



Health services are a basic necessity for a person. Private companies have made health services quite costly for ordinary individuals. Do the advantages of private health care outweigh its disadvantages?


?advantages of private health care

Personalized Care: Patients often receive more personalized attention and services in a private setting, which can lead to a more comfortable experience. 个性化的护理

Shorter Wait Times: Private health care usually offers quicker access to doctors and specialists, reducing the time patients spend waiting for appointments. 更短的等待时间

State-of-the-Art Facilities: Private health care providers often invest in the latest medical technology and facilities, ensuring that patients have access to the most advanced treatments available. 先进的设备

?Ø disadvantages of private health care

High Costs: Private health care can be expensive, with high monthly premiums and out-of-pocket costs that may not be affordable for everyone. 高昂的费用

Inequality in Care: Private health care can lead to a two-tier system where those who can afford to pay get better and faster care than those who cannot. 不平等性

Potential for Over-Treatment: There might be an incentive for some private providers to recommend more tests or procedures to increase revenue. 过度治疗


Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

这是一篇关于文化交流和商业交流所带来的影响的题目。在写作时,需要对每个观点分别表达支持或反对的意见。我们自己的立场,即own opinion可能是中立的(既同意双方的观点,也反对双方的观点),也可能是倾向于支持某一方的观点。在审题时,需要注意两个关键点:第一,题目明确提到了“商业”和“文化”,因此在讨论时需要围绕这两个方面展开;第二,讨论弊端时,要特别关注民族认同感的丧失这一问题。

?Positive Effects of Increased Business and Cultural Contact:

Economic Growth: The expansion of international trade and investment can stimulate economic growth, creating jobs and improving living standards. 经济增长

Cultural Exchange: Interaction between different cultures can promote understanding, tolerance, and learning from one another's traditions and values. 文化交流

Innovation: Exposure to diverse ideas and practices can drive innovation in various sectors, including technology, arts, and business strategies. 创新

Global Collaboration: Closer ties can facilitate cooperation in addressing global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and economic inequality. 国际合作

?Concerns Regarding Loss of National Identities:

Cultural Homogenization: The dominance of certain cultures, often from economically powerful nations, can overshadow local cultures, leading to a loss of cultural diversity. 文化同质

Economic Dependency: Increased business contact may result in some nations becoming economically dependent on others, potentially impacting their autonomy and self-sufficiency.

Cultural Erosion: The spread of global consumer culture can erode traditional values and practices, as local customs give way to global trends. 文化侵蚀

Identity Crisis: Young generations may struggle with their national identity as they are exposed to a blend of cultures, sometimes at the expense of their own heritage. 认同危机


It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos, etc.). There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. Do you agree or disagree?



?Arguments for Non-Intervention:

Natural Process: Some argue that extinction is a natural part of Earth's evolutionary process, and that species that cannot adapt to changing environments may be destined to disappear.自然规律

Resource Allocation: There is a counter-argument that resources might be better spent on addressing human issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare, rather than on conservation efforts. 应该更重视人类问题

Ecological Balance: It is suggested that preventing the extinction of some species could disrupt the balance of ecosystems, as every species plays a role in the food chain and ecological processes. 生态平衡

?Arguments for Intervention:

Biodiversity Loss: The loss of a species can have cascading effects on ecosystems, leading to a loss of biodiversity, which is crucial for the health of our planet. 生物多样性的损失

Ethical Responsibility: Humans have a moral and ethical responsibility to protect the environment and the species we share the planet with, especially given our significant impact on the environment. 道德责任

Economic Value: Many species have economic value, either directly through tourism, pharmaceuticals, or indirectly through ecosystem services like pollination and pest control. 经济价值

Cultural Significance: Animals often hold cultural and spiritual significance for human societies, and their loss can impact the cultural heritage of communities. 文化价值






