Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
九月的第一场考试比较友好,考的是一道比较常规的教育类话题,可以从知识/技能/未来发展等角度切入,第一个观点要注意结合题干中的to be useful进行展开,即给社会带来什么好处,第二个要注意结合教育帮助实现personal ambition展开;此外,这道双边讨论题目两方的观点并不互相矛盾,如果想给出own opinion可以把两者相结合进行论证。?Education as Preparation for Societal Contribution:1.**Fulfilling Workforce Needs:** Proponents of this view argue that education equips individuals with the skills and knowledge required by the job market. An educated populace is essential for economic growth and societal development. 更容易找到工作,促进经济2.**Civic Responsibility:** Education instills values like civic responsibility, ethics, and social awareness. It prepares individuals to participate in their communities, make informed decisions, and contribute to the betterment of society. 教会公民社会道德、基本价值观,促进社会更好发展3.**Social Cohesion:** Education can promote social cohesion by fostering understanding and tolerance among diverse groups. It can help reduce prejudice and discrimination, ultimately creating a more harmonious society. 增加社会凝聚力,建设和谐社会?Education for Personal Ambitions:
1.**Individual Growth:** This perspective emphasizes that education should cater to the individual's interests and talents. It allows people to pursue their passions and realize their full potential. 教育需要迎合学生需求,帮助他们提升个人发展空间2.**Innovation and Progress:** Personal ambitions often drive innovation and progress. Many groundbreaking discoveries and inventions have been the result of individuals following their passions and interests, not just societal needs. 实现目标伴随着创新和进步3.**Happiness and Fulfillment:** Personal growth and satisfaction are vital for overall well-being. Education that focuses on personal ambitions can lead to a more content and fulfilled population. 带来成就感the purpose of education should strike a balance between these two views. Education should provide individuals with a foundational set of skills and knowledge that enable them to contribute to society. However, it should also allow room for personal development and the pursuit of individual passions and ambitions. A well-rounded education system should prepare individuals to be responsible citizens while nurturing their personal growth and fulfillment. 平衡两者,既要有对社会有贡献的知识和技能,也要让他们有个人的发展。Some people suggest that young adults should be encouraged to do some unpaid work for a period of time for the community to help people. Does it bring more benefits or drawbacks to the community and the young people? 同样是一道教育类话题,考察的是要不要让青少年工作,注意这道题目的工作为unpaid work,比如志愿者或者实习,大家在展开文章的时候需要结合这个角度去写,也就是我们不能单纯写青少年工作的优缺点哦;同时,大家可以注意到,这道题中有两个对象,一个是young people,一个是community,因此我们需要从这两个对象发散观点。1. **Enhanced Community Well-being**: Unpaid work from young adults can address critical community needs, such as assisting the elderly, tutoring students, or improving public spaces. This contributes to the overall well-being of the community. 提高居民幸福指数2. **Cost Savings**: Communities benefit from the free labor provided by young adults. It can help reduce the burden on local budgets, as fewer resources are required to maintain essential services. 节省成本3. **Development**: Young people often bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. Their involvement can lead to the development of new programs or improvements in existing services. 促进社区发展1. **Skill Acquisition**: Young adults can gain valuable skills and experiences through unpaid work, which can be beneficial for their personal and professional growth. 获得技能2. **Resume Building**: Community service looks impressive on a resume and can enhance future job prospects. It demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and community involvement. 对未来职业有好处3. **Personal Growth**: Participating in community service can lead to personal growth by building empathy, interpersonal skills, and a sense of purpose. 促进个人全面发展1. **Resource Allocation**: If not well-organized, unpaid work may divert resources from essential paid services, potentially affecting their quality. 无薪工作影响工作质量2. **Dependency**: Overreliance on unpaid volunteers can lead to a shortage of paid jobs, as community organizations may not hire staff when volunteers are available. 过度依赖无薪工作者,造成带薪职位的短缺1. **Financial Strain**: Unpaid work may put financial pressure on young adults who need to support themselves or their families. 没有工资没法维持生活2. **Exploitation**: In some cases, young people may be taken advantage of if their unpaid work replaces paid positions, denying them fair compensation. 可能会有剥削
Some people think that dangerous extreme sports such as skydiving and rock climbing should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (9.23)
这道题考查的是运动相关话题,但要注意围绕extreme sports展开,如果需要禁止,可以从安全性/心理健康/人际关系等角度展开,如果不禁止,可以从自由性/经济/个人成长等角度展开。
? 禁止:
1. **Safety Concerns:** The primary argument for banning extreme sports is safety. These activities can be inherently risky, and accidents can
result in severe injuries or even death. Banning them could reduce the number of injuries and fatalities. 风险性高
2. **Strain on Healthcare Systems:** Injured extreme sports participants often require significant medical attention and resources. Banning these sports might alleviate the strain on healthcare systems, allowing medical resources to be directed elsewhere. 给医疗服务带来压力3. **Impact on Families:** Fatal accidents in extreme sports can have a devastating impact on families. Banning these activities might spare families from the emotional and financial toll of.给家人带来经济和心理负担4. **Public Safety:** Extreme sports can sometimes endanger the public when accidents occur in public spaces. For example, a rock climber's fall or a skydiver's parachute malfunction could harm bystanders. 造成公共隐患? 反对禁止:
1. **Personal Freedom:** A fundamental argument against banning extreme sports is the principle of personal freedom. Adults should have the autonomy to decide what risks they are willing to take with their own lives, as long as those risks do not harm others. 自由的象征2. **Regulation vs. Ban:** Instead of an outright ban, proponents of extreme sports argue for regulation. This would involve safety measures, licensing requirements, and education to minimize risks while allowing enthusiasts to pursue their passions.3.**Economic Benefits:** Extreme sports can boost local economies by attracting tourists and participants. Banning them could lead to the loss of jobs and revenue in areas where these activities are popular. 吸引游客,促进经济4.**Personal Growth and Challenge:** Many participants in extreme sports argue that these activities provide personal growth opportunities, challenge individuals to push their limits, and build resilience. 促进个人成长