经济学作为A-level考试中最热门的essay based科目之一,每年都让无数考生头大无比,到了A2阶段果断drop;同时也给了很多人轻松获得A*的机会。十月份AS马上就要开始,接着就是紧张的A-level阶段。为了让大家对A-level经济有更全面的了解,本篇文章将从三个方面介绍CIE A-level A2部分:
1. A-level经济简介+A*学子备考tips 2. Essays常考话题解读

1/ A-level经济简介+大纲

A-level分为两个部分(AS和A2),虽然难度系数相差很大,但是两个部分分数占比是一样的(最终成绩=AS+A2,无加权)所以说,如果各位考生在AS阶段可以拿到90/100 +的分数,在A2考试中会轻松很多 上图是分数分布图,A-level考试指AS+A2。 在AS考试中(Paper1和Paper2),最好得分的选择题占了整个AS的40%,而在A2考试里(Paper3和Paper4),选择题只占了30%的分(15%是指在整个考试里的占比),而70%都在考data和essay,对考生的写作能力、手速、耐力、逻辑思维能力和知识点运用的要求都非常的高。 A-level在AS的基础上,包含五个topic:
A. Basic economic ideas and resources allocation B. The price system and the micro economy C. Government microeconomic intervention D. The macro economy E. Government macroeconomic intervention



建议大家对照syllabus在课本上找到相应的知识点并标记出来,就像这位油管上分享A-level A*经验的姐姐一样


根据syllabus上面的五个topic制作五张思维导图,也可以电子版的做成一份~下面是我之前做的一部分思维导图: 除了syllabus之外,我还参考了经济课本、z-notes、很多有关A2备考的文章以及视频。


因为essay里面引用一些重要的定义是必不可少的,理解着去写出来肯定没问题,但用课本上给的似乎更专业些。我会参考教科书的用法,然后去google一下定义再做结合。 很多课本还有revision book给的定义用语相差很多。我会选择自己记忆顺畅、表达全面的摘录在记忆卡片上,每天早晨抽取着读背写。这种记忆卡片可以用本子代替,也可以去文具店里买小学生记英语单词的硬纸片卡


Paper 4:essay and data 技巧:正面反面都要说,举例子+配图。A2重题概率很高,虽然不是完全一样的题,但是考察的知识点差不多。而且是可以选择自己擅长的topic,和AS一样。我个人会侧重于重点准备两个topic,其他的把主要的记一下过一下。比如A2时我选的是GDP, developing/developed countries有关的问题和utility&indifference curve等有关的问题。


1. unemployment- causes&influences&policies to correct. 12分或13分 需要记忆的重点:
definition of unemployment, method of calculation; Different types of unemployment (cyclical, frictional, structural, etc); Ways to correct for different types of unemployment ( indirect or direct taxation, corporate taxes; stimulate investment, increase in govt. Spending. Etc.)
需要记忆会画的图: 常用的conclusion & evaluation:
It is not possible to achieve full employment. The natural rate of unemployment depends on the mobility of labor, income taxes....
2. GDP, economic growth & economic development, developed and developing countries.12分或13分 需要记忆的重点:
以上几个terms的definition; Economic development和economic growth的区别; Types of economic growth( real growth and potential growth); Advantages and disadvantages of using GDP as an indicator of economic growth and development; Other methods: definition and pros&cons; Methods of calculation
下面是我之前整理的关于GDP的知识点,正如上文提到的,这一个topic是我感觉简单所以精心准备的备考话题。大家可以把这些当作参考,进行整理笔记。例子一定要从课本里面都看一遍,自己想也ok,只要有就行,合理的例子真的非常非常重要: Measurement of GDP—measurement of the flow of income in an economy over a particular period of time.
# 三种方式测出来的数字应该是一样的,因为都是the flow of income produced in an economy # the value of output is equal to the incomes that it generates # 假设:income=expenditure
(1)OUTPUT method: avoid counting the same output twice; ONLY FINAL GOODS 例子:If the value of cars sold by manufacturers is added to the value of output of the tyre firms, double counting will occur. so only add up value added(= revenue - material input) (2)INCOME method: payments received in return for providing good/services. (primary income)TRANSFER PAYMENTS are NOT included=payments made to factors of production =profit+wages+interest+rent… (3)EXPENDITURE method= C+I+G+X-M - indirect taxes + subsidies inventory: 存货(算在investment,商家没卖出去自己买下来,使output=expenditure) Investment包含: 1. Machine 2. Building Structure 3. Inventory 买房子是investment,租房子是consumption

3. Money, interest rate theory 12分或13分

Definition of money; list of some characteristics of money; how money supply can be changed; details of two theories: loanable funds theory and Liquidity preference: explanation of three motives of liquidity preference; Liquidity trap mentioned


1. Labor Market 需要记忆的点:
what is labor market, how it can be determined Demand factors of labor Supply factors of labor MRP theory Changes in demand and supply of labor Imperfections in labor market

常用总结:there are many factors that determine he wage rate in labor market. There are many imperfections influencing the market as well such as mobility of labor monopsony. 2. Utility&Indifference curve& Budget line-- link between/with demand 12或13分 Market structure: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly. 需要记忆的点:
definition of utility, marginal utility and total utility; Full definition of budget line and indifference curve.; equi-marginal principle; diminishing marginal utility; law of demand; how demand curve is derived; limitations of the theory in explaining consumer demand; details of normal good, inferior good and giffen good (explain with indifference curve and budget line)

3. market structure-perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly,monopoly.. 13’or12’ 需要记忆的点:
definition of particular market structure from aspects of barriers of entry,nature of product, interdependence, influence over price; details link to what mentioned in the title; different types of efficiency.


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