代词的使用规则 代词的种类 代词和限定词的区分
不要一开始就使用代词。代词通常指代的是我们正在谈论的人或事,我们需要在一开始使用我们讨论的人或事的名词本身,让我们清楚地知道我们正在谈论什么,再在之后提到这个人或事时,使用代词来进行替代。RULE 2.
代词要和其所指代的名词保持一致。比如:Those cars are nice. They look expensive. John works hard. He will do well. That woman is my teacher. Do you know her? My friend and I are going shopping. Like to join us?
人称代词前不能使用形容词。She looks beautiful. It was dangerous. They are clever.
代词不能和(’)一起使用。The red bag is hers and the blue bag is ours. The red bag is her's and the blue bag is our's.
不要把自己放在第一位。My mother and I are going swimming. (NOT I and my mother are going swimming) Ram, Tara and I went home. (NOT I, Ram and Tara went home) This is for you and me. (NOT This is for me and you)
1. 人称代词
我们使用人称代词来替代我们谈论的人。I like coffee. / John helped me. Do you like coffee? / John loves you. He runs fast. / Did Ram beat him?
2. 指示代词
指示代词用来指物。指示代词和指示限定词的使用规则一样(两者的区别见后文哦):This tastes good. Have you seen this? These are bad times. Do you like these?
3. 物主代词
我们使用物主代词来表示一个人/物属于另外一个人/物。 Look at these pictures. Mine is the big one. (Mine=subject = My picture) I like your flowers. Do you like mine? (Mine=object = my flowers)4. 反身代词
当我们想用代词指回到句子的主语时,我们会使用反身代词。I saw myself in the mirror. Why do you blame yourself? John sent himself a copy. Mary sent herself a copy. My dog hurt itself. We blame ourselves. Can you help yourselves? They cannot look after themselves.除以上四种代词之外,还有疑问代词、相互代词、不定代词、关系代词,目前KP阶段难度不涉及其他四种代词,在这里就不再详述啦!
限定词出现在名词/名词短语之前,限定了名词/名词短语的内容,并且限定词不能脱离名词单独存在。 代词替代名词本身,可以单独存在。Those classic songs were great. (限定词) My car is the big one.(限定词) Those were great classic songs.(代词) Mine is the big one.(代词)
在下列句子空白处填出正确的代词形式: 1. My brother invited six of friends from school to stay the night. 2. Sarah told father a lie. 3. Our bags are almost the same. Where did you buy ? 4. That woman is a neighbour of . She lives next to my house. 5. Children, behave please.Answers ▼
1. his 2. her 3. yours/ it 4. mine 5. yourselves厚朴福利
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