托福口语Task 3 遇到超啰嗦故事类题目怎么办?干货方法让你说全采分点冲刺3.5!
托福口语的Task 3 是很多同学最害怕的保留节目。遇到科学类Task 3 的时候被一堆奇形怪状的学科词汇搞得一脸懵逼,好不容易遇到社科类Task 3 感觉全听懂了,结果勤勤恳恳说了半天,发现刚刚说了个开头时间就到了,然后又懊恼不已。如果遇到了科学类Task 3 因为生词问题实在是听不懂的话那我们可能目前也没有什么办法,可是如果明明听得很清楚,就是就是没有时间把记录下来的信息都说出来是真的很可惜。因此,我们今天就来研究一下如果遇到了特别冗长啰里八嗦的Task 3 题目的话应该怎么做,在有限的时间内把采分点都说到。
Behavioral Exposure
Because they fear failure or some other unpleasant consequences, children are sometimes afraid to engage in certain behaviors that could be beneficial to them. One technique that can help children overcome this kind of fear is behavioral exposure. With this technique, children are encouraged to perform gradually increasing amounts of the feared behavior. After they are repeatedly exposed to the behavior and experience no negative consequences, they gradually become confident that a negative outcome is unlikely, and they are eventually able to overcome their fear.
在看文段的时候,可以先找到概念词behavioral exposure, 这个单词在第三行出现。之后,我们可以判断出来给这个词下定义的是后面的一句话,With this technique, children are encouraged to perform gradually increasing amounts of the feared behavior. 所以,我们的definition 句就可以说 with behavioral exposure, children are encouraged to perform gradually increasing amounts of the feared behavior.
Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a psychology class.
I've used a version of this technique with my children. When my son Tommy was 8 years old, we moved here to Los Angeles. And when we first got here, Tommy was afraid to talk to the kids in the neighborhood. He was afraid they wouldn't accept him that they wouldn't like him.
Then one Saturday afternoon, I saw Tommy looking out the window, watching some kids riding the bikes outside. Now, Tommy had a bike. He loved to ride. And I knew he really wanted to go out and play with those kids. So I said to him, Tommy, wanna walk down to the store and get some ice cream? And he said okay. Then I said, and how about when we walk passed those kids, let's just say hi. Okay? He was a little reluctant, but he said okay, so we walked to the store. As we approached the kids, I gave Tommy a little nudge. And he very bravely said hi. The kids all said hi back to him and very friendly. And we continued walking, I could see Tommy starting to relax.
Then on the way back from the store, I said to him, how about this time when we walk passed the kids, you say something nice to them about their bikes?
He said, okay, I could tell he was feeling a little more confident now. And this time when we approached the kids, Tommy said to one of them, that's a really cool bike. I bet you can go really fast on that. And the other boy’s face lit up and he said, watch. And he rode his bike as fast as he could. Well, we reached home. And a little while later, Tommy said to me, dad, I think I'm gonna go outside and ride my bicycle. So he went out on his bike and rode up to the other kids, and they started talking. And by the end of the afternoon, he made several new friends.
Tommy, 8, LA
Afraid talk, neighborhood
Saturday, looking out the window, kids riding bikes
Loved to ride, wanted go out
Said, get ice cream, OK
Said, walk passed, say hi
Reluctant, ok
Approached, nudge, said hi
Kids said hi back, relax
Back from store, say nice bike
Ok, confident
Approached, said cool, go fast
Boy’s face lit up, rode fast
Reached home, said ride bike
Went out, rode up, started talking
Made new friends
现在问题来了,如果你尝试着把这些笔记从头到尾事无巨细地说一遍的话,除非语速起飞瞬间开始唱hardcore rap, 那你基本上得说个两分多钟。但是Task 3 一共只给我们一分钟的时间呀,这个咋办呢?以下几个方法可以让我们化解这个问题:
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