美本申请中,计算机专业的热度多年来持续走高,受到了来自本土学生以及国际生的追捧。不可否认的是,计算机技术驱动力正在变得越来越强劲,越来越成为社会经济的主要力量。在最新的世界五百强公司中,互联网公司雄踞前五,而这也说明了计算机产业所含有的巨大能量。 根据美国劳工局数据显示,到2026年计算机科学相关的工作岗位还会有13%的增长,工资的中位数更是达到了86,000美金。对于应届生来说,一些大厂的起薪就达到了10万美金,并且工作时长人性化,无疑对于申请生有着巨大吸引力。 就业前景一片大好、毕业生起薪高、美国占据着计算机领域的学术制高点等等,多个耀眼的光环让无数申请生义无反顾地杀入这一竞争红海。


美国大学的计算机专业研究领域广阔,从算法分析、形式化语法、密码学、网络和计算机安全等,到编程语言、程序设计、软件和硬件等领域,总能让心怡CS专业的申请生找到自己意向中的专业方向,同时为未来发展奠定基础。 因其广泛的应用属性,计算机科学的应用在我们的日常生活中无处不在:早已司空见惯的网络支付是如何正常运行的?如何确保线上支付系统的安全? 微信和Whatsapp等日常社交应用程序如何保障隐私不被泄露?这一切和计算机科学中的密码学息息相关。 密码学的应用范围从金融应用程序到军事领域,再到比特币,甚至在保护日常应用程序的安全方面,可谓是应用最全面的计算机科学技术之一。 为了使大家对于计算机领域有深度学习的机会,我们开设了计算机科学科研项目,邀请到了顶级名校教授为大家亲自指导。


Vipul Goyal教授现任卡耐基梅隆大学(CMU)计算机科学系教授,曾任微软印度研究院密码学与复杂性组研究员。在学术领域硕果累累,曾荣获2016年ACM计算机与通信安全会议(CCS)时间检验奖,并且位列2013年福布斯科学和医疗领域“30位30岁以下人物榜(30 under 30)”。 Vipul Goyal教授曾在《麻省理工科技评论》、Slashdot、《自然》等热门科学刊物上发表多篇文章,受邀至麻省理工学院MIT、普林斯顿大学、德里印度理工学院等高等学府发表演讲。教授曾在Crypto、Eurocrypt和ACM CSS等会议的项目委员会任职,并且在Crypto、Eurocrypt、STOC、FOCS和ACM CCS等密码学顶级会议上发表技术论文80余篇,堪称同时代论文引用量最多的密码学家之一。



How is cryptography today different from cryptography 100 or even 1000 years ago? We will try to understand the various common classical ciphers including the fixed-shift cipher, Caesar cipher, Vigenere cipher, and, Substitution cipher. All of these ciphers have been broken and we will try to understand why. We will study one-time pad and understand why it’s a perfectly secure cipher. We will also cover the limitations of one-time pad.


We will cover the basics of modular arithmetic. We will study the discrete log problem, the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) problem, and, the factoring problem. We will see how people have been try to break factoring and discrete log for hundreds of years but have been unsuccessful.


Hash functions are perhaps the most basic objects in modern cryptography and have played an important role in various applications. They are used for password authentication, verification, preventing tampering of data, and, even in designs of modern cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. We will touch upon many of their applications.


Digital signatures are fascinating objects and can be much more secure compared to paper signatures which are relatively easy to forge. We will study what digital signatures are, where they can be used, and how to design digital signature schemes. We will cover symmetric key encryption: the modern equivalent of classical ciphers. Symmetric key encryption schemes can be used to secure communication between two-parties assuming the parties have a pre-shared secret key. We will see how to design such schemes securely. We will cover key exchange protocols, and, in particular, Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. Key exchange protocols can be used to establish a key between two parties who have never communicated before. We will see how Diffie-Hellman key exchange works and why it is secure. We will also see the number theory behind the protocol.


Digital certificates are the backbone of security of our present-day Internet. We will also learn about certificate authorities and how they function. We will learn about SSL and HTTPS protocols used widely by every web browser for secure browsing today.


We will see how Bitcoin works, how the mining process works and how the miners reach a consensus. We will discuss the difference between proof-of-work and proof-of-stake based blockchains. We will see limitations of Bitcoins and current active areas of research. We will also see the fascinating notion of zero-knowledge proofs. We will see how to flip a fair coin over the phone or over the internet where the two parties need not be in the same room together.








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北京时间4月25日上午11:00,Goyal教授将举行线上讲座,结合多年研究和教学经验和大家分享学术研究之道。 有意愿加入科研项目的同学可以参加项目说明讲座。请回答下列问题,并将答案发送给TD小马甲(可在文末扫码添加),通过筛选后即可进群收听讲座: ?Please describe the relationship or experience that has most driven your interest in computer science. ?Are you intended to have certain researches plans in your interested areas? Does completing an individual research output sound exciting to you? Why?