备考SAT的同学们常怀有一个梦想:那就是有没有一种方法能把娱乐和备考结合起来,学习玩耍两不误呢?答案是百分百肯定的。很显然,在备考SAT的过程中,同学缺乏的不是学习上进的精神,而是让大家有学习劲头的材料。如果每次读完文章就是做题,做完题就是对答案,对完答案就是怀疑人生,确实会慢慢消磨大家的备考意志,显然这不是长期可持续的备考策略。 考虑到以上情况,TD SAT教研组在寒假马上来临之际给大家搜寻了有助于大家备考SAT,但同时又不失趣味性的书和文章供大家假期研读。本套推荐书单包含了备考SAT中的四类题材:小说,历史,社会科学和自然科学。每个题材下选取的作品可以看成是这类题材的代表作,对于了解题材特点和文风非常有帮助。下面就给大家进行详细的介绍:

小说篇:Great expectations 《远大前程》


《远大前程》是狄更斯的代表作品之一,主要讲了孤儿皮普从孩童到中年跌宕起伏的一生。整部小说可以分成3个阶段。第一个部分讲述了皮普在乡下的童年生活,并在一次偶然中帮助了一名逃犯。不久,一位名叫赫薇香的贵族女人邀请皮普去家里玩耍,在这期间他爱上了这位夫人的养女艾斯黛拉。同时,他的内心也发生变化,他开始为自己的出身和亲人感到羞耻,希望能过上上流社会的生活。故事的第二部分讲述了皮普实现了自己的“梦想”,受到了一名匿名人士的资助,被送到伦敦接受上等人的教育。在伦敦,皮普开始过上了奢靡堕落的生活。皮普一直以为资助自己的就是赫薇香女士,但后来却发现是他自己曾经帮助过的逃犯。于是,自己的生活和理想开始幻灭。 在故事的最后一部分,皮普为了保住自己的“荣华富贵”帮助逃犯逃跑,因为逃犯一旦被抓,他从逃犯哪里继承的财产也会被充公。但是皮普的如意算盘最后落空了,在快要离开国境时,皮普和逃犯被抓了。出狱后,皮普在赫薇香曾经的庄园中与40几岁落魄潦倒的艾斯黛拉再次相遇。  


All kinds of liars in the world are nothing compared with those who cheat themselves. If you can’t be extraordinary along the straight road, don’t go astray for the sake of being extraordinary. I love her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. Once for all. In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right, as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong.

社会科学篇:Guns, Germs, and Steel《枪炮,病菌与钢铁》



这本书的作者是美国地理学家以及人类学家Jared Diamond(贾雷德·戴蒙德)。西方世界曾经普遍认为白人之所以在经济、军事、经济以及文化各方面比其他人种,尤其是是黑人,是因为白种人天生就很聪明。 但是,作者并不这样认为,他在书中指出了不同人种和国家发展差异的根本原因是自然环境和地理因素。自然环境和地理因素决定了有一些社会比其他社会更早地进入农业社会,而农业社会因为拥有了稳定的食物来源比采集型社会更先进。同时,农业社会的人需要记录日期和节气,也促进了文字的发展。更重要的是,农业社会促进了人口增长,从而催生了更复杂的经济政治结构和更强的军事建设。 作者还在书中提到了,农业社会的发展会让人们提高对病菌的抵抗力,因为农业社会中人和家禽拥有更多密切解除的机会,导致了很多动物把病菌传染给人,在这一过程中,适者生存,留下了免疫力更强的人群。


Domesticable animals are all alike; every undomesticable animal is undomesticable in its own way. If you think you've already read something like that before, you're right. Just make a few changes, and you have the famous first sentence of Tolstoy's great novel Anna Karenina: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." By that sentence, Tolstoy meant that, in order to be happy, a marriage must succeed in many different respects: sexual attraction, agreement about money, child discipline, religion, in-laws, and other vital issues. Failure in any one of those essential respects can doom a marriage even if it has all the other ingredients needed for happiness.   This principle can be extended to understanding much else about life besides marriage. We tend to seek easy, single-factor explanations of success. For most important things, though, success actually requires avoiding many separate possible causes of failure. The Anna Karenina principle explains a feature of animal domestication that had heavy consequences for human history —namely, that so many seemingly suitable big wild mammal species, such as zebras and peccaries, have never been domesticated and that the successful domesticates were almost exclusively Eurasian. Having in the preceding two chapters discussed why SO many wild plant species seemingly suitable for domestication were never domesticated, we shall now tackle the corresponding question for domestic mammals. Our former question about apples or Indians becomes a question of zebras or Africans.

历史篇:A Letter Concerning Toleration《论宽容》




Since you are pleased to inquire what are my thoughts about the mutual toleration of Christians in their different professions of religion, I must needs answer you freely that I esteem that toleration to be the chief characteristic mark of the true Church. For whatsoever some people boast of the antiquity of places and names, or of the pomp of their outward worship; others, of the reformation of their discipline; all, of the orthodoxy of their faith -for everyone is orthodox to himself 一these things, and all others of this nature, are much rather marks of men striving for power and empire over one another than of the Church of Christ.  


最后,TD SAT教研组精心为大家挑选整理了15篇自然科学科普文章,涵盖了生物学,天文学,大脑科学等知识,这15篇文章不仅包含英文版本还包含中文翻译,同学们可以按照先英文后中文再英文的顺序进行阅读。 以上就是为同学们准备的假期书单,大家是不是心动了呢?心动不如行动,赶紧按照下方方式领取资料吧。  


TD SAT教研组已为大家准备了好了以上书籍&文章的电子版,想要领取的同学可以扫描下方二维码,添加小马甲客服微信,并发送暗号「SAT书单」,即可领取!


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