今天TD SAT教研组还是和同学们分享一道机经,又是一道填空题。老规矩,直接上干货: 维基百科的用户经常受到错误信息(misinformation)和故意释放的假消息(disinformation)的困扰。两者的共同点在于它们都是______的事实陈述,两者的区别在于前者通常是无意发布的,而后者总是故意发布的。 备选项: A)spurious B)deceitful C)fraudulent D)dramatized 正确选项:spurious

TD SAT教研组注:

然后TD SAT教研组还是和同学们一起来看一下这道题的题干中和备选项中出现的几个关键单词。 spurious adj. 假的;伪造的 not being what it purports to be; false or fake 例句: Could you separate authentic and spurious claims? 你能够区别真实和虚假的言论吗? spurious adj. adj. (推理方法)貌似真实的,站不住脚的 (of a line of reasoning) apparently but not actually valid 例句: This spurious reasoning results in nonsense. 这种站不住脚的推理到头来都是废话。 deceitful adj. 欺骗的,欺诈的 intended to deceive or mislead 例句: Such an act would have been deceitful and irresponsible. 这样的行为将会是欺诈和不负责任的。 fraudulent adj. 诈骗的,欺诈的;骗得的;欺骗性的 obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially criminal deception 例句: A worrying trend for insurers has been a rise in fraudulent claims. 令保险公司不安的是,诈骗性的索赔要求的数量呈上升趋势。 dramatize vt . 戏剧化表达,夸张表达 exaggerate the seriousness or importance of (an incident or situation) 例句: She had a tendency to dramatize things. 她喜欢将事情戏剧化。 misinformation n.错误的信息/资讯 wrong information, or the fact that people are misinformed 例句: There's a lot of misinformation about the disease that needs to be corrected. 有很多关于这种疾病的错误信息,亟待纠正。 disinformation n. (故意放出的)假情报,假消息 false information which is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or the media 例句: They claimed there was an official disinformation campaign by the government. 他们声称政府发起了一场(故意)散发虚假情报的运动。


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