在托福阅读的众多题型中,事实信息题+修辞目的题+推断题绝对称得上boss级别的三座大山,同学们要想在阅读上拿到27+的高分势必要攻克这三类题型。一方面从数量上来讲,这三类题的出现次数一般是稳居前三名的;另一方面从难度上来讲,由于这些题目涉及到对于相应段落的准确分析对于答案来源句的精准定位,想要在有限时间内实现题目的正确解答属实是个难度不小的挑战。 在之前的推文中我们已经详细的向各位同学介绍了这三类题型的具体方法,那么今天呢我们就把这三座大山放在一起,分析一下它们之间存在的一些共性和特性,从而可以让大家能够高效解决这三类题目。 首先从共性上看,这三类题都涉及到对于文章段落的分层分析以及答案句的定位,换句话来说就是正确选项的来源都是可以从原文中找到对应的句子的,只不过不同的问法需要我们找的句子是不同的。因此,如何快速准确的定位到答案来源句则是我们做题中需要解决的至关重要的内容。


事实信息题根据问题类型大致可以分为两类:正向事实信息题+否定事实信息题。其中正向事实信息题的考察内容就在于题干所闻的信息本身,也就是what,因此对于正向事实信息题的解题思路可以分为两步走——定位+同义转写。如果题干中正好出现了关键信息词可以回到原文精准的定位到该信息那是最好不过的了,理解这句话的意思之后再从选项里寻找同义句,正确答案就自然水落石出了。 但是如果我们无法通过题干进行快速定位也不用过于紧张,这类题目的错误选项设置往往都是“无中生有”,即文中并未出现过相关内容的表述,因此同学们也可以通过排除法迅速选出正确答案。 而否定事实信息题的考察内容则相对单一,一般都是根据段落中的三到四个并列细节进行选项设置,因此同学们只要耐心将选项和原文一一对应找到EXCEPT 或 NOT MENTIONED的内容即可。


Water drawn from the lagoon (the large, shallow body of water between Venice and the Mediterranean Sea) and the canals within the city served many domestic uses such as washing and cooking inventories of even the most modest households list large numbers of buckets, which were emptied and rinsed, the ones used to carry the brackish (somewhat salty) canal water were kept separate from those intended for fresh water. Still, even serving such needs would have been impossible if the canals of Venice had been extremely polluted. /// The government was obliged to impose controls, and in the early fourteenth century, the Great Council prohibited the washing of all cloth and dyed woolens in the canals, adding that water used for dyeing could not be flushed into the canals. Henceforth dirty water of that sort was to go into the lagoon. /// Thanks to resistance on the part of the dyers, infractions were many, the law did not reflect common practice. A century later, however, most of the dye works that used blood or indigo (a dark blue dye) had shifted to the periphery of the city, as had all activities “that let off bad odors or smells,” such as butchering. Blood, carcasses, and spoiled meat were to go into the lagoon. The canals of Venice began to be protected in the name of nascent ecological awareness. ?According to paragraph 2, how did dyers respond to the controls imposed by the government?
A.They switched from using dyes that let off bad odors or smells to new dyes that smelled much better. B.They resisted initially but eventually moved most of the dyeing operations outside the city center. C.They argued that the government did not consider common practice before imposing the controls D.They started washing cloth and woolens dyed with blood and indigo in the lagoon.
该段内容大致可以分为三层,日常用水来自lagoon和canals——政府为保护canals制定的措施——措施具体的实施情况。而问题中提到的dyers回应政府的措施正好对应第三层内容,因此我们可以很快对应到原文中找到答案句:起初dyers是反抗的,但是一个世纪之后大部分还是搬到了城市的边缘,也可以同义转写表述为先抵制后接受的前后变化,因此B选项就可以顺利选择出来了。 In the thirteenth century, a decision was made to create 50 additional cisterns, primarily in the recently urbanized area at the edge of the city. At the same time, a campaign was launched to repair the existing cisterns. Expansion of the cistern system stopped during much of the fourteenth century as Venice, like other cities in Europe, suffered from bubonic plague. In the fifteenth century, however, a new program of cistern construction and repair was undertaken. ?According to paragraph 5, all of the following had an effect on cisterns in Venice from thethirteenth to the fifteenth century EXCEPT A.the construction of cisterns in other cities in Europe B.the establishment of programs to construct and repair cisterns C.the outbreak of bubonic plague D.the urbanization of an area at the edge of the city 这道题首先审题要注意到是一个否定事实信息题,也就是让我们选择下列哪个信息在原文中没有出现,而题目正好对应了原文中13、14、15世纪三个时期不同影响cisterns修建的事件,因此只要回到原文中一一对应即可,正确答案是B。


