Hi,大家好,我是Vivian。5月A Level经济大考即将来袭,不知道你准备好了没有?今天学姐就总结了一些经济常考的微观知识点给到大家,希望能够帮助奋战过con的各位A2同学们。

今天的知识点分享将不会涵盖所有的考点内容,只会包括一些学姐认为的非常重要的知识点分享,内容主要集中在chapter7:the price system and the microeconomy


  1. Utility效用
  2. Budget line & Indifference curve预算线&无差异曲线
  3. Short run & Long run(SR & LR)短期&长期
  4. Fixed cost & Variable cost固定成本&可变成本
  5. Various revenue各种收入
  6. Profit利润




the satisfaction of enjoyment derived from the consumption of the good.

2.Marginal utility:
additional utility derived from the consumption of one more unit of a good.
MU=change in TU

3.Law of diminishing marginal utility:
quantity consumed rises, lead to MU decreases.

4.Equi-marginal principle:
根据equi-marginal principle,当买至每一个商品的效用/钱(marginal utility dollar)相等时,我们会获得最大的utility。公式是:Mux/Px=MUy/Py

5.标记效用可以用来解释individual’s demand curve是怎么得出来的
这得基于以下假设:MU of a product can be measured by an amount of money an individual is prepared to pay for it.


Budget line & Indifferent curve

这一块的知识点很容易被paper 4的essay题考到。大家都知道,essay首先需要define key words,所以学姐为大家整理的以下定义都需要被熟记。

1.Indifference curve:
shows a set of consumption among which the individual is indifferent只要是在一条indifferent curve上,产生的满足感(satisfaction)都是一样的。

2.Budget line:
shows all the combinations of two products that can be bought using limited income。在limited income下,买两种产品有多少种选择。


3.Income effect & substitution effect
Income effect就是changes in price/ changes in the real purchasing power,从而决定购买。

Substitution effect是指the tendency to change your purchase based on the change in relative prices.当一个产品的相对价格发生变化,也会影响购买决策。

4.Normal good, inferior good, giffen good

?1)Normal good:when people get richer, they will buy more of the good.

这里的“richer”的含义也可以是people think they are wealthier,比如说商品降价,real purchasing power上升,也会购买更多的normal goods。

?2)Inferior good:when people get richer, they will buy less of the good.

Inferior good一般是穷的时候会才会选择的产品,一旦变富有了,就会选择更高价的产品了。Eg.方便面:当收入微薄时,方便面是最被大家考虑的速食,销量很高。但是如果income上升,人们更愿意吃一些价格更贵,但更健康的食物,所以方便面的销量会变低。Inferior good中,替代效应会大于收入效应,因为大家对商品之间的相对价格变化会更敏感,对自己收入的变化不那么敏感。

?3)Giffen good:一种inferior good,在价格上涨时,销量会变高。

达成giffen good的三大要素是:Inferior good;the good take a large proportion of the income;There must be a lack of close substitute goods.

Short run & Long run


Short run & Long run & Very long run的区别:

SR代表至少有一个fixed factors;LR代表所有FOP都处于变化状态;VLR代表不光FOP处于变化状态,社会习俗,科技发展也会产生变化。

Fixed cost & Variable cost


1.Fixed cost & Variable cost

?Fixed cost & Variable cost的区别:

    Fixed cost代表costs与短期内的output没有什么关系,该花的钱不会因为产量变化而变化。Variable cost代表costs与output有正比关系,当产量增加,就代表变动的成本也需要增加。

    2.Total product:

    total output produced from a combination of fixed and variable. factor inputs.

