今天TD SAT教研组还是来分享一道机经。直接上干货: 尽管对一个考古遗址的理解过去是______的,但是一个新发现改进了(sharpened)了人们对之的理解。 备选项: nebulous concrete unprecedented convoluted 正确选项:nebulous

TD SAT教研组注:

nebulous adj. (概念,观点)模糊不清的;混乱的 (of a concept or idea) unclear, vague, or ill-defined 例句: She has a few nebulous ideas about what she might want to do in the future, but nothing definite. 关于将来想做什么,她有些模糊的想法,但是不确定。 concrete adj. 具体的;明确的;确定的;确实的 specific; definite 例句: I haven't got any concrete proof. 我没有任何确实的证据。 unprecedented adj. 无先例的;前所未闻的 never done or known before 例句: The government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential correspondence. 政府史无前例地公开了秘密通信。 convoluted adj. (尤指论点、情节或句子)极其复杂的;难以理解的 (especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult to follow 例句: The film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens. 这部电影被一个令人费解又没实质内容的情节破坏了。 题干中出现的动词sharpen,是解题的关键。Sharpen是“改进”的意思,说明之前的认识是不够好的,备选项中带有“不够好”这种意思的,只有nebulous。这也是填空题的一种常用考法,你要选对前半句的一个形容词,必须要认识后半句的一个不太常用的动词。 sharpen vt.& vi. (使)改善;(使)改进 improve or cause to improve 例句1: Students will sharpen up their reading skills. 例句2: They've got to sharpen up in front of the goal. 他们临门一脚还需要提高。 这里再拓展讲一下和nebulous意思相近的几个单词,说不定以后会考到。 vague adj. 不明确的,不清楚的 of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning hazy adj. 朦胧的,不清楚的,模糊的 vague, indistinct, or ill-defined opaque adj.(尤指语言)晦涩的;难理解的 (especially of language) hard or impossible to understand; unfathomable


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