修辞目的题,顾名思义就是根据问题采用的修辞方法的不同而去判断作者提到该信息的目的,大致上我们可以分为两类修辞:举例+类比。首先我们要明确,举例又叫例证,例子在托福文章中的作用就是为了证明作者提到的某一看法或观点,因此当题目问到作者为什么要提到某一例子的时候,我们的解题思路应该是——定位+往前找该例子证明的观点。 其次,类比的手法我们往往都是用来比较二者的相似点或是相同点,常见于解释说明一个抽象的概念,因此当题目问到作者为什么要提到类比对象的时候,我们的解题思路应该是——定位+往前找该类比对象解释的抽象内容。 需要注意的是,我们根据题干定位的到的信息无论是举例还是类比都是细节内容本身而不是作者的目的,因此需要我们有“往前找”这一步骤,而这一点也是修辞目的题和事实信息题在考点方面的主要区别。


The city of Venice, built on saltwater marshes and crisscrosses by canal, experienced problems with its water supply for most of its history. One fifteenth-century French traveler noted that “in a city in which the inhabitants are in water up to their mouths, they often go thirsty.”How was the community to solve this important problem? ?Why does the author include the quotation “in a city in which the inhabitants are in water up to their mouths, they often go thirsty.”?
A.To indicate that the French traveled to Venice frequently in the fifteenth century B.To illustrate the opinion of other Europeans about the water situation in Venice C.To suggest that the water supply problem of Venice continued well beyond the fifteenth century D.To emphasize how serious the water problem was in Venice
这道目的题询问的是quotation引言的作用,本质上也是将别人说过的话当做例子来证明作者提出的观点,因此我们也将quotation看做是举例的修辞就可以了。在这里还需要提醒各位一点,如果题干所问的细节内容是例子,那么一定要把例子所在的句子完整的看做是一个例子的整体。因此这道题我们就看做是作者提到One fifteenth-century French traveler noted that “in a city in which the inhabitants are in water up to their mouths, they often go thirsty.” 该信息的作用,定位之后我们往前去找例子证明的观点,也就是段首句的同义句即可,正确答案D就自然选出来了。同时B选项为何是这道题的迷惑选项同学们自然也可以一眼发现了,一方面“其他欧洲人的观点”也即原文“一个十五世纪法国人的观点”是例子的一部分,仍然在讲的是例子本身而非目的,一方面题目问的是“作者的目的和观点”而不是其他人的观点,综上B选项都不可以选。


首先我们要明确一个概念,什么是推断?推断题的答案绝对不是让你猜测或者想象,而是要在原文的基础上在合理范围内进行推理。很多同学面对推断题往往会陷入一个误区——既然是让我推断,那正确答案就应该是原文中没有提到的信息吧,这里我们需要注意,没有直接提到≠没有提到,即推断题的答案我们有可能没法像做事实信息题一样直接对原句进行同义转写得出答案,但推断的依据一定能在原文中找到。 因此,当我们做题纠结某两个选项时一定要注意回到原文中去找选项来源的依据,错误选项往往都是无中生有的过度推理。


Much more stringent measures were necessary to guarantee a supply of drinking water, however. In the early centuries of settlement in the lagoon basin, the populations depended on wells on the nearby coastal region. By the ninth century, however, with the increase in population density, cisterns became necessary. Basically, the cisterns were large, covered pits dug into the ground and lined with clay to hold water. The cisterns were located in the city, but unlike the wells, the cisterns were not supplied with water from the lagoon, they collected rainwater instead. Cisterns became widespread in the growing city. ?It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that wells on the nearby coastal region
A.were smaller in size than the cisterns located in the city B.served as a water source for the growing number of cisterns in the city C.increased in number as the population density increased D.provided enough water for only a relatively small number of people
题目让我们推理的是有关“沿海地区的水井”的相关信息,那么我们回到原文中去定位可以发现针对wells的信息有两点,一个是population,早年间人们主要靠水井供水,但是9世纪人口增加,cisterns变得必要;一个是from the lagoon,水井的水来自lagoon,cisterns的水来自雨水。 因此这道题的正确答案D就很显而易见了,是通过population的信息推断出来的。A选项其实是迷惑性非常强的选项,因为原文中提到the cisterns were large所以大家可能下意识认为水井的尺寸小,这也是利用了大家的惯性思维从而形成的过度推理的结论,一定要注意避开这类陷阱。





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