《TD深度还原机考SAT机经之044:另一道从Bluebook Practice 4里回收再利用的填空题》一文中,我们已经和同学们分享了College Board一道回收再利用题,今天我们再来看看College Board是怎样把这道题进行第二次回收再利用,又出出来一道新题的。 我们还是先来看Bluebook里这道填空题的原貌: Practice 4 Harder Module 2 Question 2 New and interesting research conducted by Suleiman A. Al-Sweedan and Moath Alhaj is inspired by their observation that though there have been many studies of the effect of high altitude on blood chemistry, there is a ______ studies of the effect on blood chemistry of living in locations below sea level, such as the California towns of Salton City and Seeley. Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase? A. quarrel about B. paucity of C. profusion of D. verisimilitude in 我们知道,第一次回收再利用,CB使用的方法是换成在另一个地方挖空。第二次回收再利用,CB使用的方法,仍然是换一个地方挖空。 第二次改编后的面貌大致如下: Many _______ studies deal with the effect of high altitude on blood chemistry. Recently, A. Al-Sweedan and Moath Alhaj chose a new approach, focusing on the effect of low altitude on blood chemistry of people who lived at low places such as Salton City in California. 备选项: A)random B)conventional C)…… D)…… 正确选项: B)conventional

TD SAT教研组注:

所以TD SAT教研组在这里再再再次提醒同学们,对Bluebook里的四套官方样题,一定要重视,一定要反复练习,把这四套题搞懂吃透。 好了,今天的TD深度还原SAT机经系列就分享到这里,离8月考试只有几个礼拜的时间了,同学们加油呀。


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