    3.Marginal product:边际产品

      同学们需要掌握一个很重要的知识点,叫做:the diminishing marginal returns

      假设在短期内只有两种FOP:capital(fixed)and labour(variable)

      Diminishing marginal returns强调:短时间内,如果有更多的劳动力,capital(fixed number of equipments)能够被更好的利用。所以每增加一个员工,生产量就会多增加一点。(initailly, MP rises due to specialization and division of labour)

      然而,随着更多员工增加,机器(capital)只有那么多;员工的数量>机器的数量(labour>capital),导致生产量会逐渐减少。(with too many workers relative to the number of fixed factors, MP decreases)

      When MP=0,TP max

      When MP<0,TP start to decrease

      所以,the diminishing marginal returns的定义就是以下两句话,需要背诵:

      as more of a variable factor of production is added to a fixed factor of production, then at some point the returns to the variable factor will diminish.

      还有一个易错点,如果是从长期看来,所有生产要素都将发生量变或者质变,劳动力或许会与资本成比例,所以diminishing marginal returns这个概念只能作用在短期

      来看MC(marginal cost):边际成本这条红线。它一开始有一段下降,代表短期内,specialization和division of labour有效降低了边际成本。当diminishing returns sets in时,它在x点。经过x点之后,边际成本会逐渐升高,时间由短期变为长期。

      AVC(average variable cost)和AFC(average fixed cost)这两条线一条逐渐上升跟AC靠拢,一条逐渐趋于0。因为fixed cost是始终不变的,由于时间线拉长,AFC就会被稀释的越来越少,因为AC逐渐升高,所以也使AVC逐渐升高

      本章最重要的知识点之一 ,就是MC curve和AC curve之间的关系

      • When MC
      • When MC>AC,AC increases

      所以无论怎么样,MC curve永远交于AC curve的最低点(AVC)。

      此外,大家还要熟知AC curve的形状是怎么产生的

      AC initially decrease as:

      • specialization and division of labour
      • AFC keep falling

      AC start to increase as:

      • DMR starts at the lowest point of MC, at first the effect is small, so AC curve keeps on decreasing.
      • At the lowest point of AC, the increasing cost of the DMR>the decreasing cost of division of labour & specialization, so AC starts to rise.

      ⚠️ MP,AP和MC,AC就是相对称的两条线。

      TR, AR, MR


      • Firms are price takers
      • Firms are price makers

      1.Firms are price takers, they have a horizontal demand curve P=AR=MR.

        2.Firms are price makers, they have downward demand curves.

        关于economics of scale和diminishing marginal returns的relationship:

        The LRAC curve is referred to as the ‘envelope’ curve because the LRAC is made up of the points of SRAC curves along its length.

        3.Returns to scale:
        measures the change in output for a given proportional change in all inputs.

        ?1)increasing returns:

        a given percentage increase in inputs lead to larger percentage increase in output.

        ?2)decreasing returns:

        a given percentage increase in inputs lead to a smaller percentage increase in output.

        ?3)constant returns:

        a given percentage increase in inputs will lead to the same percentage increase in output.

        ⚠️ returns to scale这个概念只适合用于long run,因为短期内,至少有一个fixed inputs。


        关于利润,一个很重要的知识点就是the points where produce the profit maximization


        Normal,subnormal supernormal profit:重点是算法,常出现在选择题里。

        Supernormal profit:(AR-AC)xQ

        Subnormal profit:the area below AC and above AR=(AC-AR)xQ

        Shut-down price in SR & LR:
        Short-run shut down point is where P=AVC
        如果公司运营的利润低于AVC,公司会立马关闭,因为公司将付不起wages,electricity,running costs等variable costs。
        Long-run shut down point is where P=ATC

        好了,以上就是本篇文章的分享。因为AL经济中paper 4比paper 3先考,所以我建议同学们都先把重心放在刷data reponse和练习essay、evaluation上。

        同时,微观的重点是chapter 7,宏观的重点是chapter9,由于新考纲的改革,微观和宏观都需要写一篇20分的essay,所以下一篇推文我会放出关于宏观经济的知识点分享,请大家多多期待!


        为了帮助同学们高效备考,TD特地为大家准备了A Level经济CAIE考试局近10年真题-含最新2022年冬季卷,所有资料全部、免费赠送给大家!

