即将参加接下来 5月机考SAT的同学们 可以扫码下方二维码进入「SAT机经回忆群」,入群 领取TD深度还原的全部3月全部机经合集,包含阅读、语法、数学全部3月考题的复原,部分考题为英文版 。根据TD SAT教研组对于机考SAT的研究表明,这些 考题非常有可能在将来的机考考试中重复的题目。
根据同学们的回忆,3月机考还考到了奥地利著名诗人赖纳·马利亚·里尔克(Rainer Maria Rilke)的一首诗。 Evening Rainer Maria Rilke The sky puts on the darkening blue coat held for it by a row of ancient trees; you watch: and the lands grow distant in your sight, one journeying to heaven, one that falls; and leave you, not at home in either one, not quite so still and dark as the darkened houses, not calling to eternity with the passion of what becomes a star each night, and rises; and leave you (inexpressibly to unravel) your life, with its immensity and fear, so that, now bounded, now immeasurable, it is alternately stone in you and star. 里尔克生于1875年,1926去世,是颓废派、象征主义诗歌的代表人物。 象征主义诗歌属于现代派诗歌的一个流派,这个流派反对直白的抒情和直接的说教,喜欢用象征、暗示、隐喻等手法曲折地表达作者的思想和复杂微妙的情绪,以神秘、颓废、虚无为基调。 对于我们SAT考生来说,直接后果就是四个字——“非常难懂”。目前我们只知道SAT考了这首诗,不知道围绕这首诗出了什么题,于是我们还是用笨方法,全文翻译。但是在翻译过程的中,我们发现————有几个地方看不懂。 但是这难不倒TD SAT教研组。这首诗原诗是用德语写的,然后翻译成英语。 我们找到了这首诗三位翻译的三个不同英文译本,终于完全看懂了这首诗,做了逐段英汉对照翻译。连文学评论界对这首诗的main idea都有争议,有的认为是表示在黑暗中看到光亮(积极),有的评论家认为是表达人生渐渐被黑夜吞噬的哀叹(背光)。所以SAT应该不会出主旨题,可能会出一道词汇题吧,或者出一道修辞目的题。 Evening written by Rainer Maria Rilke translated by Stephen Mitchell The sky puts on the darkening blue coat held for it by a row of ancient trees; you watch: and the lands grow distant in your sight, one journeying to heaven, one that falls; 一排古树把深蓝色的外衣托举给天空 天空换上了这身衣服 看吧:你视线中的大地变得遥远(好像分成两半) 一半升到空中 一半掉落到地下 and leave you, not at home in either one, not quite so still and dark as the darkened houses, not calling to eternity with the passion of what becomes a star each night, and rises; (夜晚的降临)大地的离去 剩下你(不能跟着那一半大地升上天去,也不能跟着另一半大地掉到地下去) 你既不能像(夜幕中向地下坠落)的黑房子一样暗黑而宁静 你不能带着和(那些每天一到夜晚就升上天成为星星的那一半大地)一样的热情向永恒发出呼唤 and leave you (inexpressibly to unravel) your life, with its immensity and fear, so that, now bounded, now immeasurable, it is alternately stone in you and star. (夜晚的降临)大地的离去 留给你的是 你无法理解的 你自己的生命 你的生命巨大而令人恐惧 你的生命(似乎)一会儿有界限 一会儿又变得无法测量无边无界 你的生命(似乎)一会儿变成一块石头 一会儿又会变成(天上的)星星

TD SAT教研组注:

unravel vt. 弄清;解决;阐明(复杂问题) investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling) 例句: They were attempting to unravel the cause of death. 他们试图解开死亡之谜。 altenate vi. occur in turn repeatedly 交替进行 alternately adv. by turns one after the other 例句: The rest of the day I spent alternately pacing the length of the train … or looking out the windows. 那一天接下来的时间,我们一会儿在整个火车里来回踱步,一会儿往窗外看。 immense adj. (尤指规模、程度)广大的,巨大的 extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree



Evening written by Rainer Maria Rilke translated by Randall Jarrell The evening folds about itself the dark Garments the old trees hold out to it. You watch: and the lands are borne from you, One soaring heavenward, one falling; And leave you here, not wholly either's, Not quite so darkened as the silent houses, Not quite so surely summoning the eternal As that which each night becomes star, and rises; And leave you (inscrutably to unravel) Your life: the fearful and ripening and enormous Being that -- bounded by everything, or boundless -- For a moment becomes stone, for a moment stars.


Evening written by Rainer Maria Rilke translated by F.C. MacIntyre Slowly now the evening changes his garments held for him by a rim of ancient trees; you gaze: and the landscape divides and leaves you, one sinking and one rising toward the sky. And you are left, to none belonging wholly, not so dark as a silent house, nor quite so surely pledged unto eternity as that which grows to star and climbs the night. To you is left (unspeakably confused) your life, gigantic, ripening, full of fears, so that it, now hemmed in, now grasping all, is changed in you by turns to stone and stars.


即将参加接下来5月机考SAT的同学们可以扫码下方二维码联系马甲进入「SAT机经回忆群」,入群领取TD深度还原的全部3月全部机经合集,包含阅读、语法、数学全部3月考题的复原,部分考题为英文版。根据TD SAT教研组对于机考SAT的研究表明,这些考题非常有可能在将来的机考考试中重复的题目。


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