美国梦,即指一种相信只要经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好生活的理想。不难看出,实现梦想的最大助力是个人努力,而不是社会大环境。换而言之,只要愿意付出,便有机会成功——典型的个人主义Individualism思想。在西进运动Westward Movement中,广阔美国西部土地(虽然当时是印第安人的领土)尽“入吾彀中”的优渥条件表面上催生了一种以个人主义为核心的美国精神,如同TPO57中教授介绍的一位名叫Frederick Jackson Turner的史学家的观点一样:
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/getvoice-11.mp3"][/audio]
Turner asserted that the existence of a frontier with cheaper or virtually free land for the taking available for individuals to sort of try their luck tended to promote certain ideals that were central to the American character, ideals of economic self-sufficiency, individualism, political independence, small town democracy, suspicion of large government, things like that. He saw these things being really shaped by the economic and social conditions of the frontier, and for Turner, the end of the frontier in 1890 meant the end of this particular era of American character.
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/getvoice-1-1.mp3"][/audio]
Turner really, in their view, underestimated the role of the federal government and large corporations in shaping the economic life of the frontier. I mean, just as a for instance, the federal government, to this day, is the largest landowner west of the Mississippi river; and people's lives, when they got to the frontier, were really dictated by market forces beyond, pretty much beyond their control. You know, you grow wheat, you exported it to Europe, and whether you prosper or not depended at least partly on the price of wheat, which you had relatively little control over.
把例子主体和其解释的观点进行对应。在听力的考点考察中,非常重要的一点就是例子的作用,例如题目会问Why does the professor mention wheat growing and exporting of the frontier? 这时候我们就需要去到前文中寻找观点,通常就在例子之前。此处为加粗的dictated by market force。对于整个例子听懂的同学来说,更应该对应到beyond their control上。
在TPO 48中,介绍了商业巨头是如何“控制”国家的经济命脉的,教授如是说:
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/getvoice-2-1.mp3"][/audio]
How did an elite group, a few business giants how did they end up dominating controlling a number of important national industries in the last quarter of the 19th century? How did they get to be so dominant? How did they figure out? How did they take advantage of the new industrialization of American society. Well, consider the example of Andrew Carnegie and the steel industry. We’ve already discussed the development of a national network, a national system of railroads, well this growth created a tremendous demand for steel, a national railroad system needs a lot of railroad tracks right? And Carnegie seized the opportunity. He built the world’s most modern steel mill, and he came up with a system of business or organization called vertical integration.
Why does the professor discuss vertical integration?
A.To explain how Andrew Carnegie gained control of the steel industry
B.To describe the most typical organization for businesses in the nineteenth century
C.To explain how John D. Rockefeller organized the oil industry
D.To explain the origins of the business trust
关于美国梦的具体细节,在西进运动westward movement中又发生了什么?如果大家想对19世纪美国的历史有更多理解,可以扫描文末二维码添加小马甲领取TD福利,补全背景知识,让大家轻松应对历史相关讲座~
