




Which way do you think is better to resolve a disagreement between friends: speaking face to face about it or talking about it on the phone or through text messages/emails? (20220115)【例题一】




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People’s social skills have declined as their use of technology has increased. Explain why. Use specific details and examples in your response. (20220821)【例题二】











Take my friend, Amy, as an example. We had an argument last year and did not talk to each other for weeks. I missed her very much because she was a really good friend of mine, so I texted her and apologized. Amy did not respond for a week, and I thought she did not want to be friends with me anymore.





Take my friend, Amy, as an example. We had an argument last year and did not talk to each other for weeks. I missed her very much because she was a really good friend of mine, so I texted her and apologized. Amy did not respond for a week, and I thought she did not want to be friends with me anymore. However, it turned out that the message did not go through, and she never received my text. In the end, we went back to being close friends after everything was clarified when we met in person again.





For example, when I was in high school, seldom did I send email to others. Plus, WeChat was not available at that time. Now, however, I’m used to using emoji and memes to express my thoughts on social media. It is difficult for me to articulate my thoughts and moods with appropriate phrases rather than emojis.



Which way do you think is better to resolve a disagreement between friends: speaking face to face about it or talking about it on the phone or through text messages/emails? (20220115)


In my opinion, speaking with friends face to face when resolving a disagreement is better than talking about it on the phone. Talking with friends in person is more direct and clear because it helps to avoid miscommunication. Take my friend, Amy, as an example. We had an argument last year and did not talk to each other for weeks. I missed her very much because she was a really good friend of mine, so I texted her and apologized. Amy did not respond for a week, and I thought she did not want to be friends with me anymore. However, it turned out that the message did not go through, and she never received my text. In the end, we went back to being close friends after everything was clarified when we met in person again.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People’ s social skills have declined as their use of technology has increased. Explain why. Use specific details and examples in your response. (20220821)


I agree with the statement. Nowadays, people have less chance to practice their social skills since they spend more time on virtual communication like emails and phone calls rather than in person conversations. For example, when I was in high school, seldom did I send email to others. Plus, WeChat was not available at that time. Now, however, I’m used to using emoji and memes to express my thoughts on social media. It is difficult for me to articulate my thoughts and moods with appropriate phrases rather than emojis. Also, the increasing use of technology weakens my ability to sense others’ feelings and guide the conversation simultaneously. I often feel embarrassed and anxious when I talk to others face to face.


1.Do you think it is important for friends to keep texting? (20220521)

2. Some people prefer to spend their free time with their family or friends. Others prefer to spend their free time alone. Which do you prefer and why?(20220302)

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To be successful in business, a person should be outgoing and friendly. (20220626)





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