托福口语的Task 3 是我们最害怕的题目之一。听社科类题目的时候至少感觉还是能跟上故事进展的,听科学类题目的时候就感觉脑海中全是乱码,也就是一个叫xoi(%(&dijeioj&^&^的鱼和一个叫oihoibi(^%^ldiij&$%的鸟好像吃了点东西,又好像躲避了一下捕食者,然后就稀里糊涂地结束了。
在说的时候感觉自己的嘴不听使唤,明明听的时候感觉不同物种的发音还挺清晰的,结果越说越嘴瓢,鸟说成鱼,鱼说成鸟,鸟说成虾。其实虽然生物类Task 3 有一些独特的难点,但是掌握好做题的方法总可以让我们事半功倍。
步骤一:读懂reading 部分,做好预判
我们来看一下一道生物类Task 3 的reading 部分
Generalization to Avoid Predators
For animals to avoid predators and stay safe, they need to be able to identify which other animals might be dangerous predators. Animals can sometimes recognize new predators by their similarity to predators they are familiar with.
This phenomenon is known as generalization. When they encounter an unfamiliar animal that has the same characteristics as a known predator, they generalize by behaving the same way they would to avoid the known predator. An animal's ability to generalize can vary based or how similar the unfamiliar animals are to the original predators; the more similar they are, the more likely the animal is to generalize.
和任何类型的Task 3 一样,我们都需要在文中把题目当中的关键词进行定位, 然后找到解释这个学术概念的句子。在这里,我们很容易就可以找到“Animals can sometimes recognize new predators by their similarity to predators they are familiar with. ”这一句话。在找到这一句话以后,我们可以根据这个定义对于听力部分进行预判。首先,我们可以问自己,这里应该有几个物种呢?这一句话告诉我们这里至少有三个物种。第一个物种就是做主语的那个animal, 也就是被捕猎的动物。同时,至少会有两个捕猎者,一个是之前的捕猎者,另一个是新的捕猎者。其次,我们可以问一下这些物种之间有什么关系。最初始的那个动物和他的两个捕猎者之间的关系不言而喻,而两个捕猎者一定有非常相似的比较关系,也就是说听力当中一定会说到他们的共同点。正是这个共同点,才可以让主人公小动物辨别出来捕猎者。 在听听力的时候,我们的重点应该放在:1. 这些物种都是什么,叫什么。2. 这些物种之间是什么关系。3. 这些物种都做了啥事儿。只要把这三个点听清楚,我们就可以复述出来至少80%的内容。首先我们来看一下听力文本
Now this can be seen in a certain type of small fish called the minnow. Minnows are hunted by a larger fish called a lake trout. Some minnows have learned to react to the smell of lake trout, mainly by gathering close together and not moving around much, because this makes it harder for lake trout to find and eat the minnows.
So scientists explored the phenomenon we've been talking about by conducting an experiment. They exposed a group of minnows to the odors of two different kinds of fish that the minnows had never seen before. One kind was another species of trout called a Brooke trout, which even though a different species was still similar in some ways to lake trout. The other kind of fish was not a trout at all. It was a totally different kind of fish.
So when the minnows smelled the Brooke trout, they knew it smelled similar to the lake trout. So they behaved the same way as when they smelled the lake trout. That is they gathered close together and didn't move much even though they never encountered the Brooke trout before.
But when they smell the other type of fish, the one that wasn't a trout, they behaved normally, they did not respond as if they sensed they were in danger.
Hunted - lake trout
React 2 smell, gather together
Exposed 2 different kinds
1.Brooke trout, similar
2.X trout
BT - similar, behave same way
Other type - behave normally, x respond in danger
首先,我们可以把物种的名字和我们总结出来的逻辑关系进行对应。这个主人公叫做Minnow, 和它对应的最初的捕食者叫Lake trout, 和这个lake trout 非常相似的捕食者叫Brooke trout. 这个时候,我们发现听力里面有一个物种是阅读当中没有提到的,这个就是一个没有名字的鱼,叫它 a different kind of fish就可以,不用想太多。这个不同种类的鱼的作用是什么呢?就是和其他两种鱼进行对比。因为a different kind of fish 和lake trout八竿子打不着,所以Minnow在闻到了a different kind of fish的气味之后无动于衷,没有认出来它是自己的捕猎者。其次,我们可以看一下这些物种发起动作的重点。其实Lake trout, Brooke trout 和a different kind of fish 都没有干什么事儿,它们对于这个文章所贡献的只有他们是捕猎者的这个身份。唯一值得分析的行为就是Minnow在闻到他们之后的反应了。Lake trout是minnow 最初的捕食者,所以在闻到Lake trout的气味之后minnow 会开启防御机制,挤在一起一动不动。Brooke trout和lake trout的特征很相似,所以minnow 闻到Brooke trout 的时候会做一模一样的事情。然而,虽然a different kind of fish也是minnow的捕猎者,但是因为它和lake trout没什么共同点,所以minnow在闻到它的时候毫无反应。我们可以推断出,这一篇文章当中最重要的实验部分其实强调的是minnow在遇到不同的鱼之后的反应,所以这个就是我们阐述的重点了。
首先要明确的是,在说的时候最好还是按照原文的顺序一句一句说,不要自己乾坤大挪移把整体的结构打乱。这样做首先自己容易说晕,其次考官捕捉信息点也会比较困难。所以我们可以做的是不改变叙述的顺序,但是在每一句之间加上连接词。最后我们可以得出这样的答案The lecture talks about minnows whose predators are lake trout. We all know that minnows would react to the smell of lake trout by gathering together.Scientists have conducted an experiment on minnows by exposing minnows to two different kinds of fish species. The first species was Brooke trout, which was similar to the lake trout. On the other hand, the second species was a totally different kind of fish. As a result, when minnows have smelled the Brooke trout, since the smell is similar, it would act in the same way as they smelled the lake trout. Nevertheless, when minnows smelled the other type of fish, they would behave normally without responding to danger.这里需要注意的逻辑词一是实验当中两种鱼的并列关系,所以这里用了on the other hand。另外,实验结果前面可以用as a result 来突出一下。最后,由于minnows对于两种鱼气味的反应很不一样,我们可以用nevertheless来表达这个转折关系。虽然生物类Task 3 很难,但是我们用对方法也可以说出来高分回答,同学们加油哟!
TD福利 & 领取方式
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