即将参加接下来 5月机考SAT的同学们 可以扫码下方二维码进入「SAT机经回忆群」,入群 领取TD深度还原的全部3月全部机经合集,包含阅读、语法、数学全部3月考题的复原,部分考题为英文版 。根据TD SAT教研组对于机考SAT的研究表明,这些 考题非常有可能在将来的机考考试中重复的题目。
离5月亚太机考只有几天了。俗话说,“临阵磨枪,不快也亮”。TD SAT教研组整理了30多个在23年3月、1月和22年11月、9月、4月共五次机考SAT中出现过的词汇,供同学们考前“抱佛脚”用。建议将本原创资料和《TD深度还原机考sat机经系列(001-014)》一起使用(两种资料的内容没有重复),效果更佳。 今天先了解一下机考SAT真题中曾经出现过的两个专有名词: Dollar Store 廉价商品商店;“一元店”a shop that sells items very cheaply;a store that sells inexpensive items priced usually at a dollar or a few dollars 另外一个涉及到美国历史,这个单词是Underground, 也叫Underground Railroad,意思不是真的在地下修了一条铁路,而是指大概1830年代到1860年代,南方黑奴在各个城市的一些白人和自由黑人的帮助下,为获自由而偷偷地辗转多地跑到北方,形成的多条惯用逃跑路线。 这里的underground的意思是指“秘密的,地下的”(of or relating to the secret activities of people working to subvert an established order)
美国著名作家科尔森·怀特海德(Colson Whitehead)写了一本长篇小说《Underground》,讲的就是那段故事,2016年出版后获美国国家图书奖、、普利策奖,被译成多种文字(包括中译本),2021年改编成同名电视剧电视剧。
2020年9月北美SAT和2017年10月ACT考到了科尔森·怀特海德写的同一篇小说《Sag Harbor 》,2020年9月23日School Day SAT考了怀特海德的另一篇长篇小说《约翰·亨利日》(John Henry Days)。 另外语法部分出现了一个不太常用的副词,elsewhere。请同学们注意在倒装句中,elsewhere放在句首的情况,比如: Elsewhere in the same book she gives another date. 她在同一本书的另一处给出了另一个(不同的)日期。 这个副词放在句首,带有微弱的转折的意思。 接下来是30个比较普通的单词,动词居多,也有形容词。里面有一些生词(略高过高中要求,高中生一般不认识的单词),也有一些是纸笔考SAT也喜欢考的熟词的生僻义。

prevail vi.占优势,占上风;获胜

prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious 不及物动词,通常和介词over连用 例句:It is hard for logic to prevail over emotion. 逻辑很难战胜感情。

eclipse vt. 掩没(某人或物的)重要性 (或地位、声誉),使失色

deprive (someone or something) of significance, power, or prominence 例句:The state of the economy has eclipsed the environment as the main issue. 经济状况超过环境问题而成为主要问题。

counteract vt.对抗;阻碍;抵制;抵消;中和

act against (something) in order to reduce its force or neutralize it 同学们请注意,act是不及物动词,但是counteract却是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语 例句:The drug counteracts the effects of the poison. 这种药可抵消毒物的作用。

constrict vt. 抑制,限制;约束

restrict 例句:The fear and the reality of crime constrict many people's lives. 对犯罪的恐惧和罪恶的现实束缚了许多人的生活

rectify vt. 纠正,矫正;修正,整顿

put (something) right; correct 例句:Mistakes made now cannot be rectified later. 现在犯下的错误今后无法纠正。

reverberate vi.不断发生后效,不断引起反响

have continuing and serious effects 例句:The statements by the professor reverberated through the Capitol. 教授的话不断在国会引起反响。

spurious adj. 假的;伪造的;(推理方法)貌似真实的,似是而非的,站不住脚的

not being what it purports to be; false or fake; (of a line of reasoning) apparently but not actually valid 例句: This spurious reasoning results in nonsense. 这种站不住脚的推理到头来都是废话。

transpose vt. 转移,迁移;转换

transfer to a different place or context 例句:The themes are transposed from the sphere of love to that of work. 主题从爱情转到了工作。 vt. 使变形,转变,使变化 change into a new form 例句:He transposed a gaffe by the mayor into a public-relations advantage. 他把市长的失态转变成了公关优势。

