作为一名雅思写作老师,我过去曾为学生们整理过高频话题的万金油观点和常考题目的相关素材。然而,在实际授课过程中,我发现大多数同学虽然掌握了一些常见观点,但仍然难以充分拓展。即便背诵了大量话题素材(极少数学生做到~), 也很难将这些素材应用到其他相似的题目中,导致素材使用受限。
因此,经过一段时间的题目整理和素材编撰, "如何背最少的素材,准备最多的题目"系列应运而生~这一系列将总结目前每个话题的出题趋势,并提供由高频话题词汇串联而成的素材语料。通过掌握话题词汇和思路, 大家够应对大部分题目。

政府类话题出现的频率越来越高,主要围绕两方面出题:投资&政策,比如政府要不要支持艺术家,要不要保护古建筑,是否应该共享科研成果等。如果对政府话题还不熟悉的同学可以参考:政府职能揭秘|| 雅思写作政府话题破题
Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and this money could be better spent elsewhere.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Certain art forms, such as dance, drumming, or acting, involve physical movement and expression. These activities can serve as outlets for releasing pent-up physical and emotional energy.
艺术可以释放压抑的情绪和能量 The act of moving the body, expressing emotions through movement or sound, can help individuals release muscle tension, regulate emotions, and experience a sense of catharsis, leading to a reduction in stress and anxiety levels. 通过一些艺术形式,缓解紧张的肌肉,调节情绪,减少压力和焦虑
【表明立场】While some argue that government funding for the arts is a wasteful expenditure that could be better allocated elsewhere, this viewpoint fails to recognize the invaluable benefits that arts programs provide for individual and community well-being.
【观点:释放压力】Certain art forms, such as dance, drumming, or acting, involve physical movement and expression that can serve as powerful outlets for releasing pent-up physical and emotional energy.
【利用素材拓展观点】The act of moving the body and expressing emotions through movement or sound allows individuals to release muscle tension, regulate emotions, and experience a sense of catharsis, leading to a reduction in stress and anxiety levels.
【这部分根据题目做出的具体改动, 体现出投资艺术并不是浪费钱的行为,进一步扣题】By providing accessible platforms for creative expression and emotional release, arts programs can play a crucial role in promoting mental health and overall well-being within a society.
Rather than dismissing arts funding as a waste, governments should recognize the therapeutic and stress-relieving qualities of artistic pursuits and allocate resources accordingly to support the holistic health of their citizens.

Investment in the arts can stimulate local economies. 艺术促进经济发展 When governments fund arts programs, they help create jobs and support industries ranging from tourism to hospitality. 创造就业岗位,促进产业发展 For example, cultural festivals and museum exhibitions can attract visitors from around the world, who then spend money on hotels, restaurants, and other services.
A vibrant arts scene can also attract businesses and skilled professionals seeking a dynamic community, leading to broader economic development. 比如一些艺术节或者展览会可以吸引游客和相关行业入驻
【表明立场:不能忽视艺术带来的经济价值】While some may argue that government funding for the arts is a waste of money that could be better allocated elsewhere, this viewpoint fails to recognize the substantial economic benefits that investing in the arts can provide.
【利用素材拓展观点,观点1主要为旅游业】As highlighted, robust arts programs and a vibrant cultural scene can stimulate local economies in multiple ways. Cultural festivals, museum exhibitions, and other arts events have the power to attract tourists from around the globe, who then pump money into the local hospitality and tourism industries through spending on hotels, restaurants, and services.
【观点2为艺术提升社区活力,从而吸引更多商家和人才】Moreover, a dynamic arts community enhances a region's vibrancy and appeal, which can further attract businesses and top professional talent seeking to locate in culturally rich areas. This injection of businesses and skilled labor ultimately drives broader economic development.
【总结,再次强调投资艺术并不是浪费钱的行为】While arts funding may seem like an extraneous expenditure, it is an investment that pays dividends by catalyzing tourism revenue, luring businesses and talent, and spurring comprehensive economic growth. Rather than deeming arts funding as wasteful, it should be viewed as a crucial strategy for economic vitality.
好啦,那今天关于政府类素材的使用方法相信大家已经学会了~ 为了帮助大家进一步巩固方法和积累更多的通用素材,笔者还为大家准备了其它文章中没有涉及到的教育话题通用素材以及对应的题目练习,想要获取的同学可以联系马甲发送暗号「government」领取哦!
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