 的数据,她认为当大猩猩到达性成熟的阶段之后,其四肢的发育加速了。(也就是说,Elizabeth Watts 认为大猩猩是有猛涨期的。)
Most biologists, however, are skeptical that this is a humanlike adolescent growth spurt.
While the human adolescent growth spurt is physically obvious and affects virtually the entire body, the chimpanzee’s increased growth rate is detectable only through sophisticated mathematical analysis.
Moreover, according to scientist Holly Smith, the growth rate increase in chimpanzees begins when 86% of full skeletal growth has been attained, whereas human adolescence generally commences when 77 percent of full skeletal growth has occurred.
另外,Holly Smith 认为大猩猩的发育加速是在骨骼完全发展到 86% 的时候开始的,而人类的猛涨期是在骨骼完全发育到 77% 的时候就开始了。(所以两者加速发育的时期,在其生命周期中的时间也不太一样。进一步说明两者的发育加速不是同一回事。)
1.Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage?
A. Researchers have long disagreed about whether data collected in the 1950s indicate that chimpanzees and other apes experience an adolescent growth spurt.
B. Research data collected on chimpanzees living in captivity are inconclusive with respect to chimpanzees living in the wild.
C. The notion that apes do not experience an adolescent growth spurt has been confirmed by research conducted since.
D. Although the idea that apes experience an adolescent growth has received some support, most biologists remain unconvinced.
E. Although researchers agree that chimpanzees do not experience an adolescent growth spurt, they are divided in their opinions of whether this is true of other apes.

第一题:文章的主旨大意是什么。这道题应该选 D。原文里面主要是对大猩猩是否经历青春猛涨期进行了讨论。一部分人认为有经历,但是大部分人不认可。
A. 研究人员一直以来都在某件事上有分歧,即 50 年代收集的数据是否能够表明大猩猩和其它猿类是有经历青春猛涨期。(这个选项说对这个时候收集的证据有争议。但是文章里说的是对于大猩猩是否有像人类一样的猛涨期有争议,而没有说对这个时候收集到的证据有争议。所以这个选项不对。)
B. 针对那些被圈养起来大猩猩做的研究数据,是不能够准确反应野生大猩猩的情况的。(文章没有提到野生大猩猩的数据,所以这个选项也不对。)
C. 猿类动物并没有经历青春猛涨期这个阶段的观点,一直以来都得到调查研究的确认、支持。(和原文相反)
D. 尽管猿类有经历青春猛涨期的观点有人支持,但是大部分生物学家并不同意这个观点,并没有被说服。
E. 尽管研究人员都同意,大猩猩并没有经历青春猛涨期,但是他们在这个说法对于其它猿类动物来说是否适用上并没有达成一致。
2.The passage mentions which of the following as one of the reasons why most biologists remain skeptical that chimpanzees experience a humanlike adolescent growth spurt?
A. Chimpanzees do not experience a demonstrable increase in growth rate until they are fully sexually mature.
B. The increase in growth rate that chimpanzees undergo at sexual maturity is less apparent than that of humans.
C. The increase in growth rate once regarded as a humanlike adolescent growth spurt in chimpanzees is too sporadic to be regarded as significant.
D. Not all chimpanzees undergo a calculable growth spurt.
E. Watt’s approach to analyzing data is considered to be highly unorthodox.

第二题:哪个是导致大部分生物学家认为大猩猩没有经历类似人类一样的青春猛涨期的原因?这道题应该 B。
A. 大猩猩直到完全性成熟,才会有一个比较明显的快速生长阶段。
B. 大猩猩经历的性成熟发育没有人类的那么明显。
C. 类似人类生长过程中经历的猛涨期在大猩猩身上太零散了。
D. 并不是所有的大猩猩都经历了猛涨期。
E. Watt 分析数据的方法是不正统的。
3.The passage suggests which of the following about the adolescent growth spurt that takes place in humans?
A. Its primary effects are found in parts of the body other than the limbs.
B. It is generally completed by the time 77 percent of full skeletal growth is attained.
C. It is normally detectable without the assistance of sophisticated mathematical analysis.
D. The rate of growth is much faster at the beginning of puberty than at any other time.
E. The estimated growth rate varies depending on the methods of measurement that are used.

第三题:文章认为人类生长发育过程中的猛涨期怎么样?这道题应该选 C。
A. 人类的猛涨期主要是作用在除了四肢之外的其它身体部分。
B. 人类基本在骨骼发育到 77% 的时候就完成猛涨期的生长了。
C. 人类猛涨期在没有复杂的数学计算的帮助下就能够观察出来。
D. 人类猛涨期的生长速度在青春期刚开始的时候是最快的。
E. 对人类生长速度的估算差别很大,这取决于使用的衡量方式不同。
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