厚朴少年学堂基础语法时态系列的收官之作来啦!本期基础语法要分享的是过去完成时的基本知识和相关考点。 KET阶段暂时不会涉及到这一复杂时态,但在剑桥英语考试官方备考材料中的PET语法精讲精练这本书中,还是对过去完成时进行了详细的讲解和说明。 早学晚学都要学!快来和小厚一起拿下KP阶段最后一个时态考点吧! 过去完成时的主要内容有:
过去完成时的使用规则 过去完成时的使用结构 过去完成时的标志词 过去完成时与一般过去时的区分


过去完成时通常用来表示在过去某一时间/事件/动作之前就已经完成了的事件/动作。 When I got home, my sister had finished her homework.



1. 一般来说,在表达过去时间的句子中出现already, ever, never, just的标志着过去完成时
They had just started the year I left. I had already decided to become an engineer. I'd never seen anything like it.
2. 过去完成时常常用在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句中
I thought I had sent the letter a week ago.
3. By/ By the end of/ Before+过去时间点
I had finished reading the novel by nine o'clock last night. We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term. They had planted six hundred trees before last Wednesday.
4. When+过去时间点/过去的事件或动作
My parents had went to bed when I got home last night.


时间上,一般过去时强调的是过去的某一特定时间,而过去完成时强调的是“过去的过去”。比较一下下面两个句子: When I arrived, Toby had finished his work. 我到了的时候,Toby已经完成了他的工作。(强调Toby在“我到了”之前就完成了工作) When I arrived, Toby stopped his work. 我到了的时候,Toby停下了工作。(强调Toby在“我到了”这一过去时间点停下了工作) So,如果不是需要特意强调“过去的过去”,则不需要使用过去完成时,使用一般过去时足矣。比如:He entered the room, turned on the light and read an evening paper. entered the room虽然发生在过去的动作turn on the light之前,是过去的过去发生的动作,但是句子本身并没有要强调这一点,所以不需要使用过去完成时


在下列每个句子当中,有一个动词需要改为过去完成时。选出这个动词并将其改为正确的过去完成时形式。 1. I wanted to have a shower when I got home, but my sister just had a bath and there wasn't any hot water. 2. The concert started when we got to the theatre, so we missed the first two songs. 3. I couldn't tell my teacher about the film because I never saw it. 4. Colin didn't know the poem but the other students already studied it

答案 ▼

1. just had-had just had 2. started-had started 3. never saw-had never seen 4. already studied-had already studied

Bonus Time!

认真follow小厚的小朋友们应该已经看到上周思维导图一文中小厚为大家总结的KP时态思维导图了吧! 没看到也没有关系,我们再来回顾一下?:如何提高孩子的记忆力?“世界记忆之父”发明的Mind Map思维导图记忆法推荐给你!赶紧学起来吧) 小厚又将过去完成时补充在内,希望可以帮助小朋友们进行总结归纳。时态考点在此告一段落,小朋友们要认真复习哦~ 清晰版点击这里: https://gitmind.com/app/doc/43d409520


获取最新版初级语法在用英文原版电子书 以及 不规则动词表完整版 您只需要 扫描下方二维码 添加小马甲客服微信 发送【语法】即可获取


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