2020年9-12月最新口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会每周两次定时给大家分享最新题库
8.5高分示范文本+音频哦~ 绝对的干货!!!
本期内容涉及Part1 三个典型话题:
Text message、Clothes& Picnic。怎么稳住最简单的Part 1?千万不要用挤牙膏的方式回答考官,多说几句~让考官觉得你很走心!要把跟朋友聊天的感觉拿出来哦~

Text message:雅思口语高分参考范文+音频
Text Message音频?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Text-Message.mp3"][/audio]
1.Do you like texting?
Yeah, I like texting, especially comparing to making phone calls or video calls. Cause I don’t have to worry about disturbing others. People can always check the text messages when they’re available.
2.Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?
I prefer receiving messages. Cause I’m not the kind of person who would like to start conversations or chitchats with others online. I’m not a people person. You know, sometimes I just wanna be alone and shut myself form the cellphone or social media.
3.Have you ever received a confusing text message?
Um… Never. Usually I receive text messages from colleges about work stuff, or from friends and families asking how I’ m doing. That’s it.
4.In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message?
When it involves with a business interaction, it needs to be with a phone call if I can’t attend in person. Like I want to make a complaint and call the customer service. Sending message is too slow and waiting for the robots to reply me would drive me nuts. I will prefer to talk with a real person and get the things done with efficiency.
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Clothes.mp3"][/audio]
1.What’s your favorite color of clothes?
It’s gotta be black. Cause black is easier to match with other outfits. And black is basically suitable for every occasion. Whether I’m going to work or hanging out with friends. Black will do.
2.What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
Fashionable clothes or clothes that are appropriate for work would probably be my choice. When I’m off work, I prefer to wear something chic and edgy. Cause I’m really into the fashion world. But during the weekdays, I will choose to wear more professionally. And I’m not talking about suits. It will be too much. Just something nice and formal.
3.What kind of clothes do you never wear?
Maybe sport shirts. I mean, I hardly wear that kind of clothes, except when I go to the gym. But honestly, I’m usually tied up with work and I feel dog tired after it. So now it’s like, I only go to the gym two times a month. Well, I guess I’m just being lazy and making excuses.
4.Do you wear the same style of cloth in weekdays and weekends?
Absolutely not. Cause I can finally dress whatever I want on weekends. How could I miss the chance? During the weekdays at work, I have to pay attention to my dressing style, it has to be appropriate. But weekend is about having a date or hanging out with BFFs. I gotta wear something fancy.
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Picnic.mp3"][/audio]
1.Did you go to picnics when you were a child?
Actually, I don’t have an exact memory about going to picnics when I was little. But I think I probably went to a picnic with my schoolmates. Cause we had this outdoor activity during Spring in the primary school. It’s kind of like a tradition.
2.How often do you go on a picnic now?
Probably once a year. I mean, I love picnic, it’s like a romantic getaway. Having a picnic helps me slow down a little bit. But the truth is I don’t usually have that much time to do it. Cause I’m living a fast-paced urban life, so work and other stuff has become my priority.
3.Where do you go to picnics?
I usually go to a park that near my apartment for a picnic. Like a couple of months ago, I went to Chao Yang Park and had a really wonderful picnic. The park is really something, I was amazed by the incredible view and the fresh air. And it’s only ten-minute walk from my community. Pretty convenient.
4.Can you tell me the difference between picnics and cooking at home?
It’s totally different. Cooking at home means that I can cook whatever dishes I want. But when it comes to picnic, my options are limited. I can only prepare something easy and handy, like sandwiches and fruits.