Probability可能性 Ability能力 Permission准许 Requests, offers and invitations请求,提议,邀请 Suggestions and obligations建议和义务

我们使用may/might/could表达可能,但不确定:They may come by car. (= Maybe they will come by car.) They might be at home. (= Maybe they are at home.) If we don't hurry, we could be late. (= Maybe we will be late.)我们使用can来概括表达可能的事:
It can be very cold here in winter. (= It is sometimes very cold here in winter.) You can easily get lost in this town. (= People often get lost in this town.)那么,同样是表达可能,can和may/might/could有什么区别呢? 感受一下这两个例句就会知道啦:
That dog can be dangerous.(= 这只狗有时候会很凶,讲话者很确定这一点。) That dog may/might/could be dangerous.(= 这只狗可能会很凶,讲话者不确定这一点。)

A: Where's John? B: I'm not sure. He may/might/could be (NOT can) in his office.
我们使用can't/cannot表达绝不可能:That can't be true. You cannot be serious.
我们使用must表示非常确信的事,并且,一般会有理由支撑:It's getting dark. It must be quite late. You haven't eaten all day. You must be hungry.我们使用should来表示某些事是真的,并且有理由这么认为:
Ask Miranda. She should know. It's nearly six o'clock. They should arrive soon.must更为强硬+确定。

我们使用can/can't表达有无某项技能、能力:She can speak several languages. They can't dance very well.或在现在或将来能否做到某事:
I can see you. Help! I can't breathe.如果要表达过去能够做到某事,则使用could:
She could speak several languages. I couldn't see you.
Asking for permission
我们使用can/could/may来请求允许:Can I ask a question, please? Could I ask a question, please? May I ask a question, please?could/may更加正式、有礼貌。
Giving permission
我们使用can/may来给予准许:You can go home now. You may go home now.同样,may更加正式、有礼貌。 我们还使用can表达某人得到了允许去做某事: Students can go outside after lunch.
Refusing permission
我们使用can't和may not来拒绝请求:You can't go home now. Students may not go outside after lunch.

4:Requests,offers and invitations请求,提议,邀请
我们使用could you .../would you ...来礼貌地告知、请求别人做某事:Could you take a message, please? Would you carry this for me, please?同样可使用can/will请求别人做某事,但礼貌程度略有降低:
Can you take a message, please? Will you take a message, please?
offers and invitations
我们使用can I... /shall I...来进行提议:Can I help you? Shall I help you with that?有时也用I can/I could/I will来提议:
I can do that for you if you like. I could give you a lift to the station. I'll do that for you if you like. I'll give you a lift to the station.我们使用Would you like (to)...表示邀请:
Would you like to come round tomorrow? Would you like another drink?
5:Suggestions and obligations建议和义务
我们使用should/could/shouldn't来给建议You should send an email. We could meet at the weekend. You shouldn't go by train.注意!could一般用在给出积极建议的时候。
我们使用must/mustn't/have to表达义务、必须做/不做某事:(have to严格来讲不算情态动词哦,但用法接近情态动词,所以可以一起学习)You must stop at a red light. I'm sorry, but you mustn't make a noise in here. You have to go to the meeting.注意!当在给出命令或强烈建议时通常使用must;在说到规则规定的时候通常使用have to。 如果涉及过去的话,则使用had to/couldn't表示义务:
Everyone had to bring some food to the meeting. You couldn't make a noise in the library.

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