


Despite the increased access to education, a significant number of people cannot read or write. What are the disadvantages without these skills? And What actions should governments take?


这是一道混合题型的题目,这一类题型我们可以一段围绕一个问题展开,第一段写人们没有读写能力的弊端,可以从个人和社会两个角度出发考虑观点,比如对个人来讲,会给生活/学习/工作带来不便,第二段写政府的相关措施,比如提高意识/投资教育等角度。 ?缺点: 1.教育机会有限,限制未来发展: Those who lack basic literacy skills may not have access to higher education or technical training, which can limit their career prospects and earning potential. 2.遇到沟通上的障碍:Basic communication skills are essential for daily life, and individuals who cannot read or write may find it challenging to communicate effectively with others, particularly in a professional or academic setting. 3. 社会流动性降低:Without literary skills, individuals may find it difficult to navigate financial systems, understand legal documents, or participate in civic activities, limiting their ability to move upward socially and economically. ?政府措施: 1. 普及基础教育:Governments should strive to make education accessible to all, particularly in underprivileged areas, to ensure that every citizen has basic literacy skills 2. 对学校和教育进行投资: Providing sufficient resources and training teachers to teach more effectively can make basic education more engaging and effective, leading to better outcomes for students. 3. 互联网教育: Governments can help spread digital literacy by investing in technology and internet access and providing training on digital skills to those who need it, which can increase access to information and improve job prospects.


Some people think hosting major international sporting events brings a lot of advantages to a country, while others believe there are more disadvantages. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


这是一道双边讨论类题目,考察的是运动的优缺点,在《雅思大作文破题指南@TD原创》有对应政府类题目的破题思路和素材可以用到这道题中,但切忌生搬硬套,要结合具体的题目进行适当的改写或者内容的补充:体育赛事提高人们对运动的热情,从而提高居民的健康水平。 On the one hand, supporters of hosting major international events argue that it can boost a country's economy by increasing tourism and generating revenue. ?支持: 1.民族自豪感:Hosting major international sporting events can unite a country behind a common cause. This can result in a collective sense of pride and national identity. 2.国际认可: Hosting major international sporting events brings attention to the country. This can result in increased tourism, foreign investment, and a boost in the country’s global image. ?反对: 1.成本较高: Hosting major international sporting events can be very expensive. This cost includes preparing for the event, building new infrastructure, and hiring staff to ensure everything runs smoothly. 2.安全方面的担忧: Major international events can attract a significant number of people, thus increasing the security risks. This includes the possibility of terrorism, as well as the safety of visitors and athletes. ?个人观点: 举办体育赛事带来很大的好处,但也要注意规避风险,有必要在活动之前进行成本效益分析,比如它的长期影响。一旦确认主办,提前准备活动也很重要,以确保其成功。 It is necessary to conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis before deciding to host such events. This includes the long-term impact of such events. Once hosting is confirmed, preparing for the event ahead of time is also important to ensure its success.


Some people think that paying taxes is enough to contribute to the society. Others argue that being a citizen involves more responsibilities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


这是一道比较抽象的社会类话题,难度和前两场考试相比较高,审题时需要大家注意的是本题不讨论交税的优缺点,只讨论“只需交税就狗了的原因”以及“还需要更多责任的原因” ?只需要交税: 1.目前的税收可以满足社会的正常运转:Taxes contribute to the functioning of essential public services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Therefore, paying taxes alone is a significant contribution to society. 2.公民除了法律规定的义务外,不受任何具体义务的约束:Citizens have the freedom to choose how they live their lives and are not bound by any specific duties beyond what is legally required of them. ?还需要更多的责任: 1.需要发挥社会成员的积极作用:Being a member of society also involves playing an active role in maintaining and improving it. This can be achieved through donating time, money, or resources to charitable organizations or volunteering in the community. 2.在政治活动中发挥作用:Citizens have a duty to participate in political processes such as elections, voting on important issues, and voicing their opinions on public matters. ?个人观点: 虽然交税是任何公民的重要职责,但作为社会的一员,还有其他的责任。作为一个公民,就是要回馈社会,以尽可能多的方式为社会做出积极的贡献。 it is necessary to recognize that being a citizen is about giving back to the community and contributing positively to society in as many ways as possible.


Nowadays, most countries improve the standard of living through economic development. But some social values are lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of the phenomenon outweigh the disadvantages?


这道题考察的是经济发展的利弊,我们在审题时注意题目中出现的两个限定条件improve people’s living standards 和 social values are lost,这也是在雅思备考计划班课中给同学们强调过的审题要素。 ?经济发展的好处: 1. 增加工作机会:Increased job opportunities: Economic development creates jobs, which can reduce unemployment and poverty. 2. 增加基础设施: Improved infrastructure: Economic development often results in better infrastructure, including transportation, communication, and healthcare facilities. ?经济发展的弊端: 1.忽视文化传统的发展:As people become more focused on material possessions, they may lose sight of their cultural and social traditions, leading to a loss of social values. 2.环境退化:Economic development can result in the exploitation of natural resources, polluting the environment and harming wildlife.


It is predicted that with the development of technology, people in the 21st century have much more free time. To what extent has the prediction come true? Give some reasons from your perspective and experience.


这是一道观点类题目,考察话题为科技的利弊,但我们在展开文章的时候仍然需要注意题目中给出的限定信息:科技是否带给人们更多的时间,也就是科技是如何帮助我们节省时间or浪费我们的时间。 ?节省时间: 1.信息获取:People have access to information at their fingertips. This has reduced the time and effort required to gather information needed. 2.沟通方便:Technology has made communication more accessible and instant, which has saved time for people who need to communicate with others. ?浪费时间: 1.让人分心:Technology can be a massive distraction, wasting people's time. Social media platforms, video games, and endless streams of entertainment on 2.与工作联系更紧密:With the availability of instantaneous communication and remote working, people can remain connected to their work 24/7, leading to a never-ending work-life balance and less free time.







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