市面上GRE机经资料质量参差不齐,内容鱼龙混杂,因此为了提升同学们的备考效率,TD-GRE教研组精心整理了市面上所有的GRE机经题目,进行精矫再编,全部资料无条件领取! 今日放送TD原创资料《GRE阅读逻辑题合集》,划到文末查看领取方式哦!什么是GRE逻辑题
GRE的Verbal部分共有三种题型:Text Completion;Reading Comprehension;Sentence Equivalence。逻辑题类属于阅读题,形式为文章篇幅在50-80字的单题。 逻辑单项题是GRE考试中十分特殊,与一般阅读题相比有以下特点: 首先,文章比较简短。逻辑单项题的文章往往只有50-80个单词左右,但上下文之间却含有较强的逻辑关系。 其次,答案需要根据原文推理出来。与一般的阅读文章不同在于,逻辑单项题的答案一般无法根据原文定位,找同义替换或者对应,而是必须根据原文可能存在的的前提、假设、结论作出推理,这一点对大陆的考生是比较大的难关。 最后,题目所占的比例较小。相对于前面阐述的一般的阅读题型而言,逻辑单项题在每一个section里占的比例非常低,往往只考1-2题。GRE逻辑题的分类
题干标志词为undermine/weaken/damage等。 例如:Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?or
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens theargument?or
Which of the following, if true, is most damaging to the inference drawn by thescholars?
题干标志词为assumption等。 例如:Which of the following is an assumption on which the argumentdepends?or
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argumentrelies?
题干标志词为support/strengthen等。 例如:Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest additional support for the argument?or
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens theargument?
题干标志词为explain/complete等。 例如:Which of following, if true, most helps to explain the low rate glaucoma-related blindness among patients who had the surgery?or
Which of the following most logically completes the argument given?
题干标志词为useful等。 例如:Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in order to evaluate the argument?or
Which of the following would it be most useful to know in evaluating the reasoning of the argument?
题干标志词为conclusion/infer等。 例如:If the information above is correct, which of the following conclusions does it best support?or
Which of the following can be most reliably inferred from the passage above?or
If the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true?
题干标志词为highlight/boldface等。 例如:In the passage, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?or
In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
仅仅知道题目分类和题干标志当然是远远不够的,能够帮助我们取得高分的最佳武器永远是持之以恒的学习!GRE阅读逻辑题需要依托于逻辑进行解题,这类Verbal中最难的题目无疑对我们思维的严谨性提出了最高的要求。 此外,TD也为备考GRE的同学们准备了TD原创系列资料《GRE阅读逻辑题合集》,对市面上所有机经中出现的阅读逻辑题进行精矫再编,汇集成册,无条件发放给大家! 除了逻辑题合集,TD还会后续收集更新更多的GRE机经资料,讲练一体,搞定GRE。领取方式
扫码添加马甲微信,回复关键字「逻辑」,即可领取今日福利TD原创资料《GRE阅读逻辑题合集》,想要获取更多资料可以进「备考干货交流群」直接领取。 (注:已经添加马甲微信的同学就不用重复添加啦~)