When making purchasing decisions, people can rely on various sources of information. Some prefer to listen to advice from their parents or friends, while other prefer to follow suggestions on the internet. Which do you prefer?2023年7月26日下午场托福写作真题回顾
Professor: Hello class! Next week we will be discussing the impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior. With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, we’ve seen the emergence of a new type of celebrity: the social media influencer. These influencers have large followings and can sway consumer behavior by endorsing products or services. What are your thoughts on this? Jack: I think social media influencers have a significant impact. When young people start admiring these influencers and trust their recommendations, they are more likely to buy products or services that they endorse. However, I also think there are some concerns about the authenticity of these endorsements, as some influencers may promote products that they don’t actually use or believe in. Emily: I’m not convinced that social media influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior. While they may have large followings, most people are smart enough to make their own purchasing decisions based on their needs and preferences. Plus, there are so many influencers out there promoting different products that it can be hard to know who to trust. 这是7.26家考的题目:2023年7月26日托福家考写作真题回顾
教授问题: 来自不同国家的人们之间到底是有更多不同还是这些不同正在消失。 Andrew:这种不同在逐渐弱化因为人们现在吃的喝的休闲娱乐的内容都差不多,比如买一样的东西看一样的电影。 Kelly:不同国家的人们还是有很多不同,比如社交媒体上经常出现大家只赞同和他们观点一致的。 “购物决策”的题目是根据旧的独立改编的,“人们之间的不同”以及“网红的影响”是新的题目。预计以后的题目会延续这种风格:是一部分根据独立改编,一部分新题,并且新题目的特征是问的比较细。 今天的文章分三个部分,新旧写作考试的相通和不同;新写作备考方法介绍;资料赠送。Part 1:
写作风格 部分题目 段落拓展方法 写作风格: 第一个相通是写作风格。虽然改革之后的题目叫学术讨论,但重点是学术,因此尽管它的开头可以比较随意一些,但是后面的正文展开还是要比较正式的,不能够像口语一样。 部分题目: 官方放出的样题和真实考试的题目都有和独立的重复。比如以下两个例子: 新:Which approach do you think is better: Giving grades based only on performance or grading students not just on performance but also on their effort? 旧:Agree or disagree: Grades encourage students to work harder at school. 新:Do you think it's a good idea for very young children to play educational computer games? Why or why not? 旧:Some people think that some lessons for young children (age 4-8) which include video games can serve as effective and interesting ways of learning, while others think that these lessons are quite distracting and can be seen as a waste of time. 段落拓展方法: 旧: 新: 从上面的图片我们可以看出,独立当中的development和新的文章当中的elaboration在评分标准当中就是一样的,都需要包含explanation, exemplification, and details,也就是都需要用到一些固定的展开方法,比如说原因和细节展开。不同
时间压力 部分题目 审题方法 语言要求 首先时间压力陡增,现在要求大家在一到两分钟之内,其实最好是一分钟把教授问题和同学回答都读完,然后确定好自己的思路,相当于八到九分钟要写至少120到130个词,而且没有时间去调整,不像之前写错还来得及反悔。 第二个部分题目刚刚说过,有一些题目是相同的,那么就有一些题目是不一样的,这些题目集中在一些民生类话题和生活类话题。他们的特征就是问的非常的详细。这点有利有弊。不好处就是对于生活经验缺乏的同学来说比较陌生,好处就是题目里面没有什么陷阱了,问的非常的直白。 审题方法,现在不单需要看教授问题,还需要去看一下同学回答,为了避免跟同学的内容产生重复,因为新的题目有一个很重要的要求--make a contribution to the discussion,那么这contribution就是要给出新的信息,而不仅仅是重复另外两位同学的答案。 语言要求也更高了,之前能够拿5分的语言水平,到现在可能只能拿一个4-4.5。新版评分标准当中写到之前5分文章的用词appropriate就好,现在要precise。语言错误方面,之前是可以有minor errors,现在是almost no errors。 新:precise, idiomatic word choice;almost no lexical or grammatical errors other than those expected from a competent writer writing under timed conditions 旧:appropriate word choice, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errorsPart 2:
先说已经对于旧的独立很熟悉的同学: 25+:少量技巧课 20以下:语言+技巧 25+的同学说明语言基础已经过关了,所以只需要去上一到两个小时的技巧,或者是自学,知道在转考当中有注意事项和展开方法的变化即可。但是20以下同学直接去考分数肯定不会有很大的提升,因为它毕竟还是一个语言能力测试,因此我们需要跟之前独立备考一样,一边提升语言,一边提升技巧。 这里说的技巧主要包括这么四个部分。第一是阅读,如何快速找出同学回答当中的重点;二是立场选择,判断选哪一边会更好写一些;三是段落结构:是正面还是反面,还是正反结合;四是段落展开,有哪些固定的方法可以帮助咱们快速的展开。 再说还没有开始托福备考的同学: 和20分以下的同学类似,也是需要语言和技巧两手抓。不过技巧要多学一段时间。Part 3: 托福材料放送