3月份的托福线下考试已经结束,是时候做一波复盘来帮助大家掌握最近的考试动向了。 整体上,3月份的题目难度远高于2月份,新题的比例有所上升,并且出现了诸如政府类,三选一,抽象话题等等具有挑战性的题目。我们一起来一探究竟。



A university is considering establishing a new requirement for graduation in addition to its normal requirements about completing coursework: all students must attend a course on public speaking to develop skills that will be useful in speaking in front of large groups of people. Do you agree or disagree that a public speaking course should be a requirement for all of the university's students? Why? ?点评: 虽然题干很长,但是这个题目并不难。而且二月份刚刚考过类似的题目。题目考查的核心概念是“学生是否应该上xxx必修课”。如果认为应该,那就结合这个课程的特征给出理由/好处,如果不应该,就从课程不实用或者学生忙的角度出发。 ?解析: 立场:应该 原因一:public speaking skills能够帮助学生更好参与课堂 原因二:public speaking skills在学生将来的工作中也能发挥作用


乡村农民收入下降了,人口流失,政府应该怎么做来振兴乡村? 1.直接给钱 2.发展新企业 3.不做任何措施 ?点评: 让大部分同学头疼的政府类话题。我们不知道什么时候会出现,但是肯定的是每年都会有,所以考前准备一下,有备无患。 具体的破题方法大家可以参考TD老师写的教研文: 托福写作备考重点:教你攻破政府投资类话题!|| 托福干货 ?解析: 立场:发展新企业 理由一:创造工作留住人口 理由二:提高人民生活水平和幸福水平


Should we pursue environmental protection at the expense of slowing down economic growth? ?点评: 又是一个政府类话题,探讨的是经济发展和环境保护之间的关系。同样,如果考试前稍微准备过,考场上才会措手不及。如果同意,重点说环境的重要性,如果不同意,重点说经济的重要性。 ?解析: 立场:同意 理由一:糟糕的环境会反过来影响经济发展 理由二:环境保护和经济比起来对人们的幸福水平影响更大


独立写作是三选一,问怎么才能提高演讲时候的自信? 1. 花时间提前准备 2. 学习和练习提高自信的技巧 3. 听取有经验的人的建议 ?点评: 一个抽象的三选一题目。乍一看并不难,展开的时候就会觉得捉急。所以这一类题目需要在破题的时候好好斟酌,既要选到跟另外两个选项有差异的立场,也要做到对于该选项的具体化。 ?解析: 听取有经验的人的建议 理由一:别人能够提出一些objective advice/new perspectives 理由二:有经验的人可以预判可能出现的问题,让我们避免犯这些错


You may choose between two professors who will be teaching a course that you must take at your university. If the following statements are the only information available to you about the differences between the two professors, which professor would. you choose? Why? -One professor was voted most popular in a survey of students about their teachers. -One professor has just been given an award for outstanding research. ?点评: 这个月ETS偏爱选择题。一道大家喜闻乐见的教育类题目。依旧可以从对学生的好处出发。不过popular是个略抽象的词,可以自行定义。 ?解析: 选择professor with outstanding research 理由一:跟老师学到research skills,对将来的学术有帮助 理由二:老师能够推荐valuable resources


A city is trying to decide what to do with a large building that has become available in order to make it useful for city residents. Which ONE of the following solutions would you recommend? Why? -Develop the building into housing for people who have low incomes. -Develop the building into a modern shopping and entertainment center. -Tear down the building and develop a park on the land. ?点评: 这个月的第四个宏观题目:社会类/政府类,还是个三选一。“make it useful”是一个很宽泛的表达,可以将其拆分从而得到不同分观点。 ? 解析: 选择develop a park 理由一:给市民提供一个放松的地方 理由二:净化城市的空气



Some university classes only meet one day a week for a long period of time. Other university classes meet several days a week for shorter periods of time. Which do you think is better? Explain why. ?点评: 题目难度一般。 ?解析: 选择several days a week。因为学生可以好好休息,以及能够消化digest课上所学内容。


专业课和通识课你更偏向哪个? ?点评: 难度中等的教育类话题。通识课的理由更加容易想到。 ?解析: 选通识课。能够变得更加well-rounded;能够进行跨学科学习interdisciplinary study。


Your university is planning to invite some guest speakers to give lectures to students. Some students think that the university should not invite guest speakers with controversial opinions. Other students think that the university should invite variety of guests speakers, regardless of their opinions. Which point of view do you support? Explain why. ?点评: 难度中等偏上,因为问题让人浮想联翩--更像一个写作题。但是冷静下来一分析,两边都比较好论证。 ?解析: 选择a variety of guests speakers。可以让学生更加open-minded;帮学生适应真实的世界。


Students should participate in community work? Or students should focus on their schoolwork. ?点评: 难度非常一般。涉及到“学生实践”这个概念,同意总是更好展开。 ?解析: 应该做community work。因为能够见识更多的人,培养社会责任感。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students who are physically active and exercise regularly are more likely to succeed academically. ?点评: 这个题目有点难度。因为把两个看似不相关的概念混在了一起。所以需要找二者的重合之处。 ?解析: 同意。physically active的更有精力长时间学习;更加resistant。


Agree or disagree : Teaching others is the best way to learn a skill? ?点评: 有点难度,因为题目略抽象。破解方式是具体化,什么skill? ?解析: 同意。比如教别人解数学题,比如教别人做饭。教的过程中能够take a closer look,从而提高自己的技能。




多邻国英语测试5月大改革:口语听力新题型/评分变动解读!|附多邻国真题等备考资料免费下载领取! 托福听力天文背景提升 :“度年如日”的宜居行星在哪里?|附托福备考题目及解析资料免费下载领取! 托福听力/阅读/写作/口语备考干货:备考建议/做题方法/资料使用|附TPO/专项习题/知识点笔记免费下载领取! 2023年3月28日托福真题回顾:命中2篇听力lecture|附托福真题资料免费下载领取! 托福考试改革:时长缩短到2小时/阅读/听力/写作题型大变动|附托福模拟样题免费下载领取!