
2020年9-12月最新口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会按时给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!!!
Part 2 你还再拼凑胡扯吗?还在无厘头的蹦句子吗?高分答案永远都是有
是不是还在头疼Part 3的变态题?教你一招:
雅思口语Part 2 :高分参考范围+示范音频
Describe a good decision you made recently.
You should say:
What it was
When and where you made it
What the result was
And explain how you felt about it
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Part2-Decision.mp3"][/audio]
I decided to keep a pet a month ago. Actually, I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. It has been many years since I had one. I mean, I had a bunny rabbit when I was a kid. But after that, nothing. And this thought just popped into my mind when I saw my friend’s cat. It’s a chubby Garfieldand really cute. So, at that moment at my friend’s apartment, I made that decision. And It’s a bit of coincidence that my college’s dog just had a baby. I thought it’s now or never. So, I brought the puppy home. I gotta say that I was overwhelmed in the first few days. Cause I don’t know whether I can take good care of it or not. Puppies are fragile, it’s like raising a baby, mistakes are not allowed. I need to pay attention to how much food I feed him every day, what stuff he can’t eat, things like that. It was killing me to figure it out. But after a while, I gradually got the trick of it. To be honest, I was torn between having a pet or not having a pet. Cause I live a fast-paced life andI’m usually rushed off my feet during the weekdays. It seems that it’s not a wise choice to keep a pet. But now I feel so fulfilled about this decision. Having a pet means responsibility and love, I’m the whole world to him. It teaches me how to care for others. And he always wags his tail when I come home from work, then I’ll just put all the annoying stuff behind. Pets are loyal friends to human, they accompany us with their whole life, that’s really precious.
pop into my mind 突然出现在我的脑海里
chubby Garfield 胖嘟嘟的加菲猫
a bit of coincidence 机缘巧合
It’s killing me to… 做什么事情简直令我脑阔疼
figure it out 弄明白
get the trick of something 掌握做某事的诀窍
rushed off my feet 忙死了,累死了
雅思口语Part 3:高分参考范围+示范音频
1.What decision do people make every day?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1.mp3"][/audio]
For girls, we are wondering what to wear every single morning, even if we have a whole closet of clothes. And for me, I have to decide what to eat for lunch every day. Cause with the advanced Internet came the convenience of food delivery which is extremely popular in my country. There’re too many options and I struggle with it all the time.
2.Why do people make decisions?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2.mp3"][/audio]
Cause people are facing diverse choices throughout their entire life. Some people struggle with whether to save up for a house or use the money to add experiences, like travel or go to concerts. Some people are deciding whether to take a job with a high salary or pursue a career they love. And there may be small choices every day. Like some people are torn between chicken and beef. Basically, our whole life is about making decisions.
3.Can children make decisions on their own?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/part3-3.mp3"][/audio]
Well, it depends. It’s up to the children to decide which instrument or sport to learn. Parents should respect their children’s own interests. Helicopter parents are the last thing kids need. But parents should decide and control the amount of time their children spend on social media every day. Children may play video games or binge-watching for a whole day and it’s detrimental to health. Like eye strain.
4.When do people change their decisions?
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Part3-4.mp3"][/audio]
I think people change their minds when something fails to live up to their expectations. Like if people don’t lose any weight in a month, they will change their minds about going to the gym. And because of the covid-19, I changed my decision about my lifestyle during the quarantine. I stayed and worked at home for half a year. Suddenly, I have all the time in the world. I thought it’s time for me to do something. I used to order food online six times a week. Then I changed my eating habit by learning how to cook. I live a healthy lifestyle since then.
Be tornbetween A and B 在A与B之间纠结
helicopterparents 直升机父母——喜欢控制自己孩子的父母
binge-watching 追剧,煲电视剧粥
eye strain 眼疲劳
live up toexpectation 不辜负期望,达到期望值
covid-19 新冠病毒
quarantine 隔离
2020年9-12月雅思口语Part1高分话题范文/音频:Text message/Clothes/ Picnic-雅思口语最新题库免费下载