Part 1
主题:小学咨询 题型:填空 1. 8:40 2. phone 3. art 4. July 5. gym 6. coats 7. cooking 8. camp 9. dentist 10. helmet TD整理《3月雅思考前小范围预测》命中3.11雅思考试听力Part 1原题!恭喜领取机经的小伙伴!
Part 2
主题:防火安全知识讲座 题型:选择+匹配 选择: 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.B 匹配: 15.A. it should be done immediately 16.B. it will be dealt with by an outside specialist 17.A. it should be done immediately 18.B. it will be dealt with by an outside specialist 19.C. it need not take care much at present 20.A. it should be done immediatelyPart 3
主题:role play 题型:选择Part 4
主题:新西兰艺术家介绍 题型:填空 31. painting 32. plastic 33. shells 34. electrical 35. photographs 36. pencil 37. movies 38. travel 39. humor 40. loss TD整理《3月雅思考前小范围预测》命中3.11雅思考试听力Part 4原题!恭喜领取机经的小伙伴!
Passage 1
主题:新西兰庄稼Passage 2
主题:拥挤与密度Passage 3
Task 1
饼图 1994、2004和2014三年中,豪华轿车、越野车和其他车型在澳大利亚的销售占比。Task 2
Some people say that history provides little or nothing to us, while others argue that we must learn history to understand the present. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 信息来源于考生回忆与网络整理,答案和顺序可能不准确。 欢迎留言指正和补充!雅思备考资料
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