yield vt. 产生(效果、收益等);带来

(of an action or process) produce or deliver (a result, or gain) 例句:This method yields the same results. 这种方法产生同样的结果。

dictate vt.&vi. 控制;支配;决定

control or decisively affect; determine 例句1::Choice is often dictated by availability. 选择往往决定于是否有可能。 例句2:A review process can be changed as circumstances dictate. 审查过程可能会视具体情况的需要而有所改变。

mitigate vt. 使温和;使缓和、缓解;减轻(痛苦)

make less severe, serious, or painful 例句:Drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem. 排污系统已经使问题得到缓和。

preclude vt. 防止,杜绝,使不可能

prevent from happening; make impossible 例句:The secret nature of his work precluded official recognition. 他工作的机密性质使他不可能获得官方表彰。

glide n. 滑音,延长(发音 )

a sound produced as the vocal organs move towards or away from articulation of a vowel or consonant, for example j in duke djuːk

prolong vt. 延长、拖长

extend the duration of 例句:We were having such a good time that we decided to prolong ourstay by another week. 我们过得非常愉快,决定再多待一個星期。

humanoid adj.类人的;具有人的形状(或特征)的

having an appearance or character resembling that of a human

intricate adj. 错综复杂的,盘根错节的;复杂精细的

very complicated or detailed

daunting adj.看上去棘手难以处理、难以对付的;使人畏惧的;令人发怵的

seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating

condescending adj. 行为表现出一种优越感的

acting in a way that betrays a feeling of patronizing superiority towards someone 例句:She thought the teachers were arrogant and condescending. 她认为教师们傲慢自大且居高临下。

determine vt. (尤指通过研究或计算)探知;确定

ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation 例句:The point of our study was to determine what is true, not what is practicable. 我们研究的目的是要确定什么是真实的,而不是什么是可行的。

stipulate vt. 规定(要求)(尤指作为合同或协议的一部分)

demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of a bargain or agreement 例句:He stipulated certain conditions before their marriage. 他在婚前订立了一些条件。

affecting adj. 感人的,打动人的

evoking a strong emotional response

overreach oneself 伸手伸得过远;因做非力所及的事而失败

defeat one's object by trying to do more than is possible 例句:The Church overreached itself in securing a territory that would prove impossible to hold. 教会要得到一块不可能保得住的土地,伸手过长(不自量力),会失败的。

conventional adj.传统的,习惯的

based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed

inconsequential adj.微不足道的,无关紧要的;无意义的

not important or significant

substantial adj. 很重要的;很可观的,大量的;很有价值的

of considerable importance, size, or worth

constrain vt. 限制;约束,束缚

severely restrict the scope, extent, or activity of 例句:Agricultural development is considerably constrained by climate. 农业发展在相当程度上由气候所限制。

constrict vt. 限制、抑制

to stultify, stop, or cause to falter 同义词为inhibit或restrict 例句:Too many rules had constricted her lifestyle. 太多的清规戒律限制了她的生活方式。

fabricate vt. (存心)捏造,虚构

invent or concoct (something), typically with deceitful intent 例句:Officers fabricated evidence. 官员们捏造了证据。

promulgate vt. (思想,事业)宣传,散布,传播

promote or make widely known (an idea or cause) 例句:These objectives have to be promulgated within the organization. 这些目标必须在机构内广而告之。

Ingenious adj. (人)机灵的;有独创性的;具创造力的

(of a person) clever, original, and inventive 例句:He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget. 他足智多谋,足以克服预算有限的困难。

lament vt. 惋惜,表示失望

express regret or disappointment over something considered unsatisfactory, unreasonable, or unfair 例句:She lamented the lack of shops in the town. 她叹惜城中缺少商店。


即将参加接下来5月机考SAT的同学们可以扫码下方二维码联系马甲进入「SAT机经回忆群」,入群领取TD深度还原的全部3月全部机经合集,包含阅读、语法、数学全部3月考题的复原,部分考题为英文版。根据TD SAT教研组对于机考SAT的研究表明,这些考题非常有可能在将来的机考考试中重复的题目。
