判断题通常是考查对文章细节的理解和推断能力,是雅思阅读中的逢考必出的题型。很多同学在处理判断题的时候,都会有“明明看懂了,也找对定位信息了,为什么还是选错了”的困惑。 在这篇文章中,我们将探讨一些有效的方法,以帮助大家在雅思阅读的判断题中通过运用这些技巧,将能够更自信地分辨信息,提升正确率~


判断题有以下两种形式,这两种有区别吗? 说明文:true/false/not given 议论文:yes/no/not given 不管是哪种形式,我们的解题方式是完全一样的。 true/yes表示文章中能找到的内容,可能不是原词原句,但和原文中的意思是相符的,或者是对原文内容的归纳概括; false/no 表示和文章内容相反或者表述有出入的内容; not given 表示文章中没有提及的内容,大多为具体的名词信息,或者是题目中描述的逻辑关系在文章中没有提及。


1. 真正理解题目和文章内容(核心)


? C13-Test 1-Passage 1

题目:Many visitors feel it is unlikely that they will return to New Zealand after their visit. 对应原文:Because of the long-haul flight, most visitors stay for longer (average 20 days) and want to see as much of the country as possible on what is often seen as a once-in-a-lifetime visit. 首先题目很多同学会误选not given,原因是文章中并没有说这些人到底会不会在返回到新西兰呀,但实际上原文已经给出了多数游客会在这呆很久,因为把它看作是once-in-a-lifetime visit 即一生一次的旅行。如果大家对once-in-a-lifetime visit不认识,就很容易选成ng,因为这道题目是很难通过关键词直接定位的,而是需要理解句子真正含义。

2. 一次读两题

判断题基本按顺序出题(偶尔出现乱序情况),建议大家可以一次读两道题,读的时候要抓住关键信息,也就是key words, 一方面可以帮助我们缩小定位范围;一方面可以快速识别出乱序题目,节省阅读时间。

3. 题目中分句表述的内容默认成立

如果题目中有出现逗号连接句子的情况,我们默认逗号隔开的分句是不需要判断的哦(无论是否有同意替换),只需要判断主句内容。 ? C10-Test 1-Passage 2 题目:To reduce production costs, some industries have been moved closer to their relevant consumers. As far as goods transport is concerned, growth is due to a large extent to changes in the European economy and its system of production: In the last 20 years, as internal frontiers have been abolished, the EU has moved from a ‘stock’ economy to a ‘flow’ economy. This phenomenon has been emphasised by the relocation of some industries, particularly those which are labour intensive, to reduce production costs, even though the production site is hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from the final assembly plant or away from users. 题目中的to引导的非主干成分不作为判断内容,但可以直接帮助我们定位到答案位置 “This phenomenon has been emphasised by the relocation of some industries, particularly those which are labour intensive, to reduce production costs, even though the production site is hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from the final assembly plant or away from users.”原文明确说了 the production site is hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from… 与题目中的moved closer不符 因此是false

4. 题目中的数字有时不能作为定位信息(年份除外)

当我们看到题目中出现数字的时候 like a dog finds a bone~ 想直接通过数字作为定位词快速锁定答案位置,但判断题中的数字有时会作为考点出现,因此我们要回到文章中对数字进行判断 ? C14-Test 4-Passage 3 题目:Rochman and her colleagues were the first people to research the problem of marine debris. 原文:Plenty of studies have sounded alarm bells about the state of marine debris; in a recent paper published in the journal Ecology, Rochman and her colleagues set out to determine how many of those perceived risks are real. 看到这道题很多同学可能会把first当作定位信息到文章中寻找,但实际它是作为判断这道题的正确与否出现的。通过原文可知 在Rochman和他的同事提出问题之前已经有plenty of studies先sounded alarm bells了,因此他们不是the first





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