
ACT真题词汇Practice 1
She arrived by one or another of her footpaths—she imagined them, lying awake at night, like a rete mirabile, a tracery over the concrete, the tar, and the stone—at a room on the second floor of the Museum of Natural History, a vaulted, well-lit space in which she worked six or seven hours a day, preparing fossils of marine organisms from the Cambrian period and the Precambrian era. It was her gift to discern in the bits of rock placed before her lines of such subtlety that no one who beheld her excisions could quite believe what she had done.
Based on Passage B, the reaction that people have to Weddell’s work can best be described as one of:
F. amusement.
G. apathy.
H. disdain.
J. awe.
这个问题问Passage B中人们对Weddell的工作会做出怎样的反应。我们可以定位到选段部分与他人态度有关的描述:最后一句“It was her gift to discern in the bits of rock placed before her lines of such subtlety that no one who beheld her excisions could quite believe what she had done.” 她有一种天赋,能从摆在她面前的岩石碎片中分辨出如此精巧的线条,以至于任何看过她切割(文中指修复化石)的人都不敢彻底相信她做了什么。
1.behold: to look at or see sb./sth. 看;看见
2.excision: the act of removing sth completely from sth; the thing removed 切除;删除;切除物
知道这两个单词的意思,我们就能准确定位到原文,确认这里是在讲人们看到Weddell所做的工作产生的想法:惊叹、不敢相信。这题的答案就是J. awe
F. amusement: the feeling that you have when sth. is funny or amusing, or it entertains you 可笑;愉悦;娱乐
G. apathy: the feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic about anything 冷漠;淡漠
H. disdain: the feeling that sb./sth. is not good enough to deserve your respect or attention 鄙视;蔑视;鄙弃
J. awe: feelings of respect and slight fear; feelings of being very impressed by sth./sb. 敬畏;惊叹

ACT真题词汇Practice 2
Textbook diagrams of airfoils regularly leave out a critical detail: turbulence. Air passing around a wing never actually moves in the smooth lines of illustration—it swirls and eddies in complex patterns that change constantly with every subtlety of temperature, air pressure, wind speed, wing shape, and angle. There are layers of air dragged along with the wing, vortices tumbling above its surfaces, and spirals jetting off the tips. The process is far too complex for any drawing, but understanding it is critical to understanding drag, the natural resistance to a wing’s forward motion.
According to the passage, textbook diagrams of airfoils can’t effectively portray turbulence because:
A. turbulence moves in such smooth lines that it’s too subtle to draw.
B. turbulence is too multidimensional and variable to be captured in a drawing.
C. the movement of air is invisible, making the portrayal of turbulence a speculative undertaking.
D. scientists don’t understand all the factors that create and affect turbulence.
我们已经帮大家定位到了文中相关段落~题目问的是为什么教科书上的机翼图不能有效地描绘湍流。“textbook diagrams of airfoils”我们可以直接在选段第一句找到原词对应,另外我们必须知道:
portray: to show sb./sth. in a picture; to describe sb./sth. in a piece of writing 描绘;描画;描写
有的同学可能还想问选项中的multidimensional是什么意思?a speculative undertaking又该怎么理解?那我们同样来把4个选项翻译一下:
A. 湍流的运动轨迹太流畅了,以至于很难画出来。
B. 湍流过于多维和多变,无法在画中绘制出来。
C. 空气的运动是看不见的,使得对湍流的描绘成为一种猜测。
D. 科学家不了解造成和影响湍流的所有因素。
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