在阅读时理解文章基本要素(时间、地点、人物、起因...)。 在做细节题时通过对问句结构的理解找出问题的关键词,从而迅速定位答案。 在口语考试中对老师的提问给出准确、完整的回答。今天,我们就从:
Yes / No Questions一般疑问句 Information Questions 特殊疑问句 Indirect Questions间接疑问句 Tag Questions反意疑问句 Rhetorical Questions 反问句来挖掘问题背后的问题吧!
Yes / No Questions一般疑问句
Yes / No Questions是指可以用Yes和No作为回答的问题,结构一般为:助动词+主语+动词形式+(宾语)+?
Information Questions 特殊疑问句
Information questions是指需要更长、提供更具体信息的问题。这个指的就是6W1H啦!
1. Who
我们使用Who来询问有关人的问题。Who的提问结构一般分为两种: ①Who + 助动词 + 主语 + 动词? 例: Who do you like? I like Tommy. 在这种结构中,Who充当的成分是宾语,所以答案也为宾语,在答案句子中处于宾语所在的位置。 ②Who (+ 助动词 ) + 动词 + 宾语? 例: Who studies Korean? Rachel studies Korean. 在这种结构中,Who充当的成分是主语,所以问题的结构也和陈述句的结构相同(主语+谓语+宾语),答案也为主语。 在口语考试中,当考官询问:Who do you usually watch film with?(2020 A2 Key新版官方真题Test2 Part1 Phrase2)要尽量回答完整的句子:I usually watch film with my friends. 在非常正式表达中,我们常常使用whom来代替who作为介词的直接宾语:To whom should I address this letter? For whom is this present?不过这一点如果搞不懂的话也不用勉强啦,很多English speaker都不会太在意whom的使用。
2. What
What常用于询问宾语:What + 助动词 + 主语 + 动词? What does he do at weekends? What do you like to eat for dessert?与like一起使用,可以用于询问人、事物的特点:
What is Mary like? What type of car do you like?
3. When
When用于询问时间相关的问题:When do you like going out? When does the bus leave?
4. Where
用于询问地点:Where do you live? Where did you go on vacation?
5. Which
Which book did you buy?6. Why 用于询问原因:
Why do you give present?7. How 用来询问方式方法:
How did you do it?用来询问状况或质量:
How was your exam?和具体形容词连用,用来询问特征、数量:
How tall are you? How much does it cost? How many friends do you have?
Indirect Questions间接疑问句
在英语口语中,用间接疑问句提问可以表示礼貌,并且显得更加正式。因为英语中没有“您”和“你”的区分,所以就要靠间接疑问句来show politeness. ①介绍性短语 + Question Word / If / Whether +陈述句 :Where is Jack? I was wondering if you know where Jack is. How much does it cost? I'd like to know how much it costs. What have you done this week? Can you tell me what you've done this week?常见的介绍性短语有: Do you know...I wonder/was wondering...Can you tell me...I'm not sure...I don't know...I'd like to know... ②在问题前+
Do you know … ? Can you tell me … ? Do you happen to know ...?
Tag Questions反意疑问句
反意疑问句指:主语+助动词+宾语,相反助动词+主语?结构形式的问题:You live in New York, don't you? We're good friends, aren't we? I've met you before, haven't I?当逗号后语句音调上扬时,表示询问更多信息,下抑的时候,表示已知答案,希望获得对方的确认。
Rhetorical Questions 反问句
与之前的Questions不同,Rhetorical Questions的目的并非获得答案,而是有其他作用,如表明态度和提出观点。 作用1:表明态度 Do you know what time it is? = It's late.What does it matter? = It doesn't matter. 作用2:抱怨糟糕的情况 What can she do about that ? = She can't do anything about that. Where am I going to find help this late in the day? =I can't find help this late in the day.Do you think I'm rich? = I'm not rich. 作用3:否定形式的反问句通常用来表示积极的态度 Haven't you had enough awards this year? = You've won a lot of awards. Congratulations! Won't he be excited to see you? = He will be very excited to see you. 今天的Questions就介绍到这里啦!小朋友们要学会礼貌发问,完整回答,灵活应用!厚朴福利
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