在托福口语的考试中,科学类Task 4算是一个
王炸类题目,主打一个听的时候一头雾水,记的时候两眼放空,说的时候如坐针毡。很多同学一听到Task 4 出现了奇怪物种的名字心态就崩了,随即瞬间摆烂,同时虔诚地许愿下回不要碰到类似题目。但是其实Task 4 也没有我们想象得那么难,甚至从某些角度来说,如果掌握了正确的技巧很容易拿到高分。下面我们一起来看一道题目:
TPO 64
Q: Using the examples from the lecture explain why forest fires are beneficial to the forest ecosystem.
There's one more method of forest conservation I wanna talk about before we end today. And that's forest fires. It may come as a surprise to many of you, but fire is a key element of many ecosystems. For example, it’s a natural normal process that helps maintain a healthy forest. For decades, we believed fire should be suppressed at all costs, so they were put out as quickly as possible to preserve the environment. But in the last 20 years or so, we've come to realize the advantages of regular controlled fires to an ecosystem.
In fact, a lot of plant species depend on fire for survival. In a forest full of pine trees, for example, fire is necessary for reproduction. Pine trees in particular, need fire in order to spread their seeds. Pine trees of course have pine cones, which contain their seeds. So what happens is that the heat from a fire melts the resin, you know that sticky stuff that holds the cone scales together. So the resin melts, and the cones open up, and the seeds inside the cone are released on the ground. And eventually, young pine trees grow from them. So thanks to the fire, we've got a new generation of pine trees.
Like I said earlier, fires can help grow better forests, which in turn creates a better habitat for wildlife in the areas. For instance, they have an impact on the density of the forest. A fire that kills some trees but not others can open up a forest area previously thick with trees. This lets in sunshine, which encourages growth of new shrubs and grasses. The new plant life in turn brings in new animal species.
Task 4 的答题技巧我们应该都耳熟能详了,总而言之就是
1+2+2, 一个概念+两个分观点+两个例子。当然了,对于今天的这个题目来说,我们没有什么需要介绍的概念,所以
直接从第一个分观点开始说就可以,千万不要啰里八嗦地说前面的一堆泛泛而谈的内容。而Task 4 的得分点恰好是
?分观点 1: In fact, a lot of plant species depend on fire for survival.
例子 1: Pine trees in particular, need fire in order to spread their seeds. Pine trees of course have pine cones, which contain their seeds. So what happens is that the heat from a fire melts the resin, you know that sticky stuff that holds the cone scales together. So the resin melts, and the cones open up, and the seeds inside the cone are released on the ground. And eventually, young pine trees grow from them. So thanks to the fire, we've got a new generation of pine trees.
?分观点2: Like I said earlier, fires can help grow better forests, which in turn creates a better habitat for wildlife in the areas.
例子2: For instance, they have an impact on the density of the forest. A fire that kills some trees but not others can open up a forest area previously thick with trees. This lets in sunshine, which encourages growth of new shrubs and grasses. The new plant life in turn brings in new animal species.
1. Survival
e.g. pine trees- spread seeds
Pine cones — seeds
Heat melts resin— cones open — seeds release
Young grow
2. Better habitat
e.g. impact density forest
Open up area — lets in sunshine— growth grasses
Brings in animal
注意到,这个笔记并没有记录上所有信息, 比如说encourages grow of new shrubs and grasses, 这其中就选择只写了更容易记录的grasses。这是因为对于这种
并列的内容,只写一个表达原文的大概意思就可以了。第一个例子的最后一句create new generation of pine trees也没有记录,因为从意义上来说和前面一句young pine trees grow from them 是
其实这个题目里面最难的部分是pine cones里面有seeds, 然后森林大火的热量融化了resin, 导致pine cones 没有了把它粘接在一起的东西然后就打开了,所以最后种子掉到了地上。很多同学resin那个部分一下子听不懂,因为这也算是个
直接跳过就行,只需要说大火让pine cones打开了也可以得分。假设我没有听明白resin的那一部分,我也可以给出3.5分的答案。
Firstly, forest fire is beneficial for the survival of plants. For example, pine trees need forest fire to spread their seeds. Pine cones contain seeds, and because of forest fire, pine cones can open up and seeds would be released on the ground. As a result, young pine trees will grow from them.
Secondly, forest fire can help to create a better habitat. For example, it will have an impact of the density of the forest. Since it can open up an area, sunshine will come in, and grasses will grow. Therefore, forest fire can help to bring in new animal species.
以上的三个步骤同学们都学会了吗?其实生物类的Task 4 没有那么难,主要是需要用一些
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