然而,这却并非能够轻松实现的一项事业。国际权力与责任的争议,替代能源安全性,经济发展优先性,保护工作的统筹安排等等,各方阻力导致进展缓慢,甚至不进反退。近年,更是因为一些所谓radical environmentalism、eco-fascism的事情导致整个理念备受攻击,各位5G冲浪互联网的小伙伴们一定不会陌生。

MacArthur and Wilson suggested that the biodiversity of an island will vary in direct proportion to a function of the island’s size (i.e., larger islands can support a greater number of species) and in inverse proportion to a function of its distance from the mainland (i.e., many remote islands will tend to support fewer species).
Reduced biodiversity in an island context is likely to require significant adaptation on the part of colonizing human populations. Evans argues that this limitation makes islands ideal laboratories for the study of human adaptations to the natural environment, whilst Renfrew and Wagstaff, in the introduction to their study of Melos, focus on this limitation in biodiversity as a “significant characteristic of the island ecosystem.”
For human communities, however, this limitation may potentially be offset by other factors. The reduced biodiversity of an island ecosystem applies only to terrestrial resources:
the resources of the sea will be as rich as on any other coastal area, and may be equally important to human communities. A small island such as Malta or Melos allows all communities direct access to the sea, providing an important nutritional “safety net,” as well as an element of dietary diversity, which may actually give island communities an advantage over their landlocked counterparts.
Islands may also have specific nonbiological resources (such as obsidian on Melos), which may be used in exchange with communities on other islands and adjacent mainlands.

The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. evaluate two contrasting approaches to island biodiversity
B. discuss the relevance of certain data pertaining to island biodiversity
C. call into question a particular understanding of island biodiversity
D. consider various reasons for reduced biodiversity on islands
E. contrast large and small islands in terms of overall biodiversity
选 C
根据句2:Reduced biodiversity in an island context is likely to require significant adaptation on the part of colonizing human populations.
Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
According to the author, factors of potential importance to human communities on islands include
A. the accessibility of the sea’s resources
B. a diet superior in some respects to the diet of landlocked communities
C. nonbiological resources that can be exploited
A small island such as Malta or Melos allows all communities direct access to the sea, providing an important nutritional “safety net,” as well as an element of dietary diversity, which may actually give island communities an advantage over their landlocked counterparts.
Islands may also have specific nonbiological resources (such as obsidian on Melos), which may be used in exchange with communities on other islands and adjacent mainlands.

The author suggests that in considering the biodiversity of islands, Evans
A. focuses too exclusively on terrestrial resources
B. misunderstands the relationship between an island’s size and its terrestrial resources
C. misinterprets the work of MacArthur and Wilson
D. is wrong to assume that more remote islands support fewer species
E. downplays the ways that human communities adapt to island biodiversity
选 A
首先我们应该意识到,作者通篇的目的是为了反驳句2的观点:Reduced biodiversity in an island context is likely to require significant adaptation on the part of colonizing human populations.
【is likely to 如何如何(实际情况未必是这样)】
问题是,关于E 通篇只有一句话:Evans argues that this limitation makes islands ideal laboratories for the study of human adaptations to the natural environment …
既然作者反对句 2,Evans支持句 2,那么作者如何反驳了句 2,可能就是作者对 Evans 的态度,直到我们在句5得到重要提示:The reduced biodiversity of an island ecosystem applies only to terrestrial resources: the resources of the sea will be as rich as on any other coastal area, and may be equally important to human communities.
既然Evans认为reduced biodiversity那么重要,以致到了考验岛民适应能力的程度,那么我们有理由怀疑,作者认为E过于强调,或只强调terrestrial resources了,没有看到海洋资源的因素。所以选A~
Although recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious pollutants from individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing; consequently, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone (generated by photochemical reactions with hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust) that exceed legally established limits.

Vehicles incorporating only the simplest of the engine improvements that makes methanol feasible would still contribute to an immediate lessening of urban air pollution.
Which of the following most closely parallels the situation described in the first sentence of the passage?
A. Although a town reduces its public services in order to avoid a tax increase, the town’s tax rate exceeds that of other towns in the surrounding area.
B. Although a state passes strict laws to limit the type of toxic material that can be disposed of in public landfills, illegal dumping continues to increase.
C. Although a town’s citizens reduce their individual use of water, the town’s water supplies continue to dwindle because of a steady increase in the total population of the town.
D. Although a country attempts to increase the sale of domestic goods by adding a tax to the price of imported goods, the sale of imported goods within the country continues to increase.
E. Although a country reduces the speed limit on its national highways, the number of fatalities caused by automobile accidents continues to increase.
选 C
It can be inferred from the passage that a vehicle specifically designed to use methanol for fuel would
A. be somewhat lighter in total body weight than a conventional vehicle fueled with gasoline
B. be more expensive to operate than a conventional vehicle fueled with gasoline
C. have a larger and more powerful engine than a conventional vehicle fueled with gasoline
D. have a larger and heavier fuel tank than a “gasoline clone” vehicle fueled with methanol
E. average more miles per gallon than a “gasoline clone” vehicle fueled with methanol
根据However, since methanol-fueled vehicles could be designed to be much more efficient than “gasoline clone” vehicles fueled with methanol, they would need comparatively less fuel.
A 汽油车烧汽油。
B 汽油车烧甲醇。
C 改装车烧甲醇。
单纯比较效率,A > C > B,但文章开头就说A引起环境问题,所以就算效率高也不考虑了,这句话比较的是B和C,结论是C相对效率更高,更省油。所以选E。

A plant-based automobile fuel has just become available in Ternland. A car can be driven as far on a gallon of the new plant-based fuel as a car can be driven on a gallon of gasoline, but a gallon of the plant-based fuel both costs less and results in less pollution. Therefore, drivers in Ternland who switch to it will reduce the amount they spend one fuel in a year while causing less environmental damage.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?
A. There is no expense associated with operating an automobile that is higher when the automobile uses the plant-based fuel than when it uses gasoline.
B. Automobiles that have been operated using the plant-based fuel can no longer be operated using regular gasoline.
C. The environmental damage attributable to automobiles is due almost entirely to the production and combustion of fuel automobiles use.
D. The advantages of the plant-based fuel over gasoline will not lead those who switch to the plant-based fuel to do more driving.
E. Most drivers in Ternland will switch from gasoline to the plant-based fuel.
Mayor: Vehicle exhaust produces dangerously high ozone levels in our city in hot, humid weather. As an incentive for people to commute by bus rather than by car, special free commuter buses will be scheduled on hot, humid days. Since bus can carry about 40 people but produces only about 20 times as much exhaust as a car, ozone levels will be lower as long as the buses are more than half full.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. Most of the people who would take the special free buses are currently members of carpools.
B. The city does not currently have enough buses to transport all of the commuters who normally commute by car.
C. Buses that would be operating on hot, humid days would rarely, if ever, be filled to capacity.
D. The amount of vehicle exhaust produced in the city is not significantly higher on hot, humid days.
E. Not all commuter routes are used by enough people to warrant providing bus service for them